A dearth of coordination and collaboration among early childhood services can have negative consequences for children and families. Alignment of developmental programs for young children is shown to mitigate adverse outcomes and improve access to early childhood care and education. Several policies have been introduced that help to ensure children receive adequate resources in an effort to improve their physical and mental health, development, school performance, and family environment. On May 7, 2013, Colorado Governor Hickenlooper signed House Bill 1117 (2013), which requires the alignment of several early childhood programs under the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS). This article describes problems associated with fragmentation of early childhood programs, Colorado's mission to address these problems through more effective and streamlined systems of care, and how such an approach has promise for implementation in additional states. Implications for social work professionals are also discussed.
The data from a longitudinal study of seven indigenous justice service organizations in four colonized countries were analyzed to identify the characteristics that made them "indigenous." Although nine common organizational characteristics emerged, of these, four are essential and specific to indigenous organizations (dependency on indigenous stakeholders, incorporation of indigenous values and practices, indigenous organizational governance, and support for indigenous self-determination) and are framed by a fifth (colonial socio-environmental) that is also constitutive but not specific to indigenous organizations. Through their services, values and operations, indigenous organizations are deeply embedded in the reconstruction of the reality of indigenous/non-indigenous relations.
Exposure to stress and early life trauma have been linked to child maltreatment and parental substance misuse. These issues often co-occur, yet few child welfare services target their shared underlying causes in a single intervention. Teaching mindfulness-informed strategies to substance-misusing families in the child welfare system may be one promising trauma-informed approach. As part of a larger pilot study testing the initial efficacy of a mindfulness-informed intervention for parents in public child welfare, this study explored the feasibility, acceptability, and clinical trends of the intervention using weekly reports of stress, coping, and mindfulness. Findings show support for the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention as well as positive responses to the intervention on measures of stress and mindfulness. However, the impact of the intervention varied with regard to improving weekly coping among participants. Implications for the integration of mindfulness into child welfare practice as a trauma-informed approach are discussed.
Purpose: The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act requires child welfare agencies to have provisions in place to refer young children to early intervention services, yet the socioemotional health needs of children are often challenging to recognize and treat effectively. This study reviews the substantive and psychometric properties of screening instruments designed for children ages 10 and younger. Methods: Major social science databases, websites of national organizations, and the Mental Measurements Yearbook were used to identify instruments for review. Results: Twenty-four instruments met review criteria, and eight show above-average measurement properties and testing, tap children's strengths and concerns, and have evidence of validity with families similar to child welfare–involved families. Discussion: It is important to effectively screen for children showing concerns in early childhood, so that treatment and prevention can be prioritized. This study indicated several tools with adequate testing and with emerging evidence and applicability to child welfare.
In: Child abuse & neglect: the international journal ; official journal of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Band 63, S. 211-221
Context Pindone is used to control rabbits in Australia and New Zealand, but the secondary non-target risks presented by pindone-poisoned rabbits are poorly known.
Aims We aimed to generate new data on residual concentrations of pindone in poisoned rabbits for use in a review of the secondary poisoning risks posed to non-target animals in New Zealand.
Methods Laboratory rabbits were offered pellet bait containing 0.25 g kg–1 pindone in three trials to simulate a range of bait uptake scenarios: single exposure and low or high chronic exposure. Residual pindone concentrations measured in body tissues of laboratory rabbits that had ingested known exposures of pindone were compared with those in wild rabbit carcasses collected after three pindone-baiting operations. Residues in the faeces of some laboratory rabbits were also measured.
Key results Highest concentrations of pindone residues were in the liver and fat tissue of poisoned rabbits, with consistently lower concentrations in muscle tissue. A dose–response relationship between pindone exposure and liver residue concentrations was found only at the highest chronic exposures. Rabbit carcasses collected after field-baiting operations had generally higher pindone residue concentrations than did laboratory rabbits that had ingested known lethal amounts of bait. Unmetabolised pindone was excreted in rabbit faeces.
