ZusammenfassungDas Endometriumkarzinom (EC) ist weltweit die sechsthäufigste Krebserkrankung der Frau. Im Jahr 2018 wurden mehr als 380.000 Neuerkrankungen und mehr als 89.000 Todesfälle registriert. Bekannte Risikofaktoren sind das steigende Lebensalter, ein erhöhter Body-Mass-Index (BMI) und eine alleinige Hormontherapie mit Östrogenen ohne Gestagenschutz. Aufgrund der meist früheinsetzenden Symptomatik (z. B. abnormale uterine Blutungen) wird das EC häufig in einem frühen Stadium diagnostiziert, welches sich begünstigend auf die Therapie und die generelle Prognose auswirkt. Eine Früherkennungsuntersuchung wird trotz steigender Inzidenzzahlen nicht empfohlen. Präventiv wirken eine gesunde und sportlich aktive Lebensweise, eine hohe Geburtenzahl und die Verhütung mittels gestagenhaltiger Kontrazeptiva oder der Hormonspirale.
ZusammenfassungSeuchenausbrüche wie die Coronavirus-Disease-2019-Pandemie (COVID-19-Pandemie) sind wiederkehrende Ereignisse, welche starke universitäre Forschungsstrukturen in Form von eigenständigen Lehrstühlen erfordern. In Deutschland wurde in den letzten 30 Jahren jedoch aus verschiedenen pandemierelevanten Fachbereichen von ungenügenden Forschungsstrukturen berichtet. Mit PARETO (Pandemic Related Topics) soll daher eine bisher einzigartige, einheitliche, vergleichbare Beurteilungsbasis geschaffen werden, um gezielte Forschungsförderung zu ermöglichen. Methodik und Auswertung von PARETO sollen im vorliegenden Studienprotokoll am Beispiel der Rechtsmedizin für das Bundesland Sachsen-Anhalt vorgestellt werden. Zunächst werden ein Fachbereich und ein Referenzfachbereich ausgewählt, dessen Strukturen untersucht und miteinander verglichen werden sollen. Die Anzahl eigenständiger Lehrstühle an öffentlich finanzierten medizinischen Fakultäten und Universitätskliniken wird für das Jahr 2021 recherchiert. Bibliometrische Daten aus dem Web of Science werden über die Wahl geeigneter Web of Science-Kategorien für einen Untersuchungszeitraum von 1990–2021 ermittelt (Artikelanzahl, Zitierungsanzahl, Zitationsrate). Sie sollen die Forschungsaktivität des Staates, der Bundesländer und der Universitäten widerspiegeln, ebenso wie wichtige Kooperationen zwischen Forschungsinstitutionen und Ländern. Die Datenauswertung erfolgt vergleichend deskriptiv. Zu erwarten sind Erkenntnisse über die Repräsentation pandemierelevanter Fachbereiche in Deutschland, welche durch die Beispieluntersuchung der Rechtsmedizin veranschaulicht werden. Die geschaffene Beurteilungsbasis kann Entscheidungsträgern in Politik und Wissenschaft dienen, um Forschungsförderbedarf zu detektieren und Forschungsstrukturen für künftige Krankheitsausbrüche zu optimieren.
Background: SARS-CoV-2 is one of the most threatening pandemics in human history. As of the date of this analysis, it had claimed about 2 million lives worldwide, and the number is rising sharply. Governments, societies, and scientists are equally challenged under this burden. Objective: This study aimed to map global coronavirus research in 2020 according to various influencing factors to highlight incentives or necessities for further research. Methods: The application of established and advanced bibliometric methods combined with the visualization technique of density-equalizing mapping provided a global picture of incentives and efforts on coronavirus research in 2020. Countries' funding patterns and their epidemiological and socioeconomic characteristics as well as their publication performance data were included. Results: Research output exploded in 2020 with momentum, including citation and networking parameters. China and the United States were the countries with the highest publication performance. Globally, however, publication output correlated significantly with COVID-19 cases. Research funding has also increased immensely. Conclusions: Nonetheless, the abrupt decline in publication efforts following previous coronavirus epidemics should demonstrate to global researchers that they should not lose interest even after containment, as the next epidemiological challenge is certain to come. Validated reporting worldwide and the inclusion of low-income countries are additionally important for a successful future research strategy.
