The COVID-19Pandemic in Italy: Policy and Technology Impact on Health and Non-Health Outcomes
In: Health Policy and Technology 2020
3 Ergebnisse
In: Health Policy and Technology 2020
Working paper
In: Environmental science and pollution research: ESPR, Band 28, Heft 9, S. 11444-11453
ISSN: 1614-7499
AbstractAmong the numerous clean-up techniques for water treatment, sorption methods are widely used for the removal of trace metals. Phragmites australis is a macrophyte commonly used in constructed wetlands for water purification, and in the last decades, its use as biosorbent has attracted increasing attention. In view of a circularly economy approach, this study investigated improvement of trace metal removal by recycling the biomass of P. australis colonizing a constructed wetland, which operates as post-treatment of effluent wastewater from an activated sludge plant serving the textile industrial district of Prato (Italy). After the annual mowing of the reed plants, the biomass was dried and blended to derive a sustainable and eco-friendly biosorbent and its sorption capacity for Fe, Cu, and Zn was investigated comparing the batch system with the easier-to-handle column technique. The possibility of regeneration and reuse of the biosorbent was also evaluated. The biomaterial showed an interesting sorption capacity for Cu, Fe, and Zn, both in batch and in column experiments, especially for Fe ions. The immobilization of the biosorbent in column filters induced some improvement in the removal efficiency, and, in addition, this operation mode has the advantage of being much more suitable for practical applications than the batch process.
In: Social science & medicine, Band 366, S. 117687
ISSN: 1873-5347