Enhancing sub-bandgap external quantum efficiency by photomultiplication for narrowband organic near-infrared photodetectors
Detection of electromagnetic signals for applications such as health, product quality monitoring or astronomy requires highly responsive and wavelength selective devices. Photomultiplication-type organic photodetectors have been shown to achieve high quantum efficiencies mainly in the visible range. Much less research has been focused on realizing near-infrared narrowband devices. Here, we demonstrate fully vacuum-processed narrow- and broadband photomultiplication-type organic photodetectors. Devices are based on enhanced hole injection leading to a maximum external quantum efficiency of almost 2000% at -10V for the broadband device. The photomultiplicative effect is also observed in the charge-transfer state absorption region. By making use of an optical cavity device architecture, we enhance the charge-transfer response and demonstrate a wavelength tunable narrowband photomultiplication-type organic photodetector with external quantum efficiencies superior to those of pin-devices. The presented concept can further improve the performance of photodetectors based on the absorption of charge-transfer states, which were so far limited by the low external quantum efficiency provided by these devices. Photomutiplication-type organic photodetectors (PM-OPDs) are attractive for various next-generation technologies due to their lower cost, higher sensitivity and technological utility. Here, the authors report vacuum-processed narrowband PM-OPDs with enhanced sub-bandgap external quantum efficiency. ; J.K. acknowledges the German Academic Exchange Service for the Ph.D. fellowship. J.B. acknowledges the DFG project VA 1035/5-1 (Photogen) and the Sächsische Aufbaubank through project no. 100325708 (InfraKart). E.B. thanks Roland Schulze (IPF) for performing the ellipsometry measurements. L.B. acknowledges the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement number 722651 (SEPOMO). ; Peer review information Nature Communications thanks Qiuming Yu and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Peer reviewer reports are available.