13 Ergebnisse
World Affairs Online
Les institutions de la France
In: Repères pratiques
Entre essence et existences: les identités classique et moderne de l'Europe
In: Analele Universității București: Annals of the University of Bucharest = Les Annales de l'Université de Bucarest. Științe politice = Political science series = Série Sciences politiques, Band 12, S. 3-12
It seems possible to distinguish a traditional design and a modern vision from Europe, the first resting on an ontology, the second on a phenomenological construction. Traditional Europe is the incarnation of a culture in a geographically variable space, territories being able to be gained or lost. In this design, the identity of Europe is determined by its elements founders who gave him its unit. Contrary, since the modern society is the result of a contract, the European Union wants to be detached of any ontological identity. Moreover, whereas in the Roman and medieval tradition, the empire was a qualitative and spiritual concept, this one rocked in the reign of the quantity. Consequently, the territorial extent of the European Union, in the modern thought, is only limited by the wills.
Dire et codifier le droit selon Michel Spéransky (1772-1839)
In: Revue française d'histoire des idées politiques: revue semestrielle, Heft 19, S. 39-88
ISSN: 1266-7862
Dire et codifier le droit selon Michel Spéransky (1772-1839)
In: Revue française d'histoire des idées politiques, Band 19, Heft 1, S. 39-88
ISSN: 2119-3851
Résumé La philosophie qui animait Michel Spéransky ne fut pas toujours explicitement exposée ; d'origine baconienne et kantienne, elle était véritablement moderne. Partisan d'une alliance avec la continuation napoléonienne de la Révolution, il était favorable à un droit public constitutionnalisé. Sa conception de l'articulation des fonctions souveraines faisait prédominer le législatif sur le judiciaire. Les circonstances politiques l'obligèrent à donner une apparence classique à son œuvre de codification juridique. Mais, combinant la méthode historique et le rationalisme, le sociologisme et le positivisme, le droit selon Spéransky était un instrument pour transformer la société.
From Digital Humanities to a Renewed Approach to Digital Learning and Teaching
In: Žurnal Sibirskogo Federal'nogo Universiteta: Journal of Siberian Federal University. Gumanitarnye nauki = Humanities & social sciences, S. 1682-1693
ISSN: 2313-6014
In a world in which digital interfaces, dematerialization, automation, so-called tools of artificial intelligence aim to drive away the human or eliminate the relationship with humans! The way other beings see us is important. What would happen if we took the full measure of this idea? How would this affect our understanding of society, culture, and the world we inhabit? How would this affect our understanding of the human, since in this world beyond the human, we sometimes find things that we prefer to attribute only to ourselves? What impacts on education, learning, teaching? After having explored the field opened by these questions, we will bring an answer with a reinvention of the learning platform named KOALA (KnOwledge Aware Learning Assistant). KOALA is a new online learning platform that comes back to internet sources. Symmetrical and acentric, KOALA combines analyzes from the digital humanities and answers to the challenges of education in the 21st century
World Affairs Online
Effects of NO3 − and PO4 3− on the release of geogenic arsenic and antimony in agricultural wetland soil: a field and laboratory approach
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 23, Heft 5, S. 4714-4728
ISSN: 1614-7499
Marine monitoring in Europe: is it adequate to address environmental threats and pressures?
We provide a review of the environmental threats and gaps in monitoring programmes in European coastal waters based on previous studies, an online questionnaire, and an in-depth assessment of observation scales. Our findings underpin the JERICO-NEXT 1 monitoring strategy for the development and integration of coastal observatories in Europe and support JERICO-RI 2 in providing high-value physical, chemical, and biological datasets for addressing key challenges at a European level. This study highlights the need for improved monitoring of environmental threats in European coastal environments. Participants in the online questionnaire provided new insights into gaps between environmental threats and monitoring of impacts. In total, 36 national representatives, scientists, and monitoring authorities from 12 European countries (Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, UK) completed the questionnaire, and 38 monitoring programmes were reported. The main policy drivers of monitoring were identified as the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), Regional Seas Conventions (e.g. OSPAR), and local drivers. Although policy drivers change over time, their overall purposes remain similar. The most commonly identified threats to the marine environment were marine litter, shipping, contaminants, organic enrichment, and fishing. Regime change was identified as a pressure by 67 % of respondents. The main impacts of these pressures or threats were identified by the majority of respondents (> 70 %) to be habitat loss or destruction, underwater noise, and contamination, with 60 % identifying undesirable disturbance (e.g. oxygen depletion), changes in sediment and/or substrate composition, changes in community composition, harmful microorganisms, and invasive species as impacts. Most respondents considered current monitoring of threats to be partially adequate or not adequate. The majority of responses were related to the spatial and/or temporal scales at which monitoring takes place and inadequate monitoring of particular parameters. Suggestions for improved monitoring programmes included improved design, increased monitoring effort, and better linkages with research and new technologies. Improved monitoring programmes should be fit for purpose, underpin longer-term scientific objectives which cut across policy and other drivers, and consider cumulative effects of multiple pressures. JERICO-RI aims to fill some of the observation gaps in monitoring programmes through the development of new technologies. The science strategy for JERICO-RI will pave the way to a better integration of physical, chemical, and biological observations into an ecological process perspective.
Marine monitoring in Europe: is it adequate to address environmental threats and pressures?
We provide a review of the environmental threats and gaps in monitoring programmes in European coastal waters based on previous studies, an online questionnaire, and an in-depth assessment of observation scales. Our findings underpin the JERICO-NEXT1 monitoring strategy for the development and integration of coastal observatories in Europe and support JERICO-RI2 in providing high-value physical, chemical, and biological datasets for addressing key challenges at a European level. This study highlights the need for improved monitoring of environmental threats in European coastal environments. Participants in the online questionnaire provided new insights into gaps between environmental threats and monitoring of impacts. In total, 36 national representatives, scientists, and monitoring authorities from 12 European countries (Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, UK) completed the questionnaire, and 38 monitoring programmes were reported. The main policy drivers of monitoring were identified as the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), Regional Seas Conventions (e.g. OSPAR), and local drivers. Although policy drivers change over time, their overall purposes remain similar. The most commonly identified threats to the marine environment were marine litter, shipping, contaminants, organic enrichment, and fishing. Regime change was identified as a pressure by 67 % of respondents. The main impacts of these pressures or threats were identified by the majority of respondents (> 70 %) to be habitat loss or destruction, underwater noise, and contamination, with 60 % identifying undesirable disturbance (e.g. oxygen depletion), changes in sediment and/or substrate composition, changes in community composition, harmful microorganisms, and invasive species as impacts. Most respondents considered current monitoring of threats to be partially adequate or not adequate. The majority of responses were related to the spatial and/or temporal scales at which monitoring takes place and inadequate monitoring of particular parameters. Suggestions for improved monitoring programmes included improved design, increased monitoring effort, and better linkages with research and new technologies. Improved monitoring programmes should be fit for purpose, underpin longer-term scientific objectives which cut across policy and other drivers, and consider cumulative effects of multiple pressures. JERICO-RI aims to fill some of the observation gaps in monitoring programmes through the development of new technologies. The science strategy for JERICO-RI will pave the way to a better integration of physical, chemical, and biological observations into an ecological process perspective.
Marine monitoring in Europe: is it adequate to address environmental threats and pressures?
We provide a review of the environmental threats and gaps in monitoring programmes in European coastal waters based on previous studies, an online questionnaire, and an in-depth assessment of observation scales. Our findings underpin the JERICO-NEXT 1 monitoring strategy for the development and integration of coastal observatories in Europe, and support JERICO-RI 2 in providing high-value physical, chemical and biological datasets for addressing key challenges at a European level. This study highlights the need for improved monitoring of environmental threats in European coastal environments. Participants in the online questionnaire provided new insights into gaps between environmental threats and monitoring of impacts. In total, 36 national representatives, scientists and monitoring authorities from 12 European countries (Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom) completed the questionnaire, and 38 monitoring programmes were reported. The main policy drivers of monitoring were identified as the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), Regional Seas conventions (e.g. OSPAR) and local drivers. Although policy drivers change over time, their overall purposes remain similar. The most commonly identified threats to the marine environment were: marine litter, shipping, contaminants, organic enrichment, and fishing. Regime shift was identified as a pressure by 67 % of respondents. The main impacts of these pressures or threats were identified by the majority of respondents (> 70 %) to be habitat loss or destruction, underwater noise, and contamination, with 60 % identifying undesirable disturbance (e.g. oxygen depletion), changes in sediment/substrate composition, changes in community composition, harmful micro-organisms and invasive species as key impacts. Most respondents considered current monitoring of threats to be partially adequate or not adequate. The majority of responses were related to spatial and/or temporal scales at which monitoring takes place, and inadequate monitoring of particular parameters. Suggestions for improved monitoring programmes included improved design, increased monitoring effort and better linkages with research and new technologies. Improved monitoring programmes should be fit-for-purpose, underpin longer-term scientific objectives which cut across policy and other drivers, and consider cumulative effects of multiple pressures. The JERICO-RI aims to fill some of the observation gaps in monitoring programmes through development of new technologies. The science strategy for JERICO-RI will pave the way to a better integration of physical, chemical and biological observations into an ecological process perspective. 1 JERICO-NEXT is the European H2020 project under grant agreement No. 654410. 2 JERICO-RI is the European coastal research infrastructure (RI) community built by and through JERICO-NEXT and its predecessor JERICO (Framework 7 Grant Agreement 49 no 262584).
Experimental assessment of particle mixing fingerprints in the deposit-feeding bivalve Abra alba (Wood)
In: Journal of marine research, Band 70, Heft 5, S. 689-718
ISSN: 1543-9542