Abstract Background Climate change is safe to be one of the biggest challenges of mankind. Human activities, especially the combustion of fossil fuels, contribute to the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and thus to the pace of climate change. The effects of climate change are already being felt, and the resulting damage will most likely be enormous worldwide. Because global impacts vary widely and will lead to very different national vulnerability to climate impacts, each country, depending on its economic background, has different options to ward off negative impacts. Decisions have to be made to mitigate climate consequences according to the preparedness and the vulnerability of countries against the presumed impacts. This requires a profound scientific basis. To provide sound background information, a bibliometric study was conducted to present global research on climate change using established and specific parameters. Bibliometric standard parameters, established socioeconomic values, and climate change specific indices were used for the analyses. This allowed us to provide an overall picture of the global research pattern not only in terms of general aspects, but also in terms of climate change impacts, its effects and regional differences. For this purpose, we choose representative indices, such as the CO2 emissions for the responsibility of countries, the global climate risk index as a combination value for the different types of damage that countries can expect, the increase in sea level as a specific parameter as a measure of the huge global environmental impacts, and the readiness and vulnerability index for the different circumstances of individual countries under which climate change will take place. We hope to have thus made a comprehensive and representative selection of specific parameters that is sufficient to map the global research landscape. We have supplemented the methodology accordingly.
Results In terms of absolute publication numbers, the USA was the leading country, followed by the UK, and China in 3rd place. The steep rise in Chinese publication numbers over time came into view, while their citation numbers are relatively low. Scandinavian countries were leading regarding their publication numbers related to CO2 emission and socioeconomic indices. Only three developing countries stand out in all analyses: Costa Rica, the Fiji Atoll, and Zimbabwe, although it is here that the climate impact will be greatest. A positive correlation between countries' preparedness for the impacts of climate change and their publication numbers could be shown, while the correlation between countries' vulnerability and their publication numbers was negative.
Conclusions We could show that there exists an inequity between national research efforts according to the publication output and the demands and necessities of countries related to their socioeconomic status. This inequity calls for a rethink, a different approach, and a different policy to improve countries' preparedness and mitigation capacity, which requires the inclusion of the most affected regions of the world in a strengthened international cooperation network.
Abstract Acetylsalicylic acid is a frequently used medication worldwide. It is not used in pediatrics due its association with Reye syndrome. However, in case of pediatric intoxication, children are more fragile to salicylate poisoning because of their reduced ability of buffer the acid stress. Intoxication leads to a decoupling of oxidative phosphorylation and subsequently to a loss in mitochondrial function. Symptoms of poisoning are diverse; eventually they can lead to the death of the patient. Governmental websites of various EU countries were searched for legal information on acetylsalicylic acid availability in pharmacies and non-pharmacy stores. Various EU countries permit prescription-free sales of acetylsalicylic acid in pharmacies and non-pharmacy stores. In Sweden acetylsalicylic acid 500 mg may be sold in a maximum package size of 20 tablets or effervescent tablets in a non-pharmacy. In the UK a maximum of 16 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid 325 mg is allowed to sell in non-pharmacies. In Ireland acetylsalicylic acid is classified as S2 medication. Subsequently, acetylsalicylic acid is allowed to be sold prescription-free in pharmacies and non-pharmacy stores. In the Netherlands acetylsalicylic acid may only be sold in drug stores or pharmacies. A maximum of 24 tablets of 500 mg is allowed to purchase in a drug store. Several countries in the European Union are permitted to offer acetylsalicylic acid prescription-free in pharmacies and non-pharmacy stores without legal guidance on the storage position within the store. Further research is needed to investigate whether acetylsalicylic acid is located directly accessible to young children within the stores in EU countries which permit prescription-free sales of acetylsalicylic acid.
Abstract Paracetamol is used widely in pediatrics because it has a high drug safety when used in therapeutic dosages. In case of overdose the majority of paracetamol is metabolized to N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI), which is responsible for the severe toxic effects. The covalent connection between NAPQI and hepatic proteins leads to hepatocellular damage and possibly to severe liver failure. The antidote for paracetamol is N-acetylcysteine (NAC). It is a precursor of glutathione and aids to fill glutathione stores. The Rumack-Matthew nomogram should be used to decide on antidote treatment. Pediatric drug metabolism differs from adult metabolism. Children have a larger liver size compared to their body weight than adults, resulting in a higher metabolism rate. Young children seem to be less sensitive to acute intoxication than adults. One hypothesis to explain the lower rate refers to the larger liver size. The acute toxic dosage for children is more than 200 mg/kg body weight. There seems to be a global increase in accidental pediatric paracetamol overdose. Governmental websites of various European Union (EU) countries were searched for legal information on paracetamol availability in pharmacies and non-pharmacy stores. Various EU countries permit prescription-free sales of paracetamol in pharmacies and non-pharmacy stores. In Sweden paracetamol 500 mg may be sold in both pharmacies and non-pharmacies in a maximum pack size of 20 units. In the United Kingdom (UK) paracetamol 500 mg is listed in the general sales list with a maximum pack size of 30 effervescent tablets or 16 tablets. In Ireland paracetamol 500 mg may be sold in a maximum pack size of 12 units in a non-pharmacy. In the Netherlands paracetamol 500 mg is legal to be sold in a maximum pack size of 50 units in a drug store and with a maximum of 20 units in any other non-pharmacy. Several countries in the European Union are permitted to offer paracetamol prescription-free in pharmacies and non-pharmacy stores without legal guidance on the storage position within the store. Further research is needed to investigate whether paracetamol is located directly accessible to young children within the stores in EU countries which permit prescription-free sales of paracetamol.
