The Audiovisual Media Services Directive: Balancing Liberalisation and Protection (Draft)
In: Forthcoming Handbook on EU Media Law and Policy, Elda Brogi and Pier Luigi Parcu (eds.) Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020
9 Ergebnisse
In: Forthcoming Handbook on EU Media Law and Policy, Elda Brogi and Pier Luigi Parcu (eds.) Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020
In: Journal on ethnopolitics and minority issues in Europe: JEMIE, Band 12, Heft 4, S. 54-79
ISSN: 1617-5247
In: Broughton Micova, S. & Jacques, S. (2020). Platform power in the video advertising ecosystem. Internet Policy Review, 9(4). DOI: 10.14763/2020.4.1506
The European Union's (EU) 2018 Audiovisual Media Services Directive attempted to level the playing field upon which video sharing platforms and audiovisual media services compete by evening out advertising and consumer protection rules. Recent competition policy literature identifies data as a source of dominance in platform markets, suggesting its relevance to such situations where platforms compete with other services. Drawing on a study of this playing field involving stakeholder interviews and a comparison of regulatory frameworks, we present a nuanced understanding of imbalances across three distinct functions of data. We consider the policy implications, arguing for more equitable access to insight from aggregate, anonymized data and financial data.
Regulacija ili samoregulacija internetskih medija jedna je od ključnih dilema za suvremene digitalne medije i njihovu politiku djelovanja. To uključuje nove digitalno posredovane gatekeepere kao što su društveni mediji. Privatna pravila posrednika, poput "uvjeta korištenja" i politike sadržaja, u velikoj mjeri definiraju njihovo funkcioniranje i mogu se smatrati samoregulativnim mehanizmom. Internetski se posrednici sve više pozivaju da se uključe u izradu pravila korištenja i donošenje odluka o sadržaju. U ovom radu autori se fokusiraju na Twitter kao na jedan od najvećih i najznačajnijih internetskih izvora vijesti. Uvjeti korištenja i ostali dokumenti Twittera analiziraju se kao alati samoregulacije i kao kontekst unutar kojeg individualni korisnici i masovni mediji funkcioniraju, odnosno moraju funkcionirati u suvremenom digitalnom okruženju. Autori također promatraju kako je Twitter primijenio taj samoregulativni okvir u dva važna slučaja. ; The regulation or self-regulation of online media is one of the key dilemmas of contemporary digital media and policy environment. This includes the new digital intermediary gatekeepers such as social media. The private rules of intermediaries, such as their 'terms of service' and content policies, importantly define their functioning and are sometimes thought of as self-regulatory mechanisms. Online intermediaries are increasingly being called upon to engage in codes of conduct or decisions about content. We focus on Twitter as one of the largest and most relevant new gatekeepers because of its use as source of news. The terms and other documents of Twitter are analysed as tools of self-regulation, and as the context within which the individual users and mass media (must) function in today's digital environment. We also look at how Twitter has applied this framework in two high profile cases.
In: Routledge studies in media and cultural industries
This book describes and critically addresses the innovations and shifts made in the revision of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) adopted by the European Parliament and Council in 2018. Reflecting on European Union regulation and policy practice in all its Member States, the book's unique approach places in-depth case study topics against the broader theoretical background. Taking a Europe-wide angle, an international team of authors focuses on key aspects of the AVMSD: the expansion of its scope to include video-sharing-platforms such as YouTube; the update of the rules for commercial communications; the first attempt for harmonized, minimal requirements at EU level regarding transparency of media ownership; new rules to ensure that video-on-demand services offer, invest in, and prioritise European content; the obligation on television distributors and smart TV manufacturers to pass on broadcasters' signal without any interference, alteration or modification; and, the formalisation and consolidation of new forms of collaboration among national regulatory authorities. This thorough analysis of the cornerstone of European media policy makes this edited collection a crucial reference for scholars and students of media and cultural industries, media law and policy, European and EU media policy, and technology studies.
In: Centre on Regulation in Europe (CERRE), 2023
Working paper