52 Ergebnisse
Il regime giuridico dell'Artico: una nuova frontiera per il diritto internazionale?
In: Studi e documenti di diritto internazionale e comunitario 59
Giuseppe Botta: un protagonista piemontese della prima Repubblica
In: Le nostre storie
Incidentalità stradale e trasporto pubblico locale: i casi studio Roma, Cagliari, Salerno, Ferrara
In: Trasporti 32
Civic education in the school to educate young people in civil and democratic cooperation ; L'educazione civica nella scuola per educare i giovani alla convivenza civile e democratica
Society today asks the school to educate future citizens according to theprinciples of planetary citizenship and democratic coexistence. Therefore,the school is called to question what to do about the educational action tobe activated, in order to make effective the educational offer put in place, inthis case in the field of civic education, active citizenship and civil coexistence.In this sense, civic education through its transversality can be assumedas a model of reference for its peculiar pedagogical system, it can representthe discipline that gives unity and organicity to all educational design, thussubstantiating of new significance the field of education to civil coexistenceand active citizenship, in relation to an emancisocial and democratic educationalpractice. Of course, study and research must substantiate scientificityin the actual realization of what is supposed that in this contribution findsin nuce a first theoretical and practical explicitness that will have to takeshape in subsequent research and experimentation activities. ; La società chiede oggi alla scuola di educare i futuri cittadini secondo i principidella cittadinanza planetaria e della convivenza democratica. Pertanto,la scuola è chiamata a interrogarsi sul da farsi in ordine all'azione educativada attivare, al fine da rendere efficace l'offerta formativa posta in essere, nellafattispecie nell'ambito dell'educazione civica, della cittadinanza attiva e dellaconvivenza civile. In tal senso, l'educazione civica attraverso la sua trasversalitàpuò essere assunta come modello di riferimento, per il suo peculiareimpianto pedagogico può rappresentare la disciplina che dà unità e organicitàa tutta la progettazione didattica, sostanziando così di significanza nuoval'ambito dell'educazione alla convivenza civile e della cittadinanza attiva, inrelazione a una prassi didattica emancipativa e democratica. Ovviamente lostudio e la ricerca devono sostanziare di scientificità la fattiva realizzazionedi quanto supposto che nel presente contributo trova ...
The historical process of globalization and the unifying ideas that lead to planetary citizenship ; Il processo storico di mondializzazione e le idee unificanti che conducono alla cittadinanza planetaria
Today we live in a complex society, where social, ethical and political dynamism bring out various difficulties in the management of educational and relational dynamics. The phenomenonof globalization brings into being various questions related to social, political and educational dynamics. First to emerge is the question of the relationship between people and political institutions, whereby experts ask themselves whether the ongoing process of globalization is truly realizing the cosmopolitan ideal sustained by the Enlightenment intellectuals pre andpost-World War II. Globalization, the theme of citizenship, the sense of belonging and active participation in society resonates strongly. One wonders if we can really consider ourselvesas full citizens of the world. "Planetary" citizenship is such because as a member of a community, not only for moral connotations but also for what concerns the rights of the humanbeing; first of all, the right to well-being, and access to all that allows man to emancipate himself and to live in the world with dignity. Today, globalization highlights an idea of citizenshipand that of a person tending to take on new forms within the changing scenarios of the world. Everything seems to revolve around a global thought. It is in this context that education is requiredto meet the challenges of forming citizens of a new world. According to the prospect of globalization that therefore requires a new Paideia (Salmeri 2015) for authentic planetary citizenship. ; Oggi viviamo in una società complessa, dove il dinamismo sociale, etico e politico fanno emergere diverse difficoltà nella gestione delle dinamiche educative e relazionali. Il fenomenodella mondializzazione pone in essere diverse questioni relative alle dinamiche sociali, politiche, educative. Emerge prima di tutto la questione delle relazioni tra le persone e tra le istituzioni politiche, per cui gli esperti si chiedono se il processo di globalizzazione in atto sta realizzando veramente l'ideale cosmopolita sostenuto dagli ...
Democratic coexistence: ideas and points of view of students, teachers and parents. Results of a study-research ; La convivenza democratica: idee e prospettive degli studenti, degli insegnanti e dei genitori. I risultati di un'indagine-ricerca
The utmost goal of human existence is happiness, man is, by his own nature, a being who tends to enduring, eternal happiness. Advocates of the "Global Community" wish for a better coexistence among peoples, better conditions for development and well-being for all. Daily life, instead, gives us back a sad reality and a partial truth of well-being and global citizenship. There is no full realization of that principle of integration, capable of bringing people to live democratically in the respect of universal rights. Everyday chronicles arouse bitterness, disappointment, fear, feeding distrust, a general sense of insecurity, and continuous anxiety. The principles of citizenship, democracy, human rights seem to be constantly threatened. The same educational work of the school with regard to ethics of democratic values and citizenship appears to have been nullified by a competitive and educative logic that seems to leave no room for an education to democratic and global citizenship. Faced with the ongoing dehumanization of didactic processes, the social community still invokesthe educational work of the school so that it gets back to be a forge-laboratoryfor the formation of the 21st century's democratic citizen. ; Lo scopo ultimo dell'esistenza umana è la felicità, l'uomo per natura è un essere che tende alla felicità duratura, eterna. I fautori della "Comunità Globale" hanno auspicato una migliore convivenza tra i popoli, migliori condizioni di sviluppo e benessere per tutti. La quotidianità, invece, ci restituisce una triste realtà e una parziale verità di benessere e di cittadinanza globale. Non si assiste a una piena realizzazione di quel principio d'integrazione, capace di portare gli uomini a convivere democraticamente nel rispetto dei diritti universali. Le cronache quotidiane suscitano amarezza, delusione, paura, alimentando la diffidenza, un generale senso di insicurezza e una continua inquietudine. I principi di cittadinanza, di democrazia, dei diritti umani, sembrano essere continuamente minacciati. La ...
