16 Ergebnisse
Passive Source Localization Using Compressively Sensed Towed Array
In: Defence science journal: DSJ, Band 63, Heft 6, S. 630-635
ISSN: 0011-748X
La migration, le développement durable et le rôle des entreprises
In: Chronique ONU, Band 50, Heft 3, S. 22-25
ISSN: 2411-9911
Migration, sustainable development and the role of business
In: UN Chronicle, Band 50, Heft 3, S. 22-25
ISSN: 1564-3913
Where Digitalization Meets Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges
In: Sustainability in a Digital World; CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance, S. 37-49
Defining Who You Are By What You're Not: Organizational Disidentification and The National Rifle Association
In: Organization science, Band 12, Heft 4, S. 393-413
ISSN: 1526-5455
Through two exploratory studies, we develop and test an introductory framework of "organizational disidentification." Our first study explores the concept of organizational disidentification through a qualitative investigation of cognitive relationships with the National Rifle Association (NRA). Findings suggest that organizational disidentification is a self-perception based on: (1) a cognitive separation between one's identity and the organization's identity, and (2) a negative relational categorization of oneself and the organization (e.g., categorizations such as "rivals" or "enemies"). Organizational disidentification appears to be motivated by individuals' desires to both affirm positive distinctiveness and avoid negative distinctiveness by distancing themselves from incongruent values and negative stereotypes attributed to an organization. Our findings also suggest that organizational disidentification can lead individuals to take action (either volunteer work or voicing their opinion) as a result of their perceived separation from the organization's identity. Results of our second study"a large-scale survey of public attitudes about the NRA"provide support for this framework.
Role and present status of biotechnology in augmenting poultry productivity in india ; Not Available
Not Available ; India although has achieved self sufficiency infood grains, it has to solve the problems of protein-energymalnutrition for millions of people. Presently, poultryindustry has emerged as a big hope, which can meet notonly the protein requirement to millions but can provideemployment and thereby, livelihood security. India is the3rd largest producer of eggs and holds 5th position inpoultry meat production in the world. Developments likeemergence of molecular markers, structural and functionalgenomics, bioinformatics etc. in the field of the biotech-nology have provided ample opportunity to peep into themolecular architecture of the individual birds. Improve-ment of poultry birds all together can be achieved throughconventional breeding approach, but amalgamation ofconventional and molecular approach can generate furtherimprovement of birds in sustainable manners, which in turnaugment productivity of the poultry very rapidly and effi-ciently bypassing the impact of climate change being facedby the whole world today ; Not Available
Coherent Change Detection with COSMO SkyMed Data-experimental Results
In: Defence science journal: DSJ, Band 63, Heft 1, S. 69-73
ISSN: 0011-748X
Exploring the Social and Business Returns of a Corporate Oral Health Initiative Aimed at Disadvantaged Hispanic Families
In: Journal of consumer research: JCR ; an interdisciplinary journal, Band 35, Heft 3, S. 483-494
ISSN: 1537-5277
Coherent Change Detection with COSMO SkyMed Data-experimental Results
Change detection is a technique in which we try to find changes between two acquisitions. These acquisitions can be from different platforms and sensors. Acquisition from satellite using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is of immense interest to military applications. Satellite has the ability to peep into the enemy territory while SAR has the capability of day and night operations, being an active sensor. Coherent change detection (CCD) can be used to detect minute changes between two images. This paper presents the coherent change detection experimental studies using COSMO SkyMed space borne data. It has been demonstrated that subtle changes caused by the vehicle movement can be detected using phase characteristic of the SAR data.Defence Science Journal, 2013, 63(1), pp.69-73, DOI:
The State of the Sub-discipline: Mapping Parliamentary and Legislative Studies Using a Survey and Bibliometric Analysis of Three of Its Journals
We map the current state of parliamentary and legislative studies through a survey of 218 scholars and a bibliometric analysis of 25 years of publications in three prominent sub-field journals. We identify two groupings of researchers, a quantitative methods, rational choice-favouring grouping and a qualitative methods, interpretivism-favouring grouping with a UK focus. Upon closer examination, these groupings share similar views about the challenges and future of the sub-discipline. While the sub-discipline is becoming more diverse and international, US-focused literature remains dominant and distinct from UK-focused literature, although there are emerging sub-literatures which are well placed to link them together.
Performance Analysis of Ultra Wideband Multiple Access Time Hopping – Pulse Shape Modulation in Presence of Timing Jitter
In: Defence science journal: DSJ, Band 64, Heft 5, S. 464-470
ISSN: 0011-748X
Relating Brandand Customer Perspectives on Marketing Management
In: Journal of service research, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 13-25
ISSN: 1552-7379
What is the difference between brand equity and customer equity? Does the distinction matter? Is there a difference between the firm's brand asset and customer asset? What are the implications of taking a brand perspective versus a customer perspective when designing and implementing marketing programs? The objective of this article is to examine these two perspectives in depth so that researchers and managers can improve their understanding and use of customer and brand perspectives on marketing. The authors seek to determine the relationship between the two assets and perspectives in terms of similarities and differences. They examine the development of customer and brand perspectives and describe how each adds value to the firm and to the customer. Subsequently, they delineate possible approaches for measuring marketing assets. They discuss key issues researchers and practitioners should consider in managing marketing assets, particularly for multibrand companies. They conclude by suggesting future research directions.
Brucellosis in India: results of a collaborative workshop to define One Health priorities ; Not Available
Not Available ; Brucellosis is an important zoonosis worldwide. In livestock, it frequently causes chronic disease with reproductive failures that contribute to production losses, and in humans, it causes an often-chronic febrile illness that is frequently underdiagnosed in many low- and middle-income countries, including India. India has one of the largest ruminant populations in the world, and brucellosis is endemic in the country in both humans and animals. In November 2017, the International Livestock Research Institute invited experts from government, national research institutes, universities, and different international organizations to a one-day meeting to set priorities towards a "One Health" control strategy for brucellosis in India. Using a risk prioritization exercise followed by discussions, the meeting agreed on the following priorities: collaboration (transboundary and transdisciplinary); collection of more epidemiological evidence in humans, cattle, and in small ruminants (which have been neglected in past research); Economic impact studies, including cost effectiveness of control programmes; livestock vaccination, including national facilities for securing vaccines for the cattle population; management of infected animals (with the ban on bovine slaughter, alternatives such as sanctuaries must be explored); laboratory capacities and diagnostics (quality must be assured and better rapid tests developed); and increased awareness, making farmers, health workers, and the general public more aware of risks of brucellosis and zoonoses in general. Overall, the meeting participants agreed that brucellosis control will be challenging in India, but with collaboration to address the priority areas listed here, it could be possible. ; Not Available
New high precision study on the decay width of the Hoyle state in C-12
Precise estimation of the rare direct 3α decay of the Hoyle state of 12C has been made to unveil its unusual α-cluster configurations ranging from linear 3α chain structure to diffuse Bose gas as well as Bose Einstein condensate. The present new high precision, nearly zero background experimental study with Hoyle events has converged on the upper limit for direct decay at ∼0.019% with 95% confidence limit, which is more than a factor of 2 lower than the limit obtained in the previous studies. ; Two of the authors (S.B. and A.R.) acknowledge the financial support received as Raja Ramanna Fellowship from the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India.