Afghanistan National Development Strategies and Plans
In: Politics and Economics of the Middle East
Intro -- AFGHANISTAN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES AND PLANS -- AFGHANISTAN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES AND PLANS -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 AFGHANISTAN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY -- FOREWORD -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS -- GLOSSARY OF AFGHAN TERMS -- INTRODUCTION -- Background -- Achievements since 2001 -- Afghanistan's Challenges -- International Support for Afghanistan -- The Afghanistan National Development Strategy -- PART I. PROCESS, GOALS AND POLICY DIRECTIONS -- 1. THE ANDS: AN OVERVIEW -- Security -- Governance, Rule of Law, Justice and Human Rights -- Religious affairs -- Economic and Social Development -- Private sector development -- Energy -- Mining -- Transport -- Information and Communications Technology -- Urban Development -- Education -- Social Protection -- Enhancing Aid Effectiveness and Aid Coordination -- Implementation and Monitoring of the ANDS -- 2. THE PARTICIPATORY PROCESS AND PROVINCIAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS -- Organizing Principles and Participation Process -- Consultation Process -- Provincial Development Plans (PDPs) -- Development of Provincial Profiles -- Priority Projects -- Prioritization and Sequencing of the PDPs -- Integration of the PDPs into ANDS -- Outcomes from the Provincial Development Planning Process -- Prioritization of the Pillars -- Regional Variation in Priorities -- Conclusion -- 3. THE POVERTY PROFILE -- Data Collection, Poverty Measurements and Estimates -- Data Collection: National Risk and Vulnerability Assessments -- Sub-National Consultation and the Pilot Participatory Poverty Assessment -- Poverty Estimates -- Seasonality and poverty -- Vulnerability -- Poverty in Afghanistan:Main Characteristics of Inequality -- Consumption Disparity -- Characteristics of Rural Poverty -- Characteristics of Poverty among Kuchis -- Characteristics of Urban Poverty