Polskie bezpieczeństwo cywilne w kontekście regionalnym
In: Przegląd strategiczny: Strategic review, Heft 7, S. 43
6 Ergebnisse
In: Przegląd strategiczny: Strategic review, Heft 7, S. 43
The chapter provides an overview of the civil security in Poland. At the beginning, the notion of civil security is explained and delimitated using the most common current definitions related to civil security, such as civil protection or disaster management. Theoretical conceptualizations from the Polish literature on the subject are included as well. In the second part of the chapter, main outlines of the civil security in Poland are presented based on peoples' perception of non-military threats. This is done based on the data from Eurobarometer surveys from 2011 and 2012, both of which had a civil security component. Here, also the regional context is brought into debate, as the outcomes for Poland are compared with the ones for the Visegrad Group and with those for the whole EU. In the third and the last section, the organization of civil security in Poland is outlined, together with the appreciation of the role of the non-governmental (i.e. civic and for-profit/private) sector. The section then proceeds with the understanding of civil security as provided by the extant Polish legislation. Such understanding and practice is then compared with the theoretical approaches which were provided at the beginning. Peoples' perceptions, too, are brought again into the forefront as they are linked here to the actual civil security practice in Poland.
The chapter provides an overview of the civil security in Poland. At the beginning, the notion of civil security is explained and delimitated using the most common current definitions related to civil security, such as civil protection or disaster management. Theoretical conceptualizations from the Polish literature on the subject are included as well. In the second part of the chapter, main outlines of the civil security in Poland are presented based on peoples' perception of non-military threats. This is done based on the data fromEurobarometer surveys from 2011 and 2012, both of which had a civil security component. Here, also the regional context is brought into debate, as the outcomes for Poland are compared with the ones for the Visegrad Group and with those for the whole EU. In the third and the last section, the organization of civil security in Poland is outlined, together with the appreciation of the role of the non-governmental (i.e. civic and for-profit/private) sector. The section then proceeds with the understanding of civil security as provided by the extant Polish legislation. Such understanding and practice is then compared with the theoretical approaches which were provided at the beginning. Peoples' perceptions, too, are brought again into the forefront as they are linked here to the actual civil security practice in Poland. ; Artykuł przedstawia zarys problematyki bezpieczeństwa cywilnego w Polsce. Na początku wyjaśniono pojęcie bezpieczeństwa cywilnego i określono jego zakres w oparciu o najpopularniejsze współczesne definicje pojęć z nim powiązanych, jak np. ochrona cywilna czy zarządza¬nie w warunkach katastrof. Uwzględniono również konceptualizacje teoretyczne zawarte w polskiej literaturze przedmiotu. W drugiej części artykułu, zaprezentowano zarys stanu bezpieczeństwa cywilnego w Polsce w oparciu o publiczną percepcję zagrożeń niemilitarnych. Do¬konano tego w oparciu o dane badań Eurobarometru z lat 2011 i 2012, które zawierały komponent dotyczący bezpieczeństwa cywilnego. Na tym etapie wprowadzono kontekst regionalny, przez porównanie polskich wyników z odnotowanymi w Grupie Wyszehradzkiej oraz UE jako całości. W trzeciej i ostatniej sekcji, zarysowano organizację zapewniania bezpieczeństwa cywilnego w Polsce, wraz z oceną roli sektora pozarządowego (np. organizacji społecznych lub prywatnych, nastawionych na zysk). Następnie ukazano, jak bezpieczeństwo cywilne jest pojmowane w polskim ustawodawstwie. Tak ujęte definicje oraz praktyka zostały skonfrontowane z podejściami teoretycznymi przedstawionymi na początku tekstu. Ponowne uwzględniono również percepcję społeczną, gdyż jest ona powiązana z praktyką bezpieczeństwa cywilnego w Polsce.
In: Polish political science: yearbook, Band 42, S. 340-344
ISSN: 0208-7375
In: Journal of risk research: the official journal of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe and the Society for Risk Analysis Japan, Band 18, Heft 6, S. 789-806
ISSN: 1466-4461
In: Polish Political Science Yearbook, Band 42, Heft 1, S. 340-344
ISSN: 0208-7375
Bringing together distinguished Polish scholars and researchers, the book Poland's Security: Contemporary Domestic and International Issues presents different aspects of security of present-day Poland. The volume's primary intent is to "emphasize the complex, multi-faceted, dynamic, and evolutionary nature of the subject, the multiplicity of problems in the area of security, and the diversity of its determinants". Attention is paid not only to the military (or "hard") security, but also to other sectors, such as economic, societal or energy security. A specific gap, which the editors set out to cover, is the scarcity of a practical application of theoretical considerations in the respective field.