Experimental studies on a two-step fast pyrolysis-catalytic hydrotreatment process for hydrocarbons from microalgae (Nannochloropsis gaditana and Scenedesmus almeriensis)
Two microalgae species (marine Nannochloropsis gaditana, and freshwater Scenedesmus almeriensis) were subjected to pyrolysis followed by a catalytic hydrotreatment of the liquid products with the objective to obtain liquid products enriched in hydrocarbons. Pre-dried microalgae were pyrolyzed in a mechanically stirred fluidized bed reactor (380 and 480 degrees C) with fractional condensation. The heavy phase pyrolysis oils were hydrotreated (350 degrees C and 15 MPa of H-2 pressure for 4 h) using a NiMo on alumina catalyst. The pyrolysis liquids after pyrolysis and those after catalytic hydrotreatment were analyzed in detail using GC-MS, GC x GC-MS, and 2D HSQC NMR. The liquid products are enriched in aromatics and aliphatic hydrocarbons and, as such have a considerably lower oxygen content (1.6-4.2% w/w) compared to the microalgae feeds (25-30% w/w). The overall carbon yield for the liquid products was between 15.6 and 19.1% w/w based on the initial carbon content of the algae feedstock. ; The authors would like to acknowledge Leon Rohrbach from the University of Groningen for help with the GC-TCD and GC x GC-FID analyses; H.H. van de Bovenkamp, Fenna Heins, and Monique Bernardes Figueiredo from the University of Groningen, for technical and practical assistance. The Multidisciplinary Research Platform "Ghent Bio-economy" is acknowledged for providing access to the lignin feedstock. The LOTUS Programme of the European Union is acknowledged for providing a doctoral scholarship to Neil Priharto. ; Heeres, HJ (correspond, ng author), Univ Groningen, Dept Chem Engn, ENTEG, Nijenborgh 4, NL-9747 AG Groningen, Netherlands. h.j.heeres@rug.nl