11 Ergebnisse
Fidel Castro: "Maximo Lider" der kubanischen Revolution
In: Heyne-Bücher
In: 12, Heyne-Biographien 193
Where the Present Drug Scene is Heading
In: Journal of drug issues: JDI, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 96-100
ISSN: 1945-1369
Urinary 17-OHCS Levels in Two Combat Situations
In: The Psychology and Physiology of Stress, S. 95-116
Military Psychiatry and the Viet Nam War in Perspective
In: The Psychology and Physiology of Stress, S. 219-236
In: The Psychology and Physiology of Stress, S. vii-vii
Bellagio Report on Healthy Agriculture, Healthy Nutrition, Healthy People
The Bellagio Report on Healthy Agriculture, Healthy Nutrition, Healthy People is the result of the meeting held at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center in Lake Como, Italy, 29 October–2 November 2012. The meeting was science-based but policy-oriented. The role and amount of healthy and unhealthy fats, with attention to the relative content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, sugar, and particularly fructose in foods that may underlie the epidemics of non-communicable diseases (NCD's) worldwide were extensively discussed. The report concludes that sugar consumption, especially in the form of high energy fructose in soft drinks, poses a major and insidious health threat, especially in children, and most diets, although with regional differences, are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids and too high in omega-6 fatty acids. Gene-nutrient interactions in growth and development and in disease prevention are fundamental to health, therefore regional Centers on Genetics, Nutrition and Fitness for Health should be established worldwide. Heads of state and government must elevate, as a matter of urgency, Nutrition as a national priority, that access to a healthy diet should be considered a human right and that the lead responsibility for Nutrition should be placed in Ministries of Health rather than agriculture so that the health requirements drive agricultural priorities, not vice versa. Nutritional security should be given the same priority as food security.
Against All Hope: Prison Memoirs
In: Foreign affairs: an American quarterly review, Band 65, Heft 2, S. 400
ISSN: 2327-7793