Cilicia and the Roman Empire: reflections on Provincia Cilicia and its romanisation
This paper aims at the study of the Roman province of Cilicia, whose formation process was quite long (from the 1st century BC to 72 AD) and complicated by various events. Firstly, it will focus on a more precise determination of the geographic limits of the region, which are not clear and quite ambiguous in the ancient sources. Secondly, the author will thoroughly analyze the formation of the province itself and its progressive Romanization. Finally, political organization of Cilicia within the Roman empire in its different forms throughout time will be taken into account. ; This paper aims at the study of the Roman province of Cilicia, whose formation process was quite long (from the 1st century BC to 72 AD) and complicated by various events. Firstly, it will focus on a more precise determination of the geographic limits of the region, which are not clear and quite ambiguous in the ancient sources. Secondly, the author will thoroughly analyze the formation of the province itself and its progressive Romanization. Finally, political organization of Cilicia within the Roman empire in its different forms throughout time will be taken into account.
The questions asked by the islamic fundamentalism and the principles of planetary citizenship ; Le questioni poste dall'integralismo islamico e i principi della cittadinanza planetaria
The first part of this new millennium presents us a political and economic context inwhich the so-called globalized society is rising from the ranks setting as its first foundationthe constitution of planetary citizenship, considered the first principle for the affirmationof human rights and of civil co-habitation, in order to realise pacification, solidarityand equality among peoples. Unfortunately this rising "Global Village" is still continuouslytormented by so many conflicts, destructiveness, inequalities and injustices.Among peoples a climate of generalised violence and creeping terror prevails, causingin the "citizens" of the planet bewilderment, distrust, insecurity and anxiety. Therefore,the planetary citizenship is continually threatened by a strong competitiveness and individualismmaking human beings threatening and threatened, it follows that many layersof the world population do not feel ensured their fundamental rights. In such a direction,the educational action can represent the keystone that works as a critical forceof emancipation of consciences and avoids the flattening on ideological positions thatundermine at the base the ongoing process of promotion of civil co-habitation, safeguardof human rights and the constitution of a planetary citizenship as guarantee ofglobal peace and fundamental rights of the human being. ; La prima parte di questo inizio millennio ci presenta un panorama politico ed economicodove si fa strada la cosiddetta società globalizzata che pone come suo primo fondamentola costituzione della cittadinanza planetaria, considerata principio primo per l'affermazionedei diritti umani e della convivenza civile, al fine di realizzare la pacificazione,la solidarietà e l'uguaglianza tra i popoli. Purtroppo questo nascente "VillaggioGlobale" è ancora continuamente travagliato da tanti conflitti, distruttività, disuguaglianzee ingiustizie. Aleggia tra i popoli un clima di violenza generalizzata e un terrorestrisciante, causando nei "cittadini" del pianeta smarrimento, diffidenza, ...
OSSERVATORIO DIRITTI UMANI - Riflessioni sull'accesso ad internet come diritto umano
In: La comunità internazionale: rivista trimestrale della Società Italiana per l'Organizzazione Internazionale, Band 65, Heft 3, S. 395-415
ISSN: 0010-5066
Health in Uruguay: Progress and Challenges in the Right to Health Care Three Years after the First Progressive Government
Using a social medicine perspective, this article describes the Frente Amplio [Broad Front] government strategies for creating a more social, productive, democratic, innovative, and culturally integrated Uruguay. This nation will recognize health as a basic human right, is concerned about the general well being of its population, and understands the need for public health reform. The present health reform is at the heart of Uruguay's current social, economic and political transformations, changes which have a moral-ethical and social justice dimension. The health proposal calls for substantive transformation, requiring three parallel progressive changes: in health care delivery, in health care management and in health care financing. The current reform has created a mixed private-public Integrated National Health Care System and an increasingly well funded National Health Insurance program. The process is new and evolving, transcendent, democratic, and participatory. Keywords: social medicine, right to health, human rights, reform, Integrated National Health Care System.
Twilight: The Glamorization of Abuse, Codependency, and White Privilege
In: The journal of popular culture: the official publication of the Popular Culture Association, Band 47, Heft 1, S. 153-173
ISSN: 1540-5931
La mission politique de l'Église et des chrétiens: enjeux des intuitions de Jean-Baptiste Metz pour l'engagement social de l'Église en Afrique
In: Croire et savoir en Afrique