In this article I argue that there has been a change in the dynamics of riots in the Netherlands from the escalated political protests of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s to public disturbances in disadvantaged neighbourhoods that lack a clearly articulated political component in the last two decades. This article examines the societal reactions such recent 'riots' evoke and the means by which the demarcated autonomous and exogenous groups are designated as 'the rioters' through a process of 'Othering'. It examines the 2007 'Slotervaart riot' as an exemplary case of such recent 'riots' in the Netherlands. It concludes that placing the focus on demarcated groups of Others during recent 'riots' in the Netherlands allowed broader social problems to be placed outside the 'normal' or 'pure' societal body.
Nederlanders met een Marokkaanse migratieachtergrond zijn steeds vaker succesvol op domeinen als onderwijs, arbeidsmarkt en huisvesting. Tegelijkertijd ervaren zij een negatief groepsimago, gebaseerd op een kleine groep die uitblinkt in sociale problemen en criminaliteit. Dit boek bestudeert de negatieve maatschappelijke reacties op 'Marokkanen' vanuit de labelingtheorieën en de impact van deze sociale reacties op verschillende Marokkaans-Nederlandse jongeren in Nederland. Vanuit de 'klassieke morele paniektheorie' van Stanley Cohen en Jock Young onderzoekt de auteur enerzijds drie maatschappelijke reacties op Marokkanen' in Nederland aan de hand van een kwalitatieve documentenanalyse van het mediadiscours. Hij beantwoordt vragen als hoe worden 'Marokkanen' besproken in het mediadiscours, hoe wordt op hen gereageerd en welke actoren spelen in de maatschappelijke reacties een belangrijke rol? Anderzijds onderzoekt de auteur door middel van open interviews en (participerende) observaties hoe Marokkaans-Nederlandse jongemannen in het dagelijks leven omgaan met deze negatieve maatschappelijke reacties op 'Marokkanen'. Hoe werken deze negatieve maatschappelijke reacties door in hun dagelijks leven? Wat doen deze reacties met hen en hoe reageren zij hierop? Tot slot leidt een theoretische en empirische herwaardering van de morele paniektheorie door de auteur tot de ontwikkeling van de meer holistische 'geïntegreerde morele paniektheorie' waarmee ook andere hedendaagse morele paniek begrepen en verklaard kunnen worden." -- Back cover
Dutch people with a Moroccan migration background in the Netherlands have to deal with social exclusion, due to a 'moral panic' about Moroccans, and social inclusion, due to an existing 'integration discourse', at the same time. These two co-existing social processes (social bulimia) influence the social identity and the sense of home of Dutch people with a Moroccan migration background in the Netherlands. This article first examines this impact on social identity and a sense of home, and secondly, to what extent the exclusionary process of a moral panic disrupts the inclusionary process of 'integration' as desired and propagated by Dutch government and society, on an individual level.These questions were answered with 38 qualitative interviews with, and (offline and online) participant observations among young men with a Moroccan migration background aged 15 to 35 in the Netherlands. This research shows that these processes lead to five types of responses with regard to social identity: explicitly disidentifying as Dutch and explicitly identifying as Moroccan, claiming identification as Dutch, constructing a specific bricolage identity, and allowing other identifications to prevail to reduce uncertainty regarding identity. In addition, it shows that despite the experienced social exclusion, these young men feel strongly connected with the Dutch and the Netherlands in all kinds of ways and perceive and experience the Netherlands as their 'home'. Finally, it becomes clear that the social inclusion desired by the Dutch government and society at large is disturbed by the social exclusion of 'Moroccans' in public discourse and in daily interactions, and that their sense of home counterbalances this disruption, but not enough to give them the feeling that they are part of Dutch society.
From data panic to Moroccan panic: A qualitative analysis of large data collections using codes, code groups and networks in Atlas.ti Large qualitative data collections can cause 'data panic' among qualitative researchers when reaching the stage of analysis. They often find it difficult to get a grip on such large data sets and to find a method of analysis that is both systematic and pragmatic and that can help them with this. In this article, I describe how I used a deductive and inductive method of analysis to get a grip on a large qualitative data collection (consisting of different formats) and how qualitative data analysis software facilitated this. This data reduction method consists of three stages: (1) deductive and inductive coding in Atlas.ti; (2) pattern coding in code groups and networks in Atlas.ti; and (3) reporting on the findings by transforming the networks into written text. This method is useful for researchers from all disciplines who want to analyze large qualitative data collections systematically, but at the same time do not want to drown in rigid methodological protocols that neutralize the creativity, reflexivity and flexibility of the researcher.
In this article I argue that there has been a change in the dynamics of riots in the Netherlands from the escalated political protests of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s to public disturbances in disadvantaged neighbourhoods that lack a clearly articulated political component in the last two decades. This article examines the societal reactions such recent 'riots' evoke and the means by which the demarcated autonomous and exogenous groups are designated as 'the rioters' through a process of 'Othering'. It examines the 2007 'Slotervaart riot' as an exemplary case of such recent 'riots' in the Netherlands. It concludes that placing the focus on demarcated groups of Others during recent 'riots' in the Netherlands allowed broader social problems to be placed outside the 'normal' or 'pure' societal body.
In: Bouabid , A 2016 , ' Riots of the Other: An analysis of societal reactions to contemporary riots in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in the Netherlands ' , European Journal of Criminology , vol. 13 , no. 6 , pp. 714-726 .
In this article I argue that there has been a change in the dynamics of riots in the Netherlands from the escalated political protests of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s to public disturbances in disadvantaged neighbourhoods that lack a clearly articulated political component in the last two decades. This article examines the societal reactions such recent 'riots' evoke and the means by which the demarcated autonomous and exogenous groups are designated as 'the rioters' through a process of 'Othering'. It examines the 2007 'Slotervaart riot' as an exemplary case of such recent 'riots' in the Netherlands. It concludes that placing the focus on demarcated groups of Others during recent 'riots' in the Netherlands allowed broader social problems to be placed outside the 'normal' or 'pure' societal body.