Mediyalization of historical knowledge in Early Bysantium (on the example of John Malalas' work)
In: Scientific bulletins of the Belgorod State University Series History Political science, Band 45, Heft 3, S. 442-446
69 Ergebnisse
In: Scientific bulletins of the Belgorod State University Series History Political science, Band 45, Heft 3, S. 442-446
In: Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 2, Jazykoznanie = Lingustics, Heft 6, S. 146-159
ISSN: 2409-1979
The purpose of the article is to study the national-and-cultural specificity and semantic features of Chinese, English, French and Russian idioms, which contain the lexeme wū / crow / ворона / corneille as a component. The comprehensive analysis of such idioms in different languages carried out in conformity with the anthropocentric paradigm, resulted in identification of significant signs of a crow, which served as the basis for metaphorization in these idioms. The universal metaphors are based on the phenotypic or behavioral characteristics of the bird (black color, flying straight ahead, flying in a flock and an unpleasant hoarse croaking). The metaphor "crow – an unpleasant cry" is noted to be the most productive in Russian and English, while in the Chinese language it is "crows – a flock". Nationally conditioned metaphors and their sources are differentiated: in Chinese and English such metaphors prevail over the universal ones, idioms, which contain the corneille component, arose only in the French language. The connotative potential of the units with ornithonyms that denote a crow is revealed. The asymmetry of evaluation implementation is established: French idioms express only negative connotation; