Cultivation cycle and quality of floral stems of gladiolus cultivars in the Cerrado Brazilian
In: DELOS: Desarrollo Local Sostenible, Band 16, Heft 47, S. 2750-2767
ISSN: 1988-5245
The growth and development of gladiolus, a cut flower widely used in decorations and commemorative dates, are influenced by the ambient temperature. Elevated temperatures shorten the growing cycle and accelerate flowering, while low temperatures delay development. Four gladiolus cultivars (White Goddess, Purple Flora, Green Star, Yester e Spic en Span) were evaluated for growth, development, and quality of floral stems, during autumn, in average temperatures of 24.31ºC. During the vegetative period, White Goddess presented the highest plant height. Entry into the reproductive stage R1 occurred between 56.81 and 65.41 days after planting and harvesting in R3 occurred between 63 and 77 days. Purple Flora stood out as the earliest cultivar and Spic en Span as the early. The gladiolus plants had a plant height greater than 90 cm and an inflorescence diameter greater than 5 mm at harvest, values within the required commercial standards. However, Green Star and Spic en Span had several rapiers below 8, an undesirable value. The cultivar White Goddess had the highest longevity, 6.75 days. The cultivation of gladiolus in regions with a Brazilian tropical climate allows a reduction in the cultivation cycle, and production of floral stems within commercialization standards.