Conclusions The occurrence of the highest residual pindone concentrations in rabbit liver was consistent with the known tissue distribution of anticoagulants in mammals; however, the co-occurrence of similar-range pindone concentrations in rabbit fat has not been previously described. Re-ingestion of soft faecal pellets (caecotrophy) in rabbits that have eaten pindone bait may function as a secondary exposure to increase or prolong their oral exposure to pindone. Some rabbits poisoned following field pindone-baiting operations are likely to have consumed well in excess of a lethal amount of bait.
Implications Concentrations of residual pindone in fat and liver of poisoned rabbits suggest that secondary poisoning hazard to some non-target predators and scavengers is high. The lack of field-based assessments of the non-target impacts of pindone is a marked information gap that needs to be addressed.
This research draws on conflict-based accounts to examine how perceptions of out-group threats shape White resistance to police and criminal justice reform. Using nationally representative data from the ANES-GSS 2020 Joint Study, we find that White Americans who perceive immigrants as a criminal threat are more likely to prioritize the need for more robust social controls rather than supporting efforts toward reforming the police and the criminal legal system. We also uncover a link between racial competition for political power and White preferences for a stronger emphasis on law and order through expanded policing and more stringent enforcement of the laws. This preference supersedes the desire to address bias against minorities in the criminal legal system through police and court reforms. The implications of these findings for understanding the current context of American racial and immigration politics, as well as the future of American policing and criminal justice, are discussed.
Many children and youth with child protection services (CPS) involvement enter out-of-home care. The aims of this study were to examine rates of reentry and risk factors associated with reentry into out-of-home care among children and youth involved in the child protection (reported for abuse/neglect) and youth-in-conflict (reported for behavioral issues) programs. This study used administrative data from Colorado's Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System, which contains information on all children and youth who enter Colorado's CPS. Of the 14,461 children and youth in the child protection program and 2,353 children and youth in the youth-in-conflict program, 14.7% and 35.1%, respectively, reentered into out-of-home care. Families' prior history of CPS involvement and current CPS case characteristics better explained reentry into out-of-home care than child and family demographic characteristics alone. Understanding risk factors associated with reentry into out-of-home care is critical to inform the prevention of child maltreatment recurrence and ensure the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and youth.
[ABSTRACT]. Objective. To assess maternal health training priorities for primary care human resources for health (HRH) in nursing and allied health workers in Colombia, Honduras, and Nicaragua, to inform maternal care HRH strategic planning efforts. Methods. This Washington, D.C.–based study utilized cross-sectional survey methodology to collect country-level data. From October 2016 to March 2017, a needs assessment tool was developed by the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) and PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centers. Data collection was completed by PAHO/WHO country offices, in collaboration with national health authorities and other high-level government personnel. The collected data included information on the composition, capacities, and training priorities of traditional birth attendants (TBAs), community health workers (CHWs), registered nurses (RNs), and auxiliary nurses in the three study countries; the findings were summarized in a report. Results. Data on the health workforce composition in the three countries indicated reliance on HRH with low levels of education and training, with limited integration of TBAs. In all three countries, management of obstetric emergencies was a training priority for RNs, and identification of danger signs was a priority for CHWs and TBAs. Training priorities for auxiliary nurses varied widely across the three countries and included health promotion, preconception and prenatal care, and obstetric emergencies. There was also a wide range in the total number of HRH across the three countries. Conclusions. Reliance on health workers with low levels of training is concerning but can be mitigated through in-service training. Training priorities are consistent with the major causes of maternal mortality, and Latin America and Caribbean region training programs show promise for improving quality of care. In the long term, planning for maternal care HRH should seek to increase the concentration of health professionals that are more highly skilled. ; [RESUMEN]. Objetivo. Evaluar las