Chemical Oceanography of Frontal Zones
In: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry 116
Introduction -- Large-scale, persistent nutrient fronts of the world ocean: Impacts on biogeochemistry -- Colored dissolved organic matter in frontal zones -- Contamination by persistent organic pollutants and related compounds in deep-sea ecosystems along frontal zones around Japan -- Major nutrient fronts in the northeastern Atlantic – from the subpolar gyre to adjacent shelves -- The Pacific-Atlantic front in the East Siberian Sea of the Arctic Ocean -- Fronts and gradients in the northeastern Baltic Sea: a review -- Lateral and vertical mixing in the chemical frontal zones: the Kuroshio nutrient stream -- Observations of the coastal oceanic fronts in the northern South China Sea -- Front-driven physical-biogeochemical-ecological interactions in the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem -- Microplastic transport in the South China Sea -- Lagrangian methods to study fronts and pathways of marine litter in tidal basins -- The role of fronts and eddies in accumulating and influencing floating macro and microplastic dispersal -- Fate of mercury in the Subarctic Front of the North Pacific -- Biogeochemical oceanography and sedimentology of the Macquarie Ridge region, SW Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean -- Biochemical aspects of fronts and eddies of the Mediterranean Sea -- Microbial community and environmental chemistry in the hypoxic zone of the Changjiang River Estuary.