This text examines the development of mass tourism in coastal regions of Southern Europe, with implications for similar regions. It provides a critical assessment of attempts to make mass tourism resorts more sustainable, and the development of smaller-scale, alternative tourism products
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The role of governance has only recently begun to be researched in order to understand tourism policy making and planning, and tourism development. This book brings together leading researchers who assess the interactions of multiple actors associated with tourism governance, and examine new critical perspectives on tourism's governance in the context of sustainable development. This book was originally published as a special issue of Journal of Sustainable Tourism.
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The paper argues for a research focus on understanding varied boundary relations in society, including social, political, geographical and discursive relations. Analytical themes are established for the study of tourism's boundary relations: the salience and permeability of boundaries, discursive boundaries, power relations associated with boundaries, and learning within and across boundaries. Particular attention is 14 given to concepts of learning: identification, reflection, coordination and transformation. These themes and concepts are employed to explore boundary relations of the tourism and other urban regeneration policy sectors in two city districts. Cross-boundary learning across the tourism and urban regeneration policy sectors occurred through the identification of, and reflection about, tourism's role in urban regeneration and led to coordination and possibly some transformation. Yet this was within significant limitations and barriers. There was perhaps scope for more regular and comprehensive boundary crossing between the tourism and urban regeneration policy sectors.
A fuller understanding of tourism processes should include analysis of historical influences, legacies and the sequencing of change. The paper examines the temporal evolution of tourism institutions by employing historical institutionalist and cultural political economy approaches and a process tracing methodology. They are used to study two institutions involved in tourism and environmental management in a protected area. The assessment carefully explores the timing and sequencing of events and interconnections between processes over time. It demonstrates the value of the approaches and methodology, such as by suggesting that path dependence and path creation are not binary categories, but instead are reciprocally intertwined and co-constituting. Both material/social and ideational/discursive processes are also shown as significant for institutional temporal paths
The paper explains a cultural political economy "framing" for interpreting heritage tourism in urban contexts. Key ideas behind this research perspective are explained and illustrated through discussion of past research studies of urban heritage tourism. It is underpinned by a relational view of the inter-connectedness of societal relations, and an emphasis on taking seriously both the cultural/semiotic and the economic/political in the co-constitution of urban heritage tourism's social practices and features. A case study of heritage tourism in Nanjing, China considers cultural political economy's relevance and value, including the distinctive research questions it raises. It reveals, for example, how economic relations in the built environment were related to tourist meaning-making and identities in the cultural/semiotic sphere.
The central importance of involving diverse stakeholders in effective sustainable tourism planning and management is increasingly recognised. Collaboration and partnerships are valuable ways of achieving this. Leading researchers and practitioners examine the processes, issues and politics involved in this new and fast growing field
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Frontmatter -- Contents -- Preface and Acknowledgements -- The Contributors -- Section 1: Introduction -- 1. Mass Tourism, Diversification and Sustainability in Southern Europe's Coastal Regions -- 2. The Policy Context for Tourism and Sustainability in Southern Europe's Coastal Regions -- Section 2: Coastal Tourism: Impacts and Policies -- 3. Crete: Endowed by Nature, Privileged by Geography, Threatened by Tourism? -- 4. Tourism Development in Greek Insular and Coastal Areas: Sociocultural Changes and Crucial Policy Issues -- 5. Tourism Growth, National Development and Regional Inequality in Turkey -- 6. Problems of Island Tourism Development: The Greek Insular Regions -- 7. Sustainable Tourism Planning in Northern Cyprus -- Section 3: Mass Tourism Coastal Resorts and Sustainable Development -- 8. Learning From Experience? Progress Towards a Sustainable Future for Tourism in the Central and Eastern Andalucían Littoral -- 9. Measuring Sustainability in a Mass Tourist Destination: Pressures, Perceptions and Policy Responses in Torrevieja, Spain -- 10. The Planning and Practice of Coastal Zone Management in Southern Spain -- 11. Using EMAS and Local Agenda 21 as Tools Towards Sustainability: The Case of a Catalan Coastal Resort -- 12. Environmental Initiatives in the Hotel Sector in Greece: Case Study of the 'Green Flags' Project -- Section 4: Diversified Coastal Tourism and Sustainable Development -- 13. Sustainable Tourism: Utopia or Necessity? The Role of New Forms of Tourism in the Aegean Islands -- 14. Tourism, Culture and Cultural Tourism in Malta: The Revival of Valletta -- 15. Coffee Shop Meets Casino: Cultural Responses to Casino Tourism in Northern Cyprus -- 16. Tourism, Modernisation and Development on the Island of Cyprus: Challenges and Policy Responses -- 17. Rejuvenation, Diversification and Imagery: Sustainability Conflicts for Tourism Policy in the Eastern Adriatic -- Index
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