What to study: generating and developing research questions
In: Studying organizations 6
3 Ergebnisse
In: Studying organizations 6
Beginning in the early 1980s and continuing through the middle 1990s, the U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI) sponsored a comprehensive research and development program to evaluate and enhance the Army's personnel selection and classification procedures
In: The Jossey-Bass management series
In: The Jossey-Bass social and behavioral science series
Introduction: What industrial-organizational psychology has to say about productivity / John P. Campbell, Richard J. Campbell -- Part 1: productivity concepts and issues -- Productivity defined: the relativity of efficiency, effectiveness, and change / Thomas A. Mahoney -- Productivity assessment: Japanese perceptions and practices / Koji Taira -- Productivity research: reviewing psychological and economic perspectives / Richard A. Guzzo -- Industrial-organizational psychology and productivity: the goodness of fit / John P. Campbell, Richard J. Campbell -- Part 2: Individual differences, motivation, learning and productivity -- Recruiting, selecting, and matching people with jobs / Michael J. Burke, Kenneth Pearlman -- Individual motivation and performance: cognitive influences on effort and choice / Daniel R. Ilgen, Howard J. Klein -- Training design for performance improvement / John P. Campbell -- Part 3: Multifaceted interventions for influencing productivity -- Job enrichment and performance improvement / Lisa R. Berlinger, William H. Glick, Robert C. Rodgers -- The quality circle and its variations / Gerald E. Ledford, Jr., Edward E. Lawler III, Susan A. Mohrman -- Groups and productivity: analyzing the effectiveness of self motivation, learning, and productivity -- Recruiting, selecting, and matching people with jobs / Michael J. Burke, Kenneth Pearlman -- Individual motivation and performance: cognitive influences on effort and choice / Daniel R. Ilgen, Howard J. Klein -- Training design for performance improvement / John P. Campbell -- Part 3: Multifaceted interventions for influencing productivity -- Job enrichment and performance improvement / Lisa R. Berlinger, William H. Glick, Robert C. Rodgers -- The quality circle and its variations / Gerald E. Ledford, Jr., Edward E. Lawler III, Susan A. Mohrman -- Groups and productivity: analyzing the effectiveness of self-managing teams / Paul S. Goodman, Rukmini Devadas, Terri L. Griffith Hughson -- New developments in profit sharing, gainsharing, and employee ownership -- Flexible job models: a productivity strategy for the information age / Patricia A. McLagan -- Employee Involvement: a sustained labor/management initiative at the Ford Motor Company / Paul A. Banas -- Productivity: conclusions and forecasts from industrial-organizational psychology / John P. Campbell, Richard J. Campbell