El artículo que presentamos realiza un acercamiento al proceso desamortizador llevado a cabo por Mendizábal a partir de 1835 en Madrid, analizando el destino que corrieron las bibliotecas existentes en los conventos de la capital una vez que comenzó la exclaustración. Así, tras un recorrido por la puesta en marcha y posterior desarrollo de este fenómeno, analizaremos la biblioteca del convento de San Antonio del Prado, realizando un estudio del índice de su librería, así como de los distintos inventarios pudiendo con ello establecer una valoración completa del proceso. ; This paper presents an approach about the disseltaiment conducted by Mendizábal from 1835 in Madrid. We will first offer a study about the destination of the libraries of convents after the supresion off religious orders. Secondly, we will explain how the process started and was developed. Finally, we have studied the library of San Antonio del Prado convent, based on the information provided by the original cathalogue and inventories on the books. With this information it was possible to establish a valuation process. ; Ciencias Jurídicas
Urban resilience is a broadly mentioned concept that will be key for the future of urban areas. However, to implement consistent and integrated policies using resilience, an inclusive perspective of the concept needs to be embedded in the regulatory framework. Therefore, the aim of this research is to assess to which extent the transposition of the concept includes an integrated approach in the Spanish legal framework. In order to do so, this research will identify the reference framework documents, conduct a systematic data collection of the Spanish legal corpus related to the previous framework documents, identify the importance given to resilience in the legal corpus and evaluate the approach and its consistency with a comprehensive perspective. This approach comes from an urban planning sight, in order to be a tool to understand the relevance of the concept in the Spanish administration, taking this into account it does not intend to be an evaluation from a legal perspective. As the results show, resilience is mostly used to address climate change and natural hazards without including references to other aspects and, when doing so, it does it in a fragmentary manner. The documents analysed does not consider a comprehensive definition, and the existing ones do not include the possible negative trade-offs and fail to fully integrate all the aspects of resilience as a strategy for sustainable development. The final considerations provide a few guidelines to policy decision-makers.
1 figure.-- Talk delivered at the HeteroNanoCarb-2019 Conference, Advances and applications in carbon related nanomaterials: From pure to doped structures including heteroatom layers, 2019, December 09th -- 13th, Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual in Benasque (Aragon, Spain). ; For the last fifteen years, graphene oxide (GO) has become a material of great importance within the subject of chemically modified graphene (CDG) for its vast potential applications. However, both the chemical structure of Graphene oxide and the diverse processes taking place in thermal reduction of GO into reduced graphene oxide (RGO) are still not completely clear despite the sizable amount of studies concerning this issue. TEM and EELS, using a sample holder capable of heating samples up to 1200ºC within the TEM, is a unique and extensive technique for the analysis of the reduction of GO. Using this technique, we can measure, simultaneously and in situ, four main properties essential to this analysis at several intermediate temperatures and under high vacuum: the oxidation rate, its thickness, its mass density and its sp2-sp3 bond ratio. This study presents an analysis of GO by studying all of the aforementioned properties in two different studies: a first one heating up to 300ºC to better understand the physisorbed and chemisorbed water desorption, and a second one up to 1200ºC focused on the desorption of various oxygen functional groups; as well as the graphitisation of GO. Our results will be compared with previous studies on the matter. ; This work was supported by the Spanish MINECO (MAT2016-79776-P, AEI/FEDER, EU), and European Union H2020 programs Marie Sklodowska-Curie Enabling Excellence (642742), ESTEEM3 (823717), Flag-ERA GATES (JTC - PCI2018-093137) and Graphene Flagship (785219).
