Social work knowledges
In: Nordic Social Work Research, Band 9, Heft 3, S. 203-205
ISSN: 2156-8588
22 Ergebnisse
In: Nordic Social Work Research, Band 9, Heft 3, S. 203-205
ISSN: 2156-8588
In: Nordic Social Work Research, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 101-103
ISSN: 2156-8588
In: Nordic Social Work Research, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 1-4
ISSN: 2156-8588
In: Tidsskrift for Forskning i Sygdom og Samfund: tidsskrift for idéhistorie, Band 15, Heft 28, S. 5-13
ISSN: 1904-7975
I dette nummer af Tidsskrift for Forskning i Sygdom og Samfund sætter vi fokus på stoffer og stofbrug og forskellige sociale, kulturelle, ideologiske og/eller professionelle betydninger, funktioner og formål, stoffer kan have i forhold til sundhed og sygdom.
In: Tidsskrift for Forskning i Sygdom og Samfund: tidsskrift for idéhistorie, Band 18, Heft 35, S. 139-158
ISSN: 1904-7975
Borgere med et stort forbrug af rusmidler er markant overrepræsenterede på parametre for udsathed som for eksempel manglende tilknytning til arbejdsmarkedet, hjemløshed og ensomhed, og deres sundhedstilstand er dårligere end gennemsnittet. En gruppe, som er særligt udsatte blandt rusmiddelbrugere, er de ældre eller alderssvækkede brugere. Denne artikel fokuserer på en gruppe ældre rusmiddelbrugeres udfordringer i møderne med vel- færds- og sundhedssystem, blandt andet bureaukratiske barrierer, manglende forståelse fra professionelle og frygten for at miste autonomi. At de oplever møderne med systemerne som problematisk, betyder dog ikke, at de ikke forsøger at agere "rigtigt" i forhold til sund- hedsmæssige udfordringer. Med udgangspunkt i samværet omkring et drikkeskur forsøger brugerne selv at tage ansvar for egen sundhed og samtidig at agere omsorgspersoner for andre brugere. Fællesskabet er, selv om det er baseret på "kassérbare relationer" (Desmond, 2012), centralt for brugernes trivsel og sundhed. Artiklen argumenterer for, at brugerne efter bedste evne og under egne vilkår agerer efter sundhedsmæssige retningslinier - for eksempel i forbindelse med corona-pandemien - og de bestræber sig på at opføre sig som "ordentlige" medborgere. Artiklen argumenterer endvidere for, at det er vigtigt at inddrage erfaringer fra udsatte borgere for bedre at kunne rumme dem i velfærds- og sundhedstilbud, hvor de ellers kan have svært ved at passe ind. Artiklen er baseret på data indsamlet via etnografisk feltarbejde i en forstad til Aarhus i 2019-20.
In: Nordic journal of Social Research: NJSR, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 132-154
ISSN: 1892-2783
Drug policy has spread into new areas of society and new players are now engaged in this policy. This leads to the question: How can we understand and explain the increasingly complex puzzle that we call drug policy?
A very wide range of drug policies are implemented in contemporary societies - not only by governments, but also by local communities, organisations, public institutions, private enterprises, sports clubs etc., with consequences for drug users, citizens and society in general.
In Drug Policy anthropologists, criminologists and sociologists analyse different aspects of drug policy, seeing it as a way of regulation drugs - including control, treatment, prevention and harm reduction. Using examples from both Denmark and the USA, the authors' approach is to focus in particular on the history and consequences of drug policy in practice. The topic is analysed on an international, national as well as local level. This book will be of great value to advanced undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in drug policy, as well as to academics, practitioners and policy makers in the drug field.
In: Nordic Social Work Research, Band 11, Heft 4, S. 291-292
ISSN: 2156-8588
In: Nordic Social Work Research, Band 11, Heft 3, S. 197-198
ISSN: 2156-8588
In: Nordic Social Work Research, Band 10, Heft 4, S. 299-301
ISSN: 2156-8588
In: Nordic Social Work Research, Band 10, Heft 1, S. 1-4
ISSN: 2156-8588
In: Qualitative studies, Band 5, Heft 2, S. 57-71
ISSN: 1903-7031
Citizens with complex problems are often in touch with different welfare services and administrative systems in order to receive the help, they need. Sometimes these services overlap and sometimes they conflict. The lack of ready-made services to match the complex, multiple, and often shifting needs of citizens with complex problems presents a challenge to caseworkers in the welfare system. In this article, we zoom in on the management of a single user´s case, in order to examine in detail how caseworkers nevertheless make casework 'work'. We employ the concept of 'tinkering' to highlight the ad hoc and experimental way in which caseworkers work towards adjusting services to the unique case of such citizens. Tinkering has previously been used in studies of human-technology relations, among others in studies of care-work in the welfare system. In this paper, we employ the concept to capture and describe a style of working that, although not a formally recognized method, might be recognizable to many caseworkers in the welfare system. We show how tinkering involves the negotiation of three topics of concern, namely the availability of services, the potentials of services to be adjusted to the particular problems of the citizen, and finally, the potential for interpreting these problems and the citizen's needs in a way that they match the service. We further demonstrate that casework tinkering involves both short-term and long-term negotiation of services. Firstly, tinkering is involved in the continual adjustment and tailoring of services to the immediate needs of the citizen, but secondly, it also speaks to a more proactive process of working towards a more long-term goal.
In: Substance use & misuse: an international interdisciplinary forum, Band 48, Heft 11, S. 997-1009
ISSN: 1532-2491
Hvordan omsættes den sociale lovgivnings krav om brugerinddragelse, retssikkerhed og helhedsorienterende indsatser i praksis i forhold til udsatte grupper som misbrugere, sindslidende og torturofre?Det undersøges i Det sociale arbejdes daglige praksis, hvis bidrag bygger på etnografiske feltarbejder i det sociale arbejdes frontlinje - på væresteder, i bo- og behandlingstilbud
In: Qualitative studies, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 51-75
ISSN: 1903-7031
Older marginalized citizens with severe substance use are presently a growing population in Denmark. They struggle with comprehensive and complex needs for care and treatment, which put high demands on health and care professionals working with them. Yet, the complexity of their needs for care and the care provided to them is highly understudied. We take our empirical point of departure in an anthropological pilot study of care work in private homes and retirement homes in two municipalities, where we followed care professionals on their shifts and interviewed them in order to identify challenging situations in daily care. Building on Mol's concept of logic of care (Mol 2008), we examine how the care professionals in their everyday work with substance using older citizens faced dilemmas in the provision of care within the logics of on the one hand Danish standards for "correct" care and on the other respecting the autonomy of substance using citizens.