Learning journeys: exploring approaches to learner digital literacy acquisition
In: Enhancing learning in the social sciences: ELiSS, S. 0-0
ISSN: 1756-848X
3 Ergebnisse
In: Enhancing learning in the social sciences: ELiSS, S. 0-0
ISSN: 1756-848X
In: Enhancing learning in the social sciences: ELiSS, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 1-17
ISSN: 1756-848X
Shareable abstract (@ERSpublications) This article provides an overview of some of the highlights of the @EuroRespSoc Congress 2021 from the perspective of the best-abstract awardees of the ERS Assemblies @EarlyCareerERS @OrphaLung https://bit.ly/3JCjHYS Every year, the European Respiratory Society (ERS) offers grants to recognise the best overall abstracts of the 14 ERS Assemblies submitted for the ERS International Congress, covering all respiratory areas. The authors of the best abstract (i.e. the highest average score of abstract reviewers and only those who have not applied or were not eligible for a sponsored award) were invited to write a short summary about their virtual Congress experience and view on the evolving field of research in light of their respective Assembly. This article provides an overview of some of the Congress highlights and gives the stage to the promising best-abstract awardees as they are the future of the ERS. ; Flemish governmentEuropean Commission; FWOFWO [11B4718N]