CONSERVATION STATEGIES FOR FLORA Chetna Jyoti Ph.D scholar IARI out reach campus ICAR IIHR. World flora online colloquium consist of various institute at global level to prepare a World flora online and Global tree assessment for conservation database for trees at world level.It isuniform for aptitude building programme, educating and making public awareness among different levels from local level to international level about conservation. It is based on simplecitizen sciences programme and social media platform. Its target is to provide clear, stable, long term goals for conservation of native flora at world level. Various maneuvering include generation and disposalof knowledge, in situ and ex situ conservation, restoration of debase ecosystems. Forestall and control of threats, protract use, local culture programs including participation of governmental, nongovernmentalorganizations, research associates for providing information illustrating diversity of botanical gardens and plant conservation activities. In situ conservation includes natural ecosystem and habitats and traditional conservation approach in case of wild species while ex situ approach includes field gene bank, seed bank, in vitro gene bank, cryo gene bank, pollen bank and DNA bank. Also scientific newscast and old documents of native floraact asavailableliterature for documentation.It is important for subsistence management of plant genetic resources and provide a practical measures for the reinstatement and rational use of various ecosystem. India a network of 668 protected areas has been established consisting of 102 national parks, 515 wild life sanctuaries, 47 conservation reserves and 4 community reserves by forming Global Biodiversity Frame Work, Global Strategy for Plant Conservation etc., for knowledge, conservation, restoration and sustainable use. Thus plant conservation is a broad group of activities which aims to prevent plants from becoming extinct. Key words:- Conservation, flora, gene banks, sustainable use, In situ , ex situ.