32 Ergebnisse
Wie kann ein optimaler Qualifikationsmix effektiv verwirklicht werden - und warum?: Grundsatzpapier
In: Gesundheitssysteme und Politikanalyse
Developing a Common Education Standard for Personal Support Workers in Ontario
In July 2014, the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) released the Personal Support Worker (PSW) Program Standard. Prior to this, there were three educational standards, inconsistently applied across a multitude of education and employment settings, governed by three distinct pieces of legislation. The primary goal of the reform is to address variance in available educational options in which one can receive a certificate or diploma as a PSW. The decision emerged in response to a growing group of unregulated workers providing care for an increasingly complex long-term and community care population. The reform was achieved through a small consultation led by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC). A technical working group at the MTCU was responsible for developing the standard. The PSW Program Standard has the potential to simplify a complex educational landscape through standardization but is only the first step in addressing broader health workforce problems facing the long-term care sector in Ontario. En juillet 2014, le Ministère de la Formation et des Collèges et Universités (MFCU) a établi le Cahier des Normes pour le Programme des Préposés aux Services de Soutien à la Personne (PSSP). Avant ce cahier trois normes existaient, appliquées de manière non uniforme à une grande variété d'établissements de formation et de travail, et gouvernées par trois textes de loi différents. Le principal objectif de la réforme est de résoudre ce problème de variabilité dans l'offre de formation délivrant un grade ou un certificat de PSSP. La décision a été prise en réponse à la croissance du nombre de préposés non régulés devant fournir des services à une population elle aussi croissante et aux besoins de plus en plus complexes, en institutions aussi bien que dans la communauté. La réforme a été promue après une courte consultation menée par le Ministère de la Santé et des Soins de Long-Terme (MSSLT). Un groupe de travail technique au MFCU a pris la responsabilité de développer le cahier des normes. Le Cahier des Normes pour les PSSP peut standardiser et donc simplifier un paysage de formation complexe mais ne représente qu'un premier pas vers la solution des problèmes généraux liés à la main d'oeuvre dans le secteur des soins de long-terme de l'Ontario.
The Employment and Recruitment of Immigrant Care Workers in Canada
In: Canadian public policy: Analyse de politiques, Band 39, Heft 2, S. 335-350
ISSN: 1911-9917
This paper examines the employment and recruitment of immigrant care workers in the older adult care sector in Canada, based on data from interviews with 77 workers and 24 employers in care settings, as well as from 149 online employer surveys conducted in 2007–08. We find that workers enter this sector largely through social networks. Although recruitment agencies do not play a critical role in the employment and recruitment of immigrant workers, regulation could prevent instances of abuse we found. Our findings also suggest that immigration admission policies could be better aligned with Canada's needs for older adult care.
The Employment and Recruitment of Immigrant Care Workers in Canada
In: Canadian public policy: a journal for the discussion of social and economic policy in Canada = Analyse de politiques, Band 39, Heft 2, S. 335-350
ISSN: 0317-0861
Finding the Right Mix: How Do Contextual Factors Affect Collaborative Mental Health Care in Ontario?
In: Canadian public policy: Analyse de politiques, Band 33, Heft Supplement 1, S. S49-S64
ISSN: 1911-9917
The purpose of this research was (i) to describe the factors that affect collaboration among mental health service providers of different disciplines, (ii) to understand the mix of providers in existing collaborative care models, and (iii) to develop a framework to better understand the barriers and facilitators to interdisciplinary collaborative mental health delivery using Ontario as a case example. We draw upon the academic and policy literature and in-depth interviews with key informants from the disciplines of family medicine, psychiatry, psychology, social work, and nursing to identify factors that are important to the successful development of interdisciplinary collaborative mental health care.
Finding the Right Mix: How Do Contextual Factors Affect Collaborative Mental Health Care in Ontario?
In: Canadian public policy: a journal for the discussion of social and economic policy in Canada = Analyse de politiques, Band 33, S. 49-65
ISSN: 0317-0861
Finding the Right Mix: How Do Contextual Factors Affect Collaborative Mental Health Care in Ontario?
