(704) Interamnia: a transitional object between a dwarf planet and a typical irregular-shaped minor body
Context. With an estimated diameter in the 320–350 km range, (704) Interamnia is the fifth largest main belt asteroid and one of the few bodies that fills the gap in size between the four largest bodies with D > 400 km (Ceres, Vesta, Pallas and Hygiea) and the numerous smaller bodies with diameter ≤200 km. However, despite its large size, little is known about the shape and spin state of Interamnia and, therefore, about its bulk composition and past collisional evolution. Aims. We aimed to test at what size and mass the shape of a small body departs from a nearly ellipsoidal equilibrium shape (as observed in the case of the four largest asteroids) to an irregular shape as routinely observed in the case of smaller (D ≤ 200 km) bodies. Methods. We observed Interamnia as part of our ESO VLT/SPHERE large program (ID: 199.C-0074) at thirteen different epochs. In addition, several new optical lightcurves were recorded. These data, along with stellar occultation data from the literature, were fed to the All-Data Asteroid Modeling algorithm to reconstruct the 3D-shape model of Interamnia and to determine its spin state. Results. Interamnia's volume-equivalent diameter of 332 ± 6 km implies a bulk density of ρ = 1.98 ± 0.68 g cm−3, which suggests that Interamnia – like Ceres and Hygiea – contains a high fraction of water ice, consistent with the paucity of apparent craters. Our observations reveal a shape that can be well approximated by an ellipsoid, and that is compatible with a fluid hydrostatic equilibrium at the 2σ level. Conclusions. The rather regular shape of Interamnia implies that the size and mass limit, under which the shapes of minor bodies with a high amount of water ice in the subsurface become irregular, has to be searched among smaller (D ≤ 300 km) less massive (m ≤ 3 × 1019 kg) bodies. ; This work has been supported by the Czech Science Foundation through grant 18-09470S (J.H., J.D.) and by the Charles University Research program No. UNCE/SCI/023. This research was supported by INTER-EXCELLENCE grant LTAUSA18093 from the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (J.H. and O.P.). The research of O.P. is additionally supported by Horizon 2020 ERC Starting Grant "Cat-In-hAT" (grant agreement #803158) and award PRIMUS/SCI/17 from Charles University. P.V., A.D., and B.C. were Aeronautics and Space Administration under Grant No. 80NSSC18K0849 issued through the Planetary Astronomy Program. This work was supported by the National Science Centre, Poland, through grant no. 2014/13/D/ST9/01818 (A.M.). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under Grant Agreement no 687378 (SBNAF). This project has been supported by the GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00003 and NKFIH K125015 grants of the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH) and by the Lendület grant LP2012-31 of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. TRAPPIST-North is a project funded by the University of Liège, in collaboration with Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech (Morocco). TRAPPIST-South is a project funded by the Belgian FNRS under grant FRFC 2.5.594.09. F.E.J. is a FNRS Senior Research Associate. ASAS-SN thanks the Las Cumbres Observatory and its staff for its continuing support of the ASAS-SN project. ASAS-SN is supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation through grant GBMF5490 to the Ohio State University and NSF grant AST-1515927. Development of ASAS-SN has been supported by NSF grant AST-0908816, the Mt. Cuba Astronomical Foundation, the Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics at the Ohio State University, the Chinese Academy of Sciences South America Center for Astronomy (CASSACA), the Villum Foundation, and George Skestos.