It Takes a Nation: A New Agenda for Fighting Poverty - Updated Edition
Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- CONTENTS -- LIST OF FIGURES -- LIST OF TABLES -- PREFACE TO THE PAPERBACK EDITION -- PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- INTRODUCTION -- Looking at the Facts -- A Note About the Definition of Poverty -- CHAPTER 1: The Changing Face of Poverty -- 1.1 Who Is Poor in America Today? -- 1.2 Moving In and Out of Poverty -- 1.3 The Location of Poverty: It's Closer than You Think -- 1.4 Why Don't They Just Get Jobs? Work Behavior among the Poor -- 1.5 Teen Moms and Out-of-Wedlock Births: Changing Fertility and Marriage Behavior in the United States -- 1.6 Poor Single Mothers: What Problems Do They Face? -- 1.7 Absent Fathers: Why Don't We Ever Talk about the Unmarried Men? -- 1.8 Drugs, Gangs, and Illegal Activity: Crime and Poverty -- CHAPTER 2: A Changing Economy -- 2.1 The Death of "Trickle Down Economics": Why Economic Growth No Longer Reduces Poverty -- 2.2 Jobs: As Available (or as Unavailable) as Ever -- 2.3 One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Fifteen Years of Falling Wages -- 2.4 Work Follows Wages: Changing Work Effort among the Poor -- 2.5 Cities Down/Suburbs Up: The Changing Geography of Jobs -- 2.6 Outside the Mainstream: The Underground Economy and the Poor -- 2.7 "Get A Job": How Far Out of Poverty Will It Take You? -- CHAPTER 3: Changing Policy: America's Efforts to Provide a Social Safety Net -- 3.1 New Directions for Policy -- 3.2 The Social Safety Net in Operation -- 3.3 Cash Assistance Programs -- 3.4 In-Kind Assistance Programs -- 3.5 Earnings Subsidy Programs -- 3.6 Job Search and Job Training Programs -- 3.7 Family-based Programs: Child Support Efforts -- 3.8 Targeting Youth: Educational Enrichment Efforts -- 3.9 Improving Neighborhoods: Economic Development Efforts -- CHAPTER 4: What Do Antipoverty Programs Do? -- 4.1 Do Cash Transfers Reduce Poverty?