INTRODUCTION: Obesity is classified as a global epidemic and judged to be the greatest public health threat in Western countries. The tremendously increasing prevalence rates in children lead to morbidity and mortality in adults. In many countries, prevalence has doubled since the 1980s. Other countries show a continuous increase or stagnate at a very high level. Given these regional differences, this study aims to draw a global world map of childhood obesity research, including regional epidemiological characteristics, to comprehensively assess research influences and needs. METHODS: In addition to established bibliometric parameters, this study uses epidemiological data to interpret metadata on childhood obesity research from the Web of Science in combination with state-of-the-art visualization methods, such as density equalizing map projections. RESULTS: It was not until the 1990s that belated recognition of the dangerous effects of childhood obesity led to an increase in the number of publications worldwide. In addition, our findings show that countries' study output does not correlate with epidemiologic rates of childhood obesity. In contrast, the primary driver of the research efforts on childhood obesity appears to be largely driven government funding structures. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: The geographical differences in the epidemiological background of childhood obesity complicate the implementation of transnational research projects and cross-border prevention programs. Effective realization requires a sound scientific basis, which is facilitated by globally valid approaches. Hence, there is a need for information exchange between researchers, policy makers, and private initiatives worldwide.
ZusammenfassungRadon ist ein ubiquitär im Erdmantel sowie in der Luft und im Wasser vorkommendes radioaktives Edelgas. Obwohl die mit der Exposition assoziierten Erkrankungen seit dem Mittelalter bekannt waren, ist eine kausale Zuordnung von Agens und Krankheit erst in der Mitte des letzten Jahrhunderts gelungen. Durch die physikalischen Eigenschaften des Gases ist die Prävention darauf ausgerichtet, die Exposition zu minimieren. Eine koordinierte Bemühung der EU, durch einheitliche Regeln die Bevölkerung zu schützen, stellt die Richtlinie 2013/59/EURATOM vom 5. Dezember 2013 dar. Umgesetzt in nationales Recht, sah die deutsche Strahlenschutzgesetzgebung vor, dass am 01.01.2021 die verantwortlichen Bundesländer basierend auf einer Expositionskarte die Gebiete festlegen, in denen der Grenzwert der Aktivitätskonzentration von Radon in der Luft im Jahresmittel 300 Bq/m3 überschreitet. In dieser Arbeit sollen die Fortschritte auf dem Weg zu einem umfassenderen Schutz vor den Gefahren durch Radon für die Bevölkerung in Deutschland dargestellt werden.
Introduction: Obesity is classified as a global epidemic and judged to be the greatest public health threat in Western countries. The tremendously increasing prevalence rates in children lead to morbidity and mortality in adults. In many countries, prevalence has doubled since the 1980s. Other countries show a continuous increase or stagnate at a very high level. Given these regional differences, this study aims to draw a global world map of childhood obesity research, including regional epidemiological characteristics, to comprehensively assess research influences and needs. Methods: In addition to established bibliometric parameters, this study uses epidemiological data to interpret metadata on childhood obesity research from the Web of Science in combination with state-of-the-art visualization methods, such as density equalizing map projections. Results: It was not until the 1990s that belated recognition of the dangerous effects of childhood obesity led to an increase in the number of publications worldwide. In addition, our findings show that countries' study output does not correlate with epidemiologic rates of childhood obesity. In contrast, the primary driver of the research efforts on childhood obesity appears to be largely driven government funding structures. Discussion/Conclusion: The geographical differences in the epidemiological background of childhood obesity complicate the implementation of transnational research projects and cross-border prevention programs. Effective realization requires a sound scientific basis, which is facilitated by globally valid approaches. Hence, there is a need for information exchange between researchers, policy makers, and private initiatives worldwide.