Paysages sensoriels: essai d'anthropologie de la construction et de la perception de l'environnement sonore
In: Collection Orientations et méthodes 26
11 Ergebnisse
In: Collection Orientations et méthodes 26
In: Sociologie d'aujourd'hui
In: Current anthropology, Band 64, Heft 6, S. 711-729
ISSN: 1537-5382
In: Socio: la nouvelle revue des sciences sociales, Heft 17, S. 33-36
ISSN: 2425-2158
In: Socio: la nouvelle revue des sciences sociales, Heft 17, S. 37-46
ISSN: 2425-2158
Summary. We can cite at least five misconceived ideas among the representations of common sense of human memory. These are: that there would be a single memory, defined as a strictly individual cognitive power, whose function would be a reminder and which, for that reason, would be fought to represent the past, the traces of which would have been recorded deliberately and explicitly. To meet these ideas and on the basis of the articles of, I believe in this article: (a) that humans have a mosaic of memories; (b) that they are always social; (c) what its function is at the same time to remember or recognise and forget the past; (D) that such memories are first and foremost the service of the future; and, finally, (e) that they are largely the fruit of unconscious purchases. The main argument, which serves as a guiding thread for the discussion of the three articles cited, is that human memory is subject to a principle of loss: it carries out a sort, selects, remember, changes the events of the past under the combined effect of cognitive and psychological actions and social subpoenas. Keywords: Memory; Remembrance policies; Loss; Forget. Memory and the principle of loss Abstract. Five ambiguous ideas may be provided among the common sense notions of human memory: a single memory, defines as a strictly particular cognitive faculty faculty function would be remembrance and, for this very reason, intended to restore the present whey traces would have been registered deliberately and explicitly. With these ideas in mind and based on the article by, current article proposals a) that human beings are endowed with a variable type of memory; (b) that these memories are social; (c) that their function is simultaneously the remembrance and Acknowledgement of the past and its forgetfulness; (D) that ; Resumo. Podemos citar pelo menos cinco ideias equivocadas entre as representações de senso comun da memória humana. São elas: a de que haveria uma única memória, definida como uma faculdade cognitiva estritamente individual, ...
In: Communications, Band 86, Heft 1, S. 25-36
Résumé Traditionnellement, l'influence des thèses condillaciennes a conduit à modéliser la communication entre un sujet et le monde qui l'entoure à l'intérieur de strictes frontières sensorielles?: il y aurait la communication olfactive, la communication tactile, la communication visuelle, etc. Cependant, des données anatomophysiologiques et ethnographiques récentes plaident en faveur d'une autre hypothèse, celle d'un traitement intersensoriel des stimuli. Dans la première partie de l'article, j'étaye cette hypothèse en rappelant les mécanismes physiologiques sous-jacents à l'expérience intersensorielle. Dans la seconde partie, j'illustre l'hypothèse avec des données expérimentales et ethnographiques. En conclusion, j'en souligne les implications anthropologiques dans le domaine de la cognition sociale.
In: Communications, Band 86, Heft 1, S. 25-36
In: Socio-Anthropologie: sciences sociales, Heft 12
ISSN: 1773-018X
In: Revue française de sociologie, Band 40, Heft 3, S. 618