Synergetic use of active and passive remote sensing techniques to retrieve vertical profiles of atmospheric aerosol properties during day- and night-time
This PhD dissertation focuses on the characterization of atmospheric aerosols properties during day- and night-time combining active and passive remote sensing measurements. The study provides both column-integrated and vertically resolved aerosol properties. The key for this thesis is the combination of advanced ground-based remote sensing instrumentation. By one hand, it is used a multiwavelength Raman lidar that which measures both elastic and Raman signals, therefore, independent backscatter and extinction profiles can be calculated. The system operates twice a week in the frame of ACTRISE - ARLINET (Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network - European Aerosol Research LIdar NETwork) and more intensively during special field campaigns. But due to the low signal-to-noise ratio Raman measurements are only available during night-time, being the daytime measurements based on the use of multiwavelength elastic measurements. Additionally, continuous measurements during the entire year have been registered with a ceilometer in the infrared range. Finally, sun/sky photometry was used to obtain direct estimation of aerosol optical properties during daytime and lunar photometry for direct estimation of spectral aerosol optical depths during night-time. ; Tesis Univ. Granada. ; This work was supported by the Andalusia Regional Government through project P12-RNM-2409,by the Span- ish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through project CGL2013-45410-R and CGL2016-81092-Rand through grant FPI (BES-2014-068893), by the"JuandelaCierva-Formación" pro- gram (FJCI-2014-22052) and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individ- ual Fellowships(IF) ACE_GFAT(grant agreement no.659398),and by the University of Granada through"Plan Propio. Programa 9 Convocatoria 2013".The financial support for EARLINET in the ACTRIS Research Infrastructure Project by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme through project ACTRIS-2(grant agreement no. 654109).The authors thankfully acknowledgethe FEDER program for the instrumentation used in this work and the Sierra Nevada National Park, for its support for the operation of Cerro Poyos station. This work is part of the ChArMEx project supported by ADEME, CEA,CNRS-INSU and Météo-France through the mul- tidisciplinary programme MISTRALS(Mediterranean Integrated STudies at Regional And Local Scales).