[EN] [Aim] To obtain specific references for the nutritional diagnosis of ten essential nutrients for leaf blade and petiole of 'red Grenache' (Vitis vinifera L.). ; [Methods and results] Leaf blades and petioles from 36 vineyards of 'red Grenache' (Vitis vinifera L.) grafted on Richter 110 were collected and analyzed at flowering and veraison between 1992 and 2008. Using the compiled data bank, nutritional references for ten elements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and B were calculated. Optimal values were those around the central data (μ ± 0.25σ), while excessive and deficient values were those beyond the tails of the distribution (μ ± 0.84σ). Percentile calculation was performed when transformations to normal distributions became unlikely. ; [Conclusion] References for Sufficiency Ranges (SR) and Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) methods were obtained for those ten nutrients studied. ; [Significance and impact of the study] The proposed 'red Grenache' references for leaf blade and petiole contribute to the improvement of the accuracy of 'red Grenache' grapevine nutrient diagnosis based on tissue analysis. These references are a guide to assess the nutritional status of 'red Grenache' grapevine around the world in general and, with higher accuracy, for the Rioja region and areas with similar vineyard conditions. ; [FR] [Objectif] Obtenir des références spécifiques pour le diagnostic nutritionnel de dix éléments nutritifs essentiels au limbe et pétiole de 'Grenache noir' (Vitis vinifera L.). ; [Méthodes et résultats] Les limbes et pétioles des feuilles provenant de 36 vignobles de 'Grenache noir' (Vitis vinifera L.) greffés sur Richter 110 ont été recueillis et analysés à la floraison et à la véraison entre 1992 et 2008. À partir de la banque de données, des références nutritionnelles pour dix éléments (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu et B) ont été calculées. Les valeurs optimales étaient celles autour de la valeur centrale de données (μ ± 0.25σ), tandis que les valeurs excessives et déficientes étaient celles au-delà des extrémités de la distribution (μ ± 0.84σ). Lorsque les valeurs n'étaient pas conformes à une distribution normale et que la transformation logarithmique n'était pas efficace, les percentiles correspondants ont été calculés. ; [Conclusion] Les références pour les méthodes Gammes de Suffisance et Déviation du Pourcentage Optimal ont été obtenues pour les dix nutriments étudiés. ; [Signification et impact de l'étude] Les références pour le limbe et le pétiole de 'Grenache noir' contribuent à l'amélioration du diagnostic de nutriments. Ces références sont un guide pour évaluer l'état nutritionnel des vignes de 'Grenache noir' dans le monde et, avec une plus grande précision, dans la région de Rioja et dans d'autres régions similaires. ; This study was supported by the National Institute of Agricultural Research (Spain) and the Regional Government of La Rioja (Spain) with Projects INIA-SC00-016, PR-01-03, PR-01-04 and PR-03-05, among others. We also thank Mrs. M. Carmen Arroyo, the staff at the Regional Laboratory of La Grajera (La Rioja), the staff at the Viticulture and Oenology Section (SIDTA-ICVV), and the vine growers who helped develop the database. ; Peer Reviewed
Deviation from optimum percentage (DOP) is a diagnosis methodology for leaf analyses which expresses the deviation for each element with respect to its optimal concentration. This deviation is an individual index for each nutrient and allows the sorting of all the analyzed nutrients according to their limitations. A nutritional survey was undertaken over eleven years in La Rioja (Spain), to establish reference concentrations for the nutritional diagnosis of Vitis vinifera L., cv. 'Tempranillo' grafted on Richter-110. Reference concentrations for DOP methodology are proposed, and sensibility for the nutritional diagnosis was evaluated for blade and petiole analysis of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and B at flowering and veraison phenological stages by comparison between DOP and sufficiency ranges (SR) methods. Results suggest that petiole has lower sensibility than blade to detect deficiencies or excesses of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, and Mn at veraison. In addition, petiole is a better tissue than blade to detect Fe and B deficiencies or excesses. Therefore, our results make possible the right choice between tissues, leaf blade or petiole, for a general nutritional diagnosis of 'Tempranillo' grapevines. On the other hand, it is possible to evaluate the status of each nutrient in each phonological stage analyzing both tissues and comparing the nutrient status to its references, DOP or SR, in the most adequate tissue. ; This study was supported by the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA, Spain), the European Social Fund and the Regional Government of La Rioja (Spain): Projects INIA-SC00-016, PR-01-03, PR-01-04, and PR-03-05, among others. ; Peer Reviewed
Spain's Urban Analyses of Vulnerable Neighbourhoods in 1991, 2001 and 2011 examine urban vulnerability in the Spanish cities with more than fifty thousand inhabitants and provincial capitals. Its main conclusion is that the internal imbalances in the Spanish cities increased significantly and continuously during the two decades analysed, in a double process of expansion and spatial concentration of vulnerable population, regardless of market condition and political juncture. The Urban Analyses are one of the main components of The Observatory of Urban Vulnerability from the current Spanish Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda. Indeed, the Spanish Urban Agenda indicates it as a tool to achieve two of its goals: promoting urban regeneration and fostering social cohesion to seek equity. ; Los Catálogos de Barrios Vulnerables de España de 1991, 2001 y 2011 examinan la vulnerabilidad urbana en las ciudades españolas mayores de 50 mil habitantes y capitales de provincia. Su principal conclusión es que durante las dos décadas analizadas los desequilibrios internos de las ciudades españolas aumentaron de forma significativa y continuada, en un doble proceso de incremento y concentración espacial de población vulnerable, independiente de las coyunturas económicas y políticas. Los Catálogos son uno de los componentes principales del Observatorio de la Vulnerabilidad Urbana del actual Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana. Precisamente, la Agenda Urbana Española los propone como herramientas para la consecución de dos de sus objetivos: impulsar la regeneración urbana y fomentar la cohesión social buscando la equidad.
