Influence of shade and sun on the behavior and welfare of mule ducks ready to be force feed in the summer ; Influence de l'ombre et du soleil sur le comportement et le bien-être des canards mulards prêt-à-gaver en période estivale
National audience ; Component of animal welfare is now more than ever the object of observation and recurrent criticisms that bring the legislature to increase drastically the requirements and recommendations of livestock management. This test was developed to compare the behavior and performance of livestock ducks ready to stuff (PAG) on route under forest and meadow paths with fixed points provided by shady old trees in summer. The study focused on two batches each consisting of mule ducks 200 ducks 4 floors respectively with access to a course in meadow with trees and a path in the woods. Measures of activity and occupation of space ducks have been carried out at the ducks after the opening of doors and closing them up in a farming system in semi outdoors. In addition zoo technical measures on growth performance, measures the state of the footpads (pododermatitis), the feathering and degrees of soiling of the animals were also performed. The first results show that rearing conditions appear to be paramount for healthy growth of the animals, especially during summer stress related to high temperatures. These results emphasize the importance of providing immediate vicinity of livestock buildings shaded environment capable of providing all the animals the conditions necessary for their proper development and better use of space outside. ; La composante du bien être des animaux est aujourd'hui plus que jamais l'objet d'observations et de critiques récurrentes, qui amèneront le législateur à accentuer de manière drastique les impératifs et les préconisations de conduite d'élevage. Cet essai a été mis en place afin de comparer le comportement et les performances zootechniques des canards prêts à gaver (PAG) élevés sur parcours sous couvert forestier et sur parcours fixes en prairie avec des points ombragés procurés par des vieux arbres, en période estivale. L'étude a porté sur 2 lots de canards mulards composés chacun 4 parquets de 200 canards ayant accès respectivement à un parcours en prairie avec arbres et à un ...