26 Ergebnisse
Internazionalizzazione e comunicazione del "Sistema Italia": principi, linee guida, esperienze
In: Campus 65
In: Handbook
La Russia tra miti e potere: attori e processi politici in una prospettiva storico-comparata
In: Il presente come storia / Istituto campano per la storia della Resistenza, dell'antifascismo e dell'età contemporanea Vera Lombardi 6
Pre-Modern State-Building in Post-Soviet Russia
In: The journal of communist studies & transition politics, Band 24, Heft 4, S. 531-572
ISSN: 1743-9116
Pre-Modern State-Building in Post-Soviet Russia
In: The Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, Band 24, Heft 4, S. 531-572
'Transitology', or the study of transitions from communist rule to what was expected to be applications of Western-style democracy, suffered from fatal misapprehensions that ensured its failure to explain, predict or effectively guide the developments that took place during the 1990s. In particular, it lacked a historical dimension, and it misunderstood the proper function of the state in establishing a political regime. Stateness, or state strength, is an essential variable, and the acquisition of that quality is vital. It involves two fundamental aspects: asserting the state's political autonomy from the social context, i.e. its ability to formulate interests of its own, and establishing its governmental capacity, or the state's ability to achieve its goal. Historical analogies with 'feudal' and 'absolutist' political regimes are helpful in explaining the task that confronted Putin on assuming office as the designated heir of the chaotic legacy of Boris Yeltsin. The assertion of state power under Putin's leadership should not be seen as an authoritarian reversal that followed a democratic wave, but is comparable with the pre-modern process of state-building that took centuries following the decline of feudalism in Western Europe. Whether the Russian state will strengthen and become an institutionalized democracy following the European sequence remains unclear; but even democratic leaders need a government able 'to control the governed'. Adapted from the source document.
Pre-modern state-building in post-Soviet Russia
In: The journal of communist studies and transition politics, Band 24, Heft 4, S. 531-572
ISSN: 1352-3279
World Affairs Online
The short parliament 1989–91: Political elites, societal cleavages and the weakness of party politics
In: The journal of communist studies, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 109-130
The Short Parliament 1989-1991: Political Elites, Societal Cleavages, and the Weakness of Party Politics
In: The journal of communist studies, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 109
ISSN: 0268-4535
In: Italian Political Science Review: IPSR = Rivista italiana di scienza politica : RISP, Band 22, Heft 1, S. 85-135
ISSN: 2057-4908
IntroduzioneLa caduta dei regimi comunisti in Europa nel 1989-1990 è stata in alcuni casi innescata, in altri sancita dallo svolgimento di libere elezioni. è stato l'imporsi del tema e della pratica della rappresentanza politica, unitamente all'estrema rapidità del processo, che ha spinto alcuni a parlare della transizione democratica in quest'area geopolitica come di una «rivoluzione». Per quei paesi almeno che fanno parte del bacino centro-orientale – esclusa dunque l'area balcanica – è oggi all'ordine del giorno l'obiettivo di completare l'instaurazione di istituzioni democratiche (quanto alla prospettiva di un loro rapido ed efficace consolidamento, non andrebbero invece trascurate le notevoli difficoltà che già stanno emergendo).
La resistibile ascesa della rappresentanza politica in URSS (The "Resistible" Ascent of Political Representation in the USSR)
In: Italian Political Science Review: Rivista italiana di scienza politica, Band 22, Heft 1, S. 85
ISSN: 0048-8402
The Soviet representative system at the crossroads: Towards political representation?
In: The journal of communist studies, Band 7, Heft 2, S. 170-201
The Soviet Representative System at the Crossroads: Towards Political Representation?
In: The journal of communist studies, Band 7, Heft 2, S. 170
ISSN: 0268-4535
Comparative communism's fall: the first phase: the "intelligentsia revolution" of 1989-1990
In: Forum, Band 3, S. 1-8
ISSN: 0896-114X