Aquaculture: a global market survey
In: Animal Pharm reports
In: Species market analysis
3 Ergebnisse
In: Animal Pharm reports
In: Species market analysis
This study was contracted by the Malta Aquaculture Research Centre (MARC), Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs (MRRA) and took place over a 4 month period between February and June 2011. The purpose of the study is the preparation of an aquaculture strategy for Malta, with the overall objectives stated as: (1) To lay down a structured path for sustainably developing aquaculture in Malta (2) To identify the domains that are essential for a profitable and sustainable industry in Malta. The report contains sections on international context, the present status of the industry, key industry issues, future potential, and a strategy for the industry. ; peer-reviewed
In: Marine policy, Band 129, S. 104523
ISSN: 0308-597X