A resistência às obras hidrelétricas na Amazônia e a fragilização do Ministério Público Federal - DOI: 10.5801/ncn.v16i2.1205
In: Novos cadernos NAEA: NCN, Band 16, Heft 2
ISSN: 2179-7536
13 Ergebnisse
In: Novos cadernos NAEA: NCN, Band 16, Heft 2
ISSN: 2179-7536
In: Novos cadernos NAEA: NCN, Band 15, Heft 1
ISSN: 2179-7536
Apesar do esforço intelectual de vários cientistas que condenaram a megaobra da Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte, e do movimento social de resistência ao projeto, que reuniu as populações atingidas pelo empreendimento (povos indígenas e ribeirinhos), com apoio nacional e internacional, o governo brasileiro deu início às obras de sua construção. Este artigo contextualiza o projeto de Belo Monte como um paradigma para o processo de expansão da hidroeletricidade na região amazônica, refutando as premissas econômicas utilizadas para justificá-lo, analisando de forma crítica seus fundamentos técnicos e apontando as consequências socioambientais para as populações tradicionais da região.
In: Ambiente & sociedade, Band 25
ISSN: 1809-4422
Abstract Based on the policy document analysis method and a conceptual framework derived from Science and Technology Studies, this paper analyses the construction of institutionally legitimated forms of discursive limitation of energy governance in Brazil. The paper analyzes a subset of selected vital policy documents produced by regulatory bodies such as the National Energy Agency (ANEEL) and the Energy Research Office (EPE). As an insight for further research on the governance of energy policy, the paper's contribution to the debate is to bring to the fore the relevance of recasting the whole process of regulation of distributed energy in terms of an attempt to build a narrative of control over socio-technical innovation with the potential to democratize access to and use of energy services. This policy narrative's unspoken goal is to retain control of the Brazilian energy transition at the central level.
In: Ambiente & Sociedade, Band 15, Heft 2, S. 1-22
ISSN: 1414-753X
A produção de soja no Brasil alcançou destaque na última década. Atualmente, o país configura-se como maior exportador e segundo maior produtor de soja no mundo. Porém, a expansão desse cultivo está sendo associada diretamente ao desmatamento da Floresta Amazônica. Sua cultura iniciou-se no sul do país e avançou para a região central, sobre o bioma do cerrado, expandindo-se, gradativamente, ao norte do Brasil, principalmente por meio de latifúndios monocultores e controlados por grandes empresas transnacionais. A área de avanço agrícola ao norte tem substituído o bioma local: a Floresta Amazônica, o que tem preocupado entidades públicas e privadas, em face do desmatamento exagerado e perda da biodiversidade. Este estudo analisa o avanço da cultura da soja no norte do estado de Mato Grosso, no período entre 1984 e 2009, por meio da interpretação de imagens de satélite, e sua relação com o desmatamento da Floresta Amazônica. Como resultado, apresentam-se três mapas de uso do solo da área de estudo. A análise dos mapas permitiu verificar que o desmatamento recente da floresta está sendo promovido pela atividade pecuária, e os solos descampados e erodidos do pasto têm sido usados para a cultura de soja. Ou seja, na área analisada, a soja estabelece-se em áreas antes degradadas pelo gado, e não diretamente sobre as áreas de floresta desmatada.
In: Ambiente & sociedade, Band 24
ISSN: 1809-4422
Abstract This study analyzes the local energy planning (LEP), a set of urban energy strategies and potential scope, for São Paulo from 2014 to 2030. A simulation model is used to quantify the impacts of implementing LEP strategies on the city's energy system based on three indicators: energy demand, percentage usage of renewable sources, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The performance of LEP strategies was analyzed for two scenarios: the first reproduces the city policies in force, and the second expands the population's access to city energy services. Considering the implementation of LEP in the first scenario, the city exhibits a 65% usage of renewable energy and a 43% reduction in GHG emissions in 2030. Furthermore, implementation of the same strategies in the second scenario, also for 2030, results in a 67% usage of renewable energy with a 24% reduction in emissions compared to 2014.
