Literacy across languages and cultures
In: SUNY series, literacy, culture, and learning
In: Theory and practice
35 Ergebnisse
In: SUNY series, literacy, culture, and learning
In: Theory and practice
In: Equality, diversity and inclusion: an international journal, Band 37, Heft 1, S. 96-107
ISSN: 2040-7157
The purpose of this paper is to explore the challenges and opportunities created for inclusion by the election and installation of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the USA.
The paper uses the author's personal and professional experience and perspectives to raise and address questions about the limits of inclusion, alternative perspectives on inclusion, and approaches for sustaining attention to and continuing to foster inclusion.
Although inclusion can be conceptualized in different ways, a nuanced and complex view that incorporates limits to tolerance of behavior that undermines inclusion along with clear rules of engagement, civility, and respect may be most useful and productive.
The paper applies a paradoxical perspective to understanding the implications of a Trump administration for the practice of inclusion, including those particularly relevant for organizational diversity and inclusion practitioners.
En: Arbitraje: revista de arbitraje comercial y de inversiones. eISSN. 2603-9281. vol. 7, n. 3, 2014, pp 679-706 ; El artículo revisará las expropiaciones llevadas a cabo por el Gobierno de Evo Morales en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia. Posteriormente, explorará los indicadores económicos bolivianos y el impacto de las referidas expropiaciones en dichos indicadores. Finalmente, el autor analizará el nuevo marco legislativo de la inversión extranjera en Bolivia y las posibilidades de acudir al arbitraje. En particular, se analizará y comentará brevemente la Ley No. 516, de 4 abril 2014, de Promoción de Inversiones y el Anteproyecto de Ley de Conciliación y Arbitraje. ; This article will review the expropriations executed by the Government of Evo Morales in the Plurinational State of Bolivia. The article will subsequently explore the Bolivian economic indicators and the impact of the expropriations on such indicators. Finally, the author will analyze the new legal framework of foreign investment in Bolivia and the possibility of resorting to arbitration. In particular, the author will analyze and provide a brief commentary on Law No. 516, of 4 April 2014, on the Promotion of Investment and on the Draft Bill on Conciliation and Arbitration.
En: Arbitraje: revista de arbitraje comercial y de inversiones. eISSN. 2603-9281. vol. 7, n. 3, 2014, pp 679-706 ; El artículo revisará las expropiaciones llevadas a cabo por el Gobierno de Evo Morales en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia. Posteriormente, explorará los indicadores económicos bolivianos y el impacto de las referidas expropiaciones en dichos indicadores. Finalmente, el autor analizará el nuevo marco legislativo de la inversión extranjera en Bolivia y las posibilidades de acudir al arbitraje. En particular, se analizará y comentará brevemente la Ley No. 516, de 4 abril 2014, de Promoción de Inversiones y el Anteproyecto de Ley de Conciliación y Arbitraje. ; This article will review the expropriations executed by the Government of Evo Morales in the Plurinational State of Bolivia. The article will subsequently explore the Bolivian economic indicators and the impact of the expropriations on such indicators. Finally, the author will analyze the new legal framework of foreign investment in Bolivia and the possibility of resorting to arbitration. In particular, the author will analyze and provide a brief commentary on Law No. 516, of 4 April 2014, on the Promotion of Investment and on the Draft Bill on Conciliation and Arbitration.
En: Arbitraje: revista de arbitraje comercial y de inversiones. eISSN. 2603-9281. vol. 3, n. 3, 2010, pp 655-676 ; La cada vez más frecuente participación de Estados Soberanos en el arbitraje internacional, tanto comercial como de protección de inversiones, está dando lugar a un nuevo Derecho Internacional Económico. La distinción entre lo público y lo privado se difumina, quizás porque responde a una importante globalización de la contratación administrativa. La Doctrina Calvo cuestionó la eficacia de la protección diplomática. La ratificación generalizada de Tratados sobre Arbitraje Internacional pareció que suponía un abandono de posturas soberanistas. Sin embargo, algunos abusos arbitrales y ciertas posturas políticas especialmente en la América Latina obligan a una seria reflexión sobre el presente y el futuro del arbitraje internacional. ; The increasingly frequent participation of Sovereign States in International Arbitration, both commercial and in investment protection, is giving rise to a new Economic International Law. The distinction between public and private is becoming hazier, perhaps because it answers to the significant globalisation of public procurement. The Calvo Doctrine questions the effectiveness of diplomatic protection. It appeared that generalised ratification of Treaties on International Arbitration implied the abandoning of sovereignist positions. Nevertheless, certain arbitral abuses and political positions, especially in Latin America, oblige us to make a serious reflection on the present and future of International Arbitration.
En: Arbitraje: revista de arbitraje comercial y de inversiones. eISSN. 2603-9281. vol. 3, n. 3, 2010, pp 655-676 ; La cada vez más frecuente participación de Estados Soberanos en el arbitraje internacional, tanto comercial como de protección de inversiones, está dando lugar a un nuevo Derecho Internacional Económico. La distinción entre lo público y lo privado se difumina, quizás porque responde a una importante globalización de la contratación administrativa. La Doctrina Calvo cuestionó la eficacia de la protección diplomática. La ratificación generalizada de Tratados sobre Arbitraje Internacional pareció que suponía un abandono de posturas soberanistas. Sin embargo, algunos abusos arbitrales y ciertas posturas políticas especialmente en la América Latina obligan a una seria reflexión sobre el presente y el futuro del arbitraje internacional. ; The increasingly frequent participation of Sovereign States in International Arbitration, both commercial and in investment protection, is giving rise to a new Economic International Law. The distinction between public and private is becoming hazier, perhaps because it answers to the significant globalisation of public procurement. The Calvo Doctrine questions the effectiveness of diplomatic protection. It appeared that generalised ratification of Treaties on International Arbitration implied the abandoning of sovereignist positions. Nevertheless, certain arbitral abuses and political positions, especially in Latin America, oblige us to make a serious reflection on the present and future of International Arbitration.
In: Human development, Band 43, Heft 1, S. 19-23
ISSN: 1423-0054
In: Asian and Pacific migration journal: APMJ, Band 2, Heft 3, S. 285-301
ISSN: 2057-049X
After summarizing the major features of the ASEAN labor market and patterns of labor migration in Asia, the article describes the origins and current status of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) and its main mechanism, the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) Scheme. Projections are offered on the effects on regional trade after AFTA. Though the volume of intra-regional trade may be less significant than in the cases of Europe or North America, AFTA is likely to have a significant effect on promoting a regional division of labor. Although AFTA is limited to the manufacturing sector, in the future the Philippines may find a niche in services requiring "knowledge workers" such as accountants and computer analysts.
In: Southeast Asian affairs, Band 1991, Heft 1, S. 240-249
ISSN: 1793-9135
In: Southeast Asian affairs, Band 18, S. 240
ISSN: 0377-5437
In: Contemporary Southeast Asia, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 120-128
In: Asian survey, Band 27, Heft 2, S. 194-205
ISSN: 1533-838X
In: Asian survey: a bimonthly review of contemporary Asian affairs, Band 27, Heft 2, S. 194-205
ISSN: 0004-4687
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