The Sun Sets on Chinchontepec is a collection of poetry and prose written in the style of a "fictional memoir." This project explores a mosaic of Salvadoran memory by spanning different narrators, intimacies, motivations, and histories to imagine makeshift recollections of Salvadoran experiences and timelines. The collection moves through images of chaos, the mundane, and the supernatural alike, re-told or imagined, to develop a metaphysical relationship with the landscape that the author observes. A bilingual text, this collection also navigates the power and instability of language, separation, and communion. This project struggles to interpret and memorialize all that has been shared and lost through oral tradition or censorship of the State at different moments in Salvadoran history and the author's family history. Finally, it is a deeply reflective collection that questions the purpose of poetry of witness and the relationship between the act of honoring,appropriation, political memory, and material reality.
El presente artículo tiene como fnalidad analizar los derechos humanos de niños y niñas a partir del corpus juris de los derechos humanos; en especial, en los componentes que, en el ámbito internacional, desarrollan la protección de los menores de edad frente a la violencia intrafamiliar.
Este artículo abarca el Derecho Comunitario Andino y sus principios, elTribunal de Justicia de la Comunidad Andina y sus funcionesjurisdiccionales. Constituye un avance del proyecto de investigación"El Derecho Comunitario Andino: Desarrollos jurisprudenciales delTribunal de Justicia de la Comunidad Andina", el cual se centra en tornoa la pregunta acerca de cuáles son los criterios jurisprudenciales en elperíodo 2008-2012 de dicho órgano, respecto a la interpretaciónprejudicial y a la acción de incumplimiento, dos de las competenciasatribuidas por los Estados Miembros en los tratados constitutivos de laOrganización. Este trabajo contribuye a la generación de nuevo conocimiento en relación con el ordenamiento jurídico andino, en arasde la correcta aplicación de las normas comunitarias y la existencia deseguridad jurídica en la subregión andina.
The concentration of the population in coastal regions, in addition to the direct human use, is leading to an accelerated process of change and deterioration of the marine ecosystems. Human activities such as fishing together with environmental drivers (e.g. climate change) are triggering major threats to marine biodiversity, and impact directly the services they provide. In the South and Southwest coasts of Portugal, the deep-water crustacean trawl fishery is not exemption. This fishery is recognized to have large effects on a number of species while generating high rates of unwanted catches. However, taking into account an ecosystem-based perspective, the fishing impacts along the food web accounting for biological interactions between and among species caught remains poorly understood. These impacts are particularly troubling and are a cause of concern given the cascading effects that might arise. Facing the main policies and legislative instruments for the restoration and conservation of the marine environment, times are calling for implementing ecosystem-based approaches to fisheries management. To this end, we use a food web modelling (Ecopath with Ecosim) approach to assess the fishing impacts of this particular fishery on the marine ecosystem of southern and southwestern Portugal. In particular, we describe the food web structure and functioning, identify the main keystone species and/or groups, quantify the major trophic and energy flows, and ultimately assess the impact of fishing on the target species but also on the ecosystem by means of ecological and ecosystem-based indicators. Finally, we examine limitations and weaknesses of the model for potential improvements and future research directions. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
In: Catchpole , T , Uhlmann , S , Breen , M , Adão , C , Arregi , L , Benoît , H , Campos , A , Castro , M , Ferter , K , Karlsen , J D , Koeck , B , Kopp , D , Kraak , S B M , Madsen , N , Marçalo , A , McHugh , M , Méhault , S , Molenaar , P , Morfin , M , Oliver , M , Onandia , I , Ruiz-Jarabo , I , Savina , E , Serra-Pereira , B , Tenningen , M , Alves , M T , Valentinsson , D , Van Bogaert , N , Visser , N & Yochum , N 2020 , Working Group on Methods for Estimating Discard Survival (WGMEDS; outputs from 2019 meeting) . ICES Scientific Report , no. 8 , vol. 2 , International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) , Copenhagen, Denmark .
The potential for exemption from the European Union (EU) Common Fisheries Policy's (CFP) landing obligation (discard ban), where high discard survival can be demonstrated, has identified the need for scientific guidelines to conduct discard survival assessments. Robust estimates of discard survival can be used to justify exemptions from the landing obligation and inform on levels of post-release fishing mortality, which can then be accounted for in stock assessments. The Working Group on Methods for Estimating Discard Survival (WGMEDS) set out to review and update ICES guidance on Methods to Estimate Discard Survival and complete meta-analyses of discard survival evidence to investigate variables influencing survival, with a view to influencing survival through modified fishing practices. We also explored the demand for ongoing monitoring requirements to inform on discard survival and took a proactive approach to sharing discard survival estimates with those working in stock assessment so that new evidence could be applied more widely. In the past three years, the considerable investment in research in to discard survival, specifically from EU countries, has continued. The main outputs from WGMEDS include enhancements to the ICES guidance on how to quantify discard survival. This has supported the work of group members to estimate discard survival in a variety species-fishery combinations, including Nephrops, mackerel, plaice, common sole, eels, rays, much of which has been put forward as evidence to support exemptions from the EU discard ban. A critical review framework developed by WGMEDS has been used by the EU Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) to assess the quality of discard survival evidence for proposed exemptions. There has been a high impact of work produced by the members of the group – specifically in multiple new EU regulated exemptions from the landing obligation. This has permitted fishers to continue discarding defined species and so assisting the implementation of the EU discard ban. Future work is expected to focus on applying discard survival estimates in stock assessments. This would include developing guidance to assist assessment expert groups to determine whether available survival studies can be applied. It would require reviewing and assessing the quality and confidence in available discard survival estimates and exploring the potential to combine the results of survival studies so the effect of different variables could be accounted for in estimating an overall best survival estimate. Ultimately, we would aim to include estimates of discard survival in catch scenarios in the ICES advice sheets.