Advances in the Ecology of Stream-Dwelling Salmonids
In: Fish & Fisheries Series 44
Embryo Temperature Has Knock-On Effects on Later Traits in Salmonid Fishes -- Field Observations of Deformed Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar) Embryos Incubated in the Hyporheic Zones of Seven Cold Region Rivers -- Environmental Determinants of Spawning Location, and Density and Size of Age-0 Brown Trout Salmo Trutta in a Small Boreal Stream -- Density-Dependent Growth in Salmonids: a Metaanalysis -- The Ghost of Density-Dependence: Environmental (hydrological) Factors Drive the Numerical Changes of Young Migratory Trout Salmo trutta in a Lake District Stream (UK), 1966-1996 -- Long-term Recruitment Patterns of 0+ Brown Trout in the River Maine, Northern Ireland -- Spatial Patterns of Synchrony in Recruitment of Trout among Streams -- The Use of Net Energy Intake Models to Predict Microhabitat Selection by Drift-Feeding Fishes: Are Common Assumptions Warranted? -- Understanding Stream-Resident Salmonid Movements in Groundwater-Fed Streams of the Driftless Area (USA) -- Trophic Flexibility of Stream-Dwelling Salmonids: Disentangling Common Ontogenetic and Seasonal Patterns -- Stream Salmonids on the Cormorant Menu -- Partial Migration in Salmonids: Focusing on Asian Endemic Masu Salmon (Oncorhynchus Masou) and White-Spotted Charr (Salvelinus Leucomaenis) -- The Role of the Soundscape in the Behavioral Ecology of Stream-Dwelling Salmonids -- The Freshwater Pearl Mussel; A Costly Stowaway or an Important Habitat Engineer? -- Habitat Selection and Segregation among Stream Salmonids: The Case of Juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus Kisutch) and Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss Irideus) -- Trout under Drought: A Long-term Study of Annual Growth and Condition of Stream-living Coastal Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii) -- Winter Ecology of Salmonids in Boreal Streams under Climate Change -- Components of Brown Trout Age-Class Density Dynamics -- Salmonids in New Zealand – Old Ways in New Lands -- Application of a Fine-Scale Modeling Approach to Assess Broad-Scale Changes in Stream Salmonid Habitat in a Changing Climate -- Determinants of Productive Capacity for Stream Salmonids -- Determinants and Dynamics of Production Rates of Stream-Dwelling Salmonids: The Importance of Intrinsic Factors -- Influence of Streamflow on Productivity of Stream Type Chinook Salmon Populations in the Salmon River Drainage, Idaho -- The Increasing Threat Posed by Nonnative and Hatchery-Reared Salmonids to Japanese Wild Native Salmonids -- Demographic and Genetic Attributes Of Small, Isolated Populations Of Gila Trout – Prospects For Persistence Under A Shifting Climate Regime -- Ecological Ttraits and Fishery of the Upper Limay River, a Key System for Salmonids in the Andean North Patagonia -- Dynamics of a Warmwater-Coldwater Fish Assemblage in a Wildfire Prone Landscape -- The Future of Salmonids in a Rapidly Changing World -- A Short Reflection on Protecting the Remaining Biodiversity of Salmonid Fishes.