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7 Ergebnisse
Contents -- Introduction -- NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA -- Los Angeles Made for streetcars -- Mexico City The city in the dried up lake -- Chicago The elevated city -- Cincinnati The subway that never happened -- Toronto Weatherproof shopping -- Montreal Bilingual basements -- New York City The global capital -- Boston Tea Party was just the start -- Buenos Aires Persecution and perseverance -- EUROPE -- Gibraltar The riddled rock -- Madrid Mazes and metros -- Liverpool First rail tunnels -- Manchester Pioneers and pipedreams -- London On Roman shoulders -- Barcelona The planned city -- Paris The Swiss cheese of Europe -- Rotterdam Holding back the sea -- Amsterdam Hidden under canals -- Marseille Tunnels made a beach -- Milan Crypts and pieces -- Oslo Opportune opening -- Rome Where roofs become foundations -- Munich From the ashes -- Berlin Divided and healed -- Budapest Thermal layers -- Stockholm In love with tunnels -- Helsinki Sheltering an entire city -- Moscow Secret subterrania -- ASIA AND OCEANIA -- Mumbai City of seven islands -- Beijing Created by hand -- Tokyo Meeting under a megalopolis -- Sydney Roads to nowhere.
In: Policy Analyse Band 11
In: Nomos eLibrary
In: Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften
In: Nomos eLibrary
In: Politikwissenschaft
To achieve Germany's climate protection goals, power generation has to be fundamentally transformed, which means that conventional power plants must be replaced with renewable energy and corresponding storage facilities. Up to now, the power plants have been situated around the country according to their locations' conditions rather than whether those locations were economically optimal. Three approaches can be used to situate power plants according to an effective system: G / L components; market splitting; regional components in a feed-in tariff and the strategic reserve / capacity market.This work answers the question of which of these approaches is most feasible in creating an optimal system of locating power plants. To this end, it examines how political will is formed using a discourse analysis and a discourse network analysis. By analysing the discourse coalitions' potential for power, their financial resources and argumentative networking, this study determines the strength and viability of each approach.
In: MTZ - Motortechnische Zeitschrift, Band 82, Heft 11, S. 42-47
ISSN: 2192-8843
In: MTZ worldwide, Band 82, Heft 11, S. 40-45
ISSN: 2192-9114
In: Die Energiewende verstehen - orientieren - gestalten, S. 447-464
In: UFZ Discussion Papers, Band 1/2015