The Indonesian waters is for world seaborne trade, military and naval movement, and other maritime interests. So it has a strategic value for maintaining economic security, peace, and stability in the region. Indonesia has the responsibility to address the challenges presented by activities conducted in its waters, such as marine pollution, depletion of marine resources and criminal activities at sea. These challenges also arise out of the fact that there are only a few provisions in the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention which regulate the obligations of ships or user states to share the burden faced by states which possess sea lanes of communication. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of maritime security challenges within Indonesia in light of its obligations to ensure safety of navigation and security. A number of recommendations are brought up to show efforts have been made by Indonesia in maintaining the safety and security in its waters in the light of defense and naval diplomacy. Keywords: maritime safety and security, Indonesian waters, cooperation, diplomacy
Abstrak - Aktivitas militer asing kerap kali dilakukan di zona ekonomi eksklusif (ZEE) negara lain oleh beberapa negara maritim besar menggunakan kapal perang maupun pesawat terbang yang melintas di ZEE dan terbang di atas nya. Persoalan mengenai aktivitas militer asing di ZEE negara pantai masih belum menemukan win-win solution bagi semua pihak karena selalu saja ada pihak-pihak yang tidak setuju pada saat perundingan berlangsung, sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, maka penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat dampak yang ditimbulkan dari aktivitas militer asing di ZEE Indonesia, serta bagaimana hukum internasional mengatur mengenai aktivitas militer asing di ZEE ini. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik purposive yaitu pengambilan data studi pustaka dan melalui wawancara narasumber yang dianggap pakar dan menguasai tentang materi aktivitas militer asing di ZEE. Teori dan konsep yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teori sea power, good order at sea, dan konsep keamanan maritim. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan maka ditemukan bahwa dampak dari aktivitas militer asing di ZEE Indonesia terhadap keamanan maritim Indonesia tidak dirasakan secara langsung oleh Indonesia karena aktivitas militer asing di ZEE Indonesia tidak pernah secara langsung bertentangan dengan kepentingan Indonesia di ZEE Indonesia, namun secara berkepanjangan dapat memicu konflik antara Indonesia dan negara asing yang melakukan aktivitas militer di ZEE Indonesia. Hukum internasional belum mengatur secara jelas mengenai aktivitas militer asing di ZEE. Meski sudah pernah dilakukan penyusunan pedoman mengenai aktivitas militer asing di ZEE, belum ada kata sepakat dari negara-negara peserta karena masih ada pihak yang menyatakan bahwa di laut berlaku freedom of the sea sehingga belum ada kejelasan apakah aktivitas militer asing di ZEE tersebut diperbolehkan atau tidak karena dapat mengganggu kepentingan negara pantai. Saran peneliti agar pemerintah Indonesia dapat lebih fokus kepada permasalahan di ZEE ini dengan cara membuat pengaturan mengenai ZEE melalui hukum nasional yaitu undang-undang agar Indonesia dapat menindak pihak yang melanggar peraturan tersebut.Kata Kunci: Dampak, Aktivitas Militer asing, Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif, Keamanan Maritim. Abstract - Foreign military activity is often carried out in other countries' exclusive economic zones by some large maritime nations using warships and aircraft passing through EEZ and over flight. The issue of foreign military activity in EEZ of coastal countries still has not found a win-win solution for all parties because there are always parties who disagree during the negotiations, therefore this study is conducted to look at the impacts of foreign military activity on Indonesian EEZ as well as how international law regulates foreign military activities in the EEZ. Researcher use qualitative method with purposive technique that is taking the data of literature study and through interviews of informant who considered expert and mastered about material of foreign military activity in EEZ. Theories and concepts used in this study are the theory of sea power, good order at sea, and the concept of maritime security. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the impact of foreign military activities in EEZ of Indonesia on Indonesian maritime security is not impact directly by Indonesia because foreign military activity in Indonesian EEZ never directly contradicts Indonesia's interest in EEZ of Indonesia, but can trigger a conflict between Indonesia and a foreign country doing military activities in EEZ of Indonesia. International law has not yet set clear on foreign military activities in EEZ. Although there has been a drafting of guidelines on foreign military activities in EEZ, there has been no agreement from participating countries because there are still parties who claim that in the sea apply freedom of the sea so there is no clarity whether foreign military activities in the EEZ is allowed or not because it can disrupt the interests of the coastal state. Ressearcher suggest that Indonesian Government can place focus on this EEZ Problem by making arrangements regarding the EEZ through national law, so that Indonesia can take action against those who violate these regulations.Keywords : Impact, foreign military activity, Economic Exclusive Zone, Maritime Security.