Shouldering the Burden of Redemption: How the ""Fashion"" of Wearing Capes Developed in Ultra-Orthodox Society
In: Nashim: a journal of Jewish women's studies & gender issues, Heft 22, S. 32
ISSN: 1565-5288
1692 Ergebnisse
In: Nashim: a journal of Jewish women's studies & gender issues, Heft 22, S. 32
ISSN: 1565-5288
In: China aktuell: journal of current Chinese affairs, S. 158
ISSN: 0341-6631
In: Journal of social history, Band 24, Heft 2, S. 396-399
ISSN: 1527-1897
In: Journal of social history, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 315-337
ISSN: 1527-1897
In: Social justice: a journal of crime, conflict and world order, Band 16, Heft Summer 89
ISSN: 1043-1578, 0094-7571
Discusses U.S./Dominican relations in the context of this and other alleged assassinations. (JM)
In: Journal of social history, Band 6, Heft 4, S. 518-523
ISSN: 1527-1897
In: Journal des économistes et des études humaines: JEEH, Band 7, Heft 2-3, S. 351-362
ISSN: 2153-1552
In: Human relations: towards the integration of the social sciences, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 91-98
ISSN: 1573-9716, 1741-282X
In: Culture and civilization in the Middle East v. 38
In: Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, Band 7, Heft 2/3, S. 351-362
In: Ethics, Place & Environment: A Journal of Philosophy and Geography, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 289-298, 2000
In: Ethics, Place & Environment: A Journal of Philosophy and Geography, Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2005
"If you value the integrity of our elections-or want a behind-the-scenes look at an attempt at overturning one-Disproven by Ken Block takes you out of the voting booth and into the chaos that was the attempt to challenge the results of the 2020 U.S. presidential election. In November 2020, data specialist Ken Block received a phone call from the Trump Campaign. They wanted to hire him to find evidence of election fraud. What followed were late night and early morning requests to assess fraud claims at a blistering pace and ultimately find definitive evidence about the role voter fraud played in the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. Multiple subpoenas later, Block reveals the truth about being one of the few professionals hired to prove the Trump Campaign's allegation that voter fraud cost Donald Trump the 2020 presidential election. He explains what the voter data tells us and exposes the sobering truth that our federal elections are operating on hundreds, if not thousands, of disparate voting systems prone to error-a threat to national election integrity. Disproven is an insider's look at the results of an inflammatory claim, a flawed system, and the changes drastically needed before the results of another election are threatened or contested"--
In: essentials
Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es, sich vor den Gefahren von Deepfakes – also künstlich erstellten oder manipulierten Inhalten – zu schützen? In diesem Buch werden Anwendungsbereiche von Deepfakes dargestellt und die technischen Grundlagen zur Erstellung und Aufdeckung von Deepfakes vorgestellt. Es wird eine Einordnung in die verschiedenen Bereiche des deutschen Rechts (allgemeines Zivilrecht, Urheberrecht und Strafrecht) vorgenommen. Hierbei liegt ein besonderes Augenmerk darauf, welche Rechtsschutzmöglichkeiten Betroffenen – also Personen, die gegen ihren Willen abgebildet werden – zustehen und welche Hindernisse bei der Durchsetzung dieser Ansprüche bestehen können. Anschließend wird der Entwurf für eine europäische Verordnung über Künstliche Intelligenz (AI Act) – mit einem Fokus auf die für Deepfakes geltenden Offenlegungsvorschriften – vorgestellt. Der Inhalt Positive und negative Anwendungsbereiche Technische Einführung Rechtlicher Rahmen in Deutschland Entwurf einer Europäischen KI-Verordnung Ansätze zum Umgang mit Deepfakes Die Autorin Martina Block studierte Rechtswissenschaften an der Bucerius Law School in Hamburg. Danach schloss sie ihren Master of Laws (LL.M.) an der Universität Regensburg mit dem Schwerpunkt Legal Tech ab. Sie ist Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Research Lab for Law and applied Technologies (ReLLaTe) der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences und forscht insbesondere zur Regulierung von Künstlicher Intelligenz.
In: International criminal justice series, volume 33
This book explores the issue of leadership criminality from a new angle by comparing two highly relevant modes of responsibility. By contrasting individual criminal responsibility for ordering international crimes with indirect perpetration through an organisation, it shows the doctrinal weaknesses of the latter and outlines the much-overlooked advantages of the former. The volume analyses the development of both forms of responsibility, looking at their origins, and their reception in academia and practical use in jurisprudence. The history of indirect perpetration through an organisation (Organisationsherrschaft) is portrayed from its German academic origin, through German jurisprudence to the reception of the doctrine at the International Criminal Court. By comparing the doctrines stages of evolution, the book sheds light on the different aspects of the various models of indirect perpetration through an organisation and carves out general and fundamental criticism of it. The characteristics of ordering liability are explored in depth through an analysis of jurisprudence of the Nuremberg subsequent trials, the ad hoc tribunals and the International Criminal Court. This historic and doctrinal comparison reveals a well-defined and to-date much neglected mode of responsibility with enormous potential for the adjudication of leadership figures in the ambit of international criminal law and only one conclusion can follow from this analysis: it calls for practitioners and academics to leave the well-trodden paths of national criminal law doctrine and embrace truly international modes of liability such as the ordering of a crime. This volume in the ICJ series provides practitioners, researchers and students with a detailed account of forms of leadership liability and an innovative approach to the topics most discussed issue. Dr. Johannes Block is a criminal lawyer specializing in international criminal law, responsibility of leadership figures, questions of perpetration and participation in crime as well as the national-socialists crimes. He studied in Mnster, Germany and Bogot, Colombia and obtained his Dr. iur. from the University of Cologne, where he also worked and taught as a research assistant for several years. His legal clerkship led him to organized crime investigations, criminal defence, the European Commission and the German Federal Ministry of Justice.