In: Canadian public policy: a journal for the discussion of social and economic policy in Canada = Analyse de politiques, Band 33, Heft Supplement, S. S49-S64
ISSN: 0317-0861
Les ressources humaines en santé au xxi e siècle: une question complexe abordée dans le contexte canadien
In: Canadian public policy: Analyse de politiques, Band 33, Heft Supplement 1, S. Svii-Six
ISSN: 1911-9917
Health Human Resources Policy in the 21 st Century: Addressing the Complexities of Who Does What in a Canadian Context
In: Canadian public policy: Analyse de politiques, Band 33, Heft Supplement 1, S. Siii-Sv
ISSN: 1911-9917
Making a Better Living from Caregiving: Comparing Strategies to Improve Wages for Care Providers*
In: Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, Band 43, Heft 4, S. 407-426
ISSN: 1755-618X
Plusieurs stratégies ont été utilisées implicitement ou explicitement afin d'améliorer le taux de rémunération des prestataires de soins, pour la plupart des femmes. Ces tactiques comprennent: élever les titres de compétences requis pour exercer la profession; organiser et syndicaliser; exiger la parité salariale; solliciter du financement public pour leurs services. Alors que plusieurs chercheurs ont étudié le processus et les effets de ces stratégies sur les sciences infirmieres, très peu d'études semblables ont été réalisées auprès d'autres prestataires. Dans cet article, les auteures ont entrepris l'examen comparatif de l'efficacité des quatre stratégìes énumérées ci‐dessus pour atteindre les taux de rémunération appropriés en sciences infirmières, dans la profession de sage‐femme et en puèriculture.Several strategies have been employed either implicitly or explicitly to improve the remuneration levels of largely female care providers; these tactics include increasing entry‐to‐practice credentials; organizing and unionizing; seeking pay equity considerations; and seeking public funding for their services. While many scholars have investigated the process and effects of these strategies for nursing, there has been very little similar research conducted concerning other care providers. In this paper, we undertake a comparative examination of the effectiveness of the four aforementioned strategies in achieving appropriate levels of remuneration within nursing, midwifery and child care.
Supporting diverse health leadership requires active listening, observing, learning and bystanding
In: Equality, diversity and inclusion: an international journal, Band 42, Heft 3, S. 346-363
ISSN: 2040-7157
PurposeFostering diversity in health leadership is imperative as that not only enhances the quality of health care itself, but improves an organization's effectiveness and responsiveness to address the needs of a diverse population. Inequitable structures entrenched in health care such as sexism, racism and settler colonialism undermine efforts made by women from diverse backgrounds to obtain leadership roles. This paper identifies leading practices which support diverse health leadership.Design/methodology/approachA multi-methodological approach involving a targeted published and gray literature search undertaken through both traditional means and a systematic social media search, focused particularly on Twitter. A literature and social media extraction tool was developed to review and curate more than 800 resources. Items chosen included those which best highlighted the barriers faced by diverse women and those sharing tools of how allies can best support the diverse women.FindingsFour core promising practices that help to disrupt the status-quo of health leadership include (1) active listening to hear and amplify voices that have been marginalized, (2) active learning to respond to translation exhaustion, (3) active observing and noticing microaggressions and their consequences and (4) active bystanding and intervention.Social implicationsWhen implemented, these practices can help to dismantle racism, sexism, ableism and otherwise challenge the status-quo in health leadership.Originality/valueThis paper provides an original and value-added review of the published literature and social media analysis of heretofore disparate practices of allyship, all while amplifying the voices of health leaders from marginalized communities.
Relations between Professions and Organizations: More Fully Considering the Role of the Client
In: Professions and professionalism: P&P, Band 1, Heft 1
ISSN: 1893-1049
In much of the literature exploring the relations between professions and organizations, the relationship tends to be depicted as, or otherwise assumed to be in opposition. What this depiction conceals is a more complex and sometimes symbiotic relationship that can exist between professions and organizations. Still lacking in this more nuanced perspective, however, is an explicit acknowledgement of the influential role that clients of professions and organizations play in this relationship. In this paper we make the case for a more explicit and dynamic conceptualisation of the relationship between professions, organizations and clients based on a review of the classic and contemporary literature. Part of our goal is to more adequately address the inter-relationship between professionals and organizations by unpacking organizations, by highlighting the unique position of professions within organizations, and the different influences that clients can have on the orientation of professions within organizations.
Relations between professions and organizations: more fully considering the role of the client
International audience ; In much of the literature exploring the relations between professions and organizations, the relationship tends to be depicted as, or otherwise assumed to be in opposition. What this depiction conceals is a more complex and sometimes symbiotic relationship that can exist between professions and organizations. Still lacking in this more nuanced perspective, however, is an explicit acknowledgement of the influential role that clients of professions and organizations play in this relationship. In this paper we make the case for a more explicit and dynamic conceptualisation of the relationship between professions, organizations and clients based on a review of the classic and contemporary literature. Part of our goal is to more adequately address the inter-relationship between professionals and organizations by unpacking organizations, by highlighting the unique position of professions within organizations, and the different influences that clients can have on the orientation of professions within organizations.
Relations between professions and organizations: more fully considering the role of the client
International audience ; In much of the literature exploring the relations between professions and organizations, the relationship tends to be depicted as, or otherwise assumed to be in opposition. What this depiction conceals is a more complex and sometimes symbiotic relationship that can exist between professions and organizations. Still lacking in this more nuanced perspective, however, is an explicit acknowledgement of the influential role that clients of professions and organizations play in this relationship. In this paper we make the case for a more explicit and dynamic conceptualisation of the relationship between professions, organizations and clients based on a review of the classic and contemporary literature. Part of our goal is to more adequately address the inter-relationship between professionals and organizations by unpacking organizations, by highlighting the unique position of professions within organizations, and the different influences that clients can have on the orientation of professions within organizations.