In: Cadernos sobre Comércio e Meio Ambiente, No. 1
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In: Ambiente & sociedade, Band 24
ISSN: 1809-4422
World Affairs Online
In: Ambiente & sociedade, Band 23
ISSN: 1809-4422
Abstract This paper analyzes the historical trends in the energy supply and demand for the Macrometrópole Paulista Energy System, as well as the existing options for harnessing the renewable energy potential of the region. The research included a case study covering the 174 municipalities that belong to the macro-metropolis to characterize the energy system from 2006 to 2017 while analyzing the CO2 emissions of the system. The results indicated that, in 2017, the Paulista macro-metropolis accounted for 73% of the total energy demand of the entire state of São Paulo. Moreover, considering the energy generated from within the administrative limits of the 174 municipalities, the macro-metropolis accounted for about 17% of the total installed capacity of the state for electricity generation. This study found that the installed capacity for electricity generation in the region can be increased by ~ 112%. There so, an understanding of the local energy systems is of utmost importance for the formulation of coherent and integrated public policies, which are necessary to cope with the effects of climate change.
In: The Urban Book Series
Part 1: Environmental sanitation governance -- Environmental sanitation in the São Paulo Macrometrópolis in view of climate change -- Nexus for urban resilience in the face of climate change: Policies and synergies in the context of a macrometropolis -- Water security, climate change and the Paulista Macrometropole: Challenges from a critical perspective -- Social and socio-environmental indicators and challenges for São Paulo Macrometropolis -- Part 2: Territorialities, spatialities and innovation in environmental governance -- Planning in the São Paulo Macrometropolis: Research balance and emerging themes -- Tekoá and the São Paulo Macrometropolis: Reflections on the social production of space -- System, practices, and culture of environmental planning in the São Paulo Macrometropolis in context of climate change: Debate from the planning artifacts -- From the social construction of risks to the sociotechnical transition: Discussing possibilities to face urban floods in the SPMM -- Part 3: Small towns in a metropolized space -- Social-environmental vulnerability and adaptive capacity of SPMM's small cities in the face of climate emergency -- Protected areas and local development: Limits and possibilities in the small towns of the metropolitan region of the Paraíba Valley and Northern Coast in the São Paulo Macrometropolis -- Water security of rural populations in the São Paulo Macrometropolis -- Adaptation to climate variability in the São Paulo Macrometropolis: A debate from climate justice perspective -- Part 4: São Paulo city's urbanization evolution and its impact on the regional atmospheric patterns: Numerical simulations of present and future climate -- Relationship between urbanization and precipitation in the São Paulo Macrometropolis -- Contribution of CMIP models in the formulation of adaptive public policies -- Hydrological modeling of urbanized basins -- Land use and land cover changes in the São Paulo Macrometropolis -- Climate shift: An approach to its effects on the rainfall regime -- Part 5: The governance of energy issues in the context of the SPMM -- Smart cities: Limits and possibilities in the São Paulo Macrometropolis -- Energy justice and distributed photovoltaic power generation in São Paulo -- The context and evolution of the distributed generation in the São Paulo Macrometropolis -- Part 6: The ecosystem services approach in the dynamics of environmental governance -- Critical discussion of the concept of ecosystem services at São Paulo Macro Metropolis -- Economic, ecological and social-cultural ecosystem services valuation: Contributions, limits and theoretical disputes -- Models, tools and instruments for ecosystem services assessment and support for decision making process in a macrometropolitan scale -- Public policies, ecosystem services and environmental governance in Brazil: An analytical review of public policies at legal, social, and institutional arrangements, at the federal, state, and municipal levels -- Part 7: Social learning in the MacroAmb project -- Dialogue and social learning: Analyzing the challenges of integrating different knowledges in an interdisciplinary research -- Synthesis and final words of the book.
World Affairs Online