58 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
Arbeitspapier betr.: Indien in den neunziger Jahren: zum außen- und sicherheitspolitischen Handlungsrahmen
In: SWP-AP, 2585
World Affairs Online
Der Afghanistan-Konflikt: regionale und internationale Dimensionen
In: Münchner Beiträge zur internationalen Politik 8
Südasien zwischen Konflikten und Zusammenarbeit: der Ansatz der South Asian Regional Cooperation (SARC)
In: SWP-S, 308
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
Internationale Interessenprofile in der Region "Indischer Ozean": unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Südasiens
In: Schriften / Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 200
World Affairs Online
Deutsche Kulturpolitik im Ausland: 1955 bis heute; Dokumente, Kommentare, Tendenzen
In: Schriftenreihe des Goethe-Instituts München 2
Indian Ocean: The ''Peace Zone" Paradox and Chances for Areas of Peace
The term 'zone of peace' is sufficiently vague and imprecise to serve the most divergent political purposes. As 'peace', moreover, signifies a supreme moral/political value, neither individual nor state could straight-away oppose something that is being proclaimed in its name. The Soviet Union has made early and frequent political use of this quality. Thus Khrushchev, while taking up an old guide-line by Lenin about "the peoples of the East", demanded at the XX. party congress (1956) the creation of a peace zone, consisting of both the socialist camp and the newly emerging Asian and African states; this was the fore runner to later Soviet claims of being the partner in a 'natural alliance' with the Third World. Even earlier (in 1955), Nehru had equalled an 'area of peace' with the non-aligned countries between East and West; they should, by their equidistance, limit the dangers of war between the competing blocs. This was the year of Bandung.
Dezentraler und unitarischer Föderalismus. Die Schweiz und Deutschland im Vergleich
In: Swiss political science review: SPSR = Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft : SZPW = Revue suisse de science politique : RSSP, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 57-89
ISSN: 1662-6370
In this article it is endeavoured to analyse the different functioning of "decentralised" (Switzerland) and "unitary" (Germany) federalism. This is done by discussing the cultural and political autonomy of member states, the possibilities of member states to control and influence federal decision‐making, the ways to implement federal legislation, and the redistribution of resources. There are, despite of "equi‐functional" structures, considerable similarities in the functioning of both countries. The predominance of a completely different discourse of justification in both countries explains the institutional and procedural differences and thus the different reform projects.
Das virtuelle Landratsamt: von der Datenverarbeitung zur Kommunikation
In: Der Landkreis: Zeitschrift für kommunale Selbstverwaltung, Band 65, S. 295-297
ISSN: 0342-2259
Indien als Machtfaktor in Asien. Zielsetzungen nach außen, Begrenzungen nach innen
In: Verfassung und Recht in Übersee: VRÜ = World comparative law : WCL, Band 25, Heft 1, S. 99-100
ISSN: 0506-7286