prioridades de capacitación en el ámbito de la salud materna de los recursos humanos de enfermería y otros trabajadores de atención primaria en Colombia, Honduras y Nicaragua, y fundamentar los esfuerzos de planificación estratégica de los recursos humanos para la salud dedicados a la atención materna. Métodos. En este estudio, con sede en Washington, D. C., se empleó una metodología de encuesta transversal para recopilar datos a nivel de país. Entre los meses de octubre del 2016 y marzo del 2017, la Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud (OPS/OMS) y sus centros colaboradores elaboraron una herramienta para la evaluación de las necesidades. Las representaciones de la OPS/OMS, en colaboración con las autoridades nacionales de salud y otros funcionarios gubernamentales de alto nivel, realizaron la recopilación de datos. Los datos reunidos incluyeron información sobre la composición, las aptitudes y las prioridades de capacitación de las parteras tradicionales, los agentes comunitarios de salud, las enfermeras tituladas y las enfermeras auxiliares en los tres países del estudio. Los resultados se resumieron en un informe. Resultados. Los datos sobre la composición del personal de salud en los tres países indicaron que se depende de recursos humanos para la salud que presentan escasos niveles de educación y formación, y que la integración de las parteras tradicionales es limitada. En los tres países, el tratamiento de las urgencias obstétricas constituyó una prioridad de capacitación para las enfermeras tituladas, y la detección de los signos de peligro fue una prioridad en el caso de los agentes comunitarios de salud y las parteras tradicionales. Las prioridades de formación para las enfermeras auxiliares variaron sustancialmente entre los tres países y entrañaron la promoción de la salud, la atención pregestacional y prenatal, y las urgencias obstétricas. Asimismo, el número total de recursos humanos para la salud varió considerablemente entre los países. Conclusiones. Depender de personal de salud de escaso nivel formativo es motivo de preocupación, si bien la capacitación en el servicio puede mitigar este problema. Las prioridades de capacitación están en consonancia con las principales causas de mortalidad materna y los programas formativos de América Latina y el Caribe resultan prometedores para mejorar la calidad de la atención. A largo plazo, la planificación de los recursos humanos para la salud dedicados a la atención materna deberá procurar aumentar la concentración de profesionales de salud más capacitados. ; [RESUMO]. Objetivo. Avaliar as prioridades de formação em saúde materna dos recursos humanos na área de atenção primária à saúde entre profissionais de enfermagem e outros profissionais da saúde na Colômbia, Honduras e Nicarágua, a fim de subsidiar os esforços de planejamento estratégico de recursos humanos para saúde materna. Métodos. Foi conduzido um estudo transversal, sediado em Washington, D.C., para coletar dados ao nível nacional. Uma ferramenta de avaliação das necessidades foi desenvolvida, de outubro de 2016 a março de 2017, pela Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde/Organização Mundial da Saúde (OPAS/OMS) e Centros Colaboradores da OPAS/OMS. A coleta de dados foi concluída pelas representações da OPAS/OMS nos países, em colaboração com autoridades sanitárias nacionais e pessoal de alto escalão do governo. Foram coletados dados sobre a composição, as competências e as prioridades de formação de parteiras tradicionais, agentes comunitários de saúde, enfermeiros licenciados e assistentes de enfermagem nos três países de estudo. Os resultados foram compilados em um relatório. Resultados. Os dados relativos à composição da força de trabalho em saúde nos três países indicaram que eles contam com pessoal com baixo nível de instrução e formação, com integração limitada das parteiras tradicionais. Observou-se, nos três países, que a atuação em emergências obstétricas era uma prioridade de formação para enfermeiros licenciados e a identificação de sinais de perigo era uma prioridade para agentes comunitários de saúde e parteiras tradicionais. As prioridades de formação para os assistentes de enfermagem foram bastante distintas entre os países: promoção da saúde, cuidados pré-concepcionais e assistência pré-natal e emergências obstétricas. O número total de recursos humanos para a saúde também variou nos três países. Conclusões. É motivo de preocupação ter de contar com profissionais da saúde com baixo nível de formação, porém este problema pode ser reduzido com a capacitação no próprio serviço. As prioridades de formação nos países estudados são condizentes com as principais causas de mortalidade materna e os programas de formação profissional da Região da América Latina e Caribe têm potencial para melhorar a qualidade da atenção. O planejamento dos recursos humanos para saúde materna deve visar a longo prazo aumentar a concentração de profissionais que são mais capacitados.
In: Child abuse & neglect: the international journal ; official journal of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Band 65, S. 212-225