SO-grams: a personal visualisation toolkit for intranet users
We are interested in the problem of how to share human expertise in large distributed organisations whose work is carried out remotely by means of intranets. or comparable media platforms. In such environments, expertise cannot be transferred in the face to face exchanges or direct observations that physical proximity affords. Knowledge management in the virtual workplace must thus include an added dimension: the knowledge of each other's skills, experience and expertise, which is taken for granted (or tacitly acknowledged) in interactions in physical space. In the text which follows, we present a generic interface for social browsing (the 'SO-gram') which may improve 'visibility' (or employee's awareness of each other) in the virtual workplace. We describe the origins of the browser in fieldwork in a real-world community, and discuss its viability as a tool for social navigation in the context of three different organisations: local government, an independent medium size enterprise in the food and beverage sector, and a global computer manufacturer.