Several studies have shown in different organisms how their movements can be fitted to different patterns to optimize search of food resources. According to abundance and availability of resources, different strategies will be optimal, such as Lévy and Brownian random search. We analyze the movement patterns of four species of migratory raptors with different degrees of ecological specialization in diet during the breeding and wintering periods to evaluate the differences according to species and season: the Egyptian Vulture, the Short-toed Snake Eagle, the Booted Eagle, and the Red Kite. From GPS locations, we obtained a set of segments and lengths that were analyzed to verify their fitting to the functions of Lévy and Brownian strategies. Egyptian Vulture's trajectories fitted to both patterns during the breeding period, whereas during the wintering period most trajectories fitted a Brownian pattern. In the case of the Short-toed Eagle, fit was greater to a Lévy strategy throughout the year, while Booted Eagles and Red Kites exhibited a combination of search patterns. These differences could be accounted for different feeding strategies and environmental context over the annual cycle. In species with a specialized diet (i.e., Short-toed Eagle) the Lévy pattern would maximize the encounters with scarce and unpredictable resources, whereas for species with a broad trophic niche (i.e., Booted Eagle and Red Kite), movements could be adapted to exploit different resources according to their abundance. Scavengers like the Egyptian Vulture shift also between search strategies according to the distribution of carrion. Therefore, the analysis of food search patterns can be used as an indirect indicator to track changes in food availability across a broad range of environmental conditions. This is particularly important under the current context of global change which is largely expected to affect migratory species that spend their vital cycle in distant areas. ; Tracking of Booted Eagles and Red Kites has been made within the "Migra" program (www.migraciondeaves.org/en/) developed by SEO/BirdLife and financed by Fundación Iberdrola España. The Basque Government and the Biodiversity Foundation financed the tagging of several Red Kites in Spain. Tracking of Italian individuals was funded by Gallipoli Cognato Piccole Dolomiti Lucane Regional Park (Italy). Servicio de Vida Silvestre (Generalitat Valenciana) and different local governments funded part of the tagging. JV-M was supported by a FPU grant of Spanish Ministry of Education (reference FPU014/04671).
Disentangling individual- and population-level variation in migratory movements is necessary for understanding migration at the species level. However, very few studies have analyzed these patterns across large portions of species' distributions. We compiled a large telemetry dataset on the globally endangered Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus (94 individuals, 188 completed migratory journeys), tracked across ~70% of the species' global range, to analyze spatial and temporal variability of migratory movements within and among individuals and populations. We found high migratory connectivity at large spatial scales (i.e., different subpopulations showed little overlap in wintering areas), but very diffuse migratory connectivity within subpopulations, with wintering ranges up to 4,000 km apart for birds breeding in the same region and each subpopulation visiting up to 28 countries (44 in total). Additionally, Egyptian Vultures exhibited a high level of variability at the subpopulation level and flexibility at the individual level in basic migration parameters. Subpopulations differed significantly in travel distance and straightness of migratory movements, while differences in migration speed and duration differed as much between seasons and among individuals within subpopulations as between subpopulations. The total distances of the migrations completed by individuals from the Balkans and Caucasus were up to twice as long and less direct than those in Western Europe, and consequently were longer in duration, despite faster migration speeds. These differences appear to be largely attributable to more numerous and wider geographic barriers (water bodies) along the eastern flyway. We also found that adult spring migrations to Western Europe and the Balkans were longer and slower than fall migrations. We encourage further research to assess the underlying mechanisms for these differences and the extent to which environmental change could affect Egyptian Vulture movement ecology and population trends. ; Balkans and Caucasus data: This work was financially supported by the LIFE+ projects LIFE10 NAT/BG/000152 and LIFE 16 NAT/BG/000874 funded by the European Union and co-funded by the AG Leventis Foundation and MAVA, the US National Science Foundation, the Christensen Fund, National Geographic Society, the Whitley Fund for Nature, Faruk Yalçin Zoo and Kuzey Doga's donors (in particular Bilge Bahar, Devrim Celal, Seha Işmen, Lin Lougheed, Burak Över, and Batubay Özkan). We are grateful to Turkey's Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks and NorthStar Science and Technology for donating three transmitters each. State Nature Reserve Dagestanskiy and Russian Raptor Research and Conservation Network supported work in Dagestan. Western Europe data: deployments of transmitters in Portugal were funded by the EU-funded LIFE Rupis project (LIFE14 NAT/PT/00855); SALORO S.L.U. funded the deployment of transmitters in the Duero region of Spain; DREAL Nouvelle-Aquitaine—Fondation d'entreprises Barjane funded deployments in France; JE was supported by Basque government predoctoral grant (grant number: 569382696); GREFA (Grupo para la Rehabilitación de la Fauna Autóctona y su habitat)-Endangered Species Monitoring Project together with Poison Sentinels Project of WWF/Spain. The Migra Program of SEO/BirdLife (www.migraciondeaves.org/en/) deployed transmitters in collaboration with Fundación Iberdrola España, and were funded by La Rioja Regional Government in La Rioja, and Fundación Hazi and Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa within the Interreg POCTEFA-ECOGYP project in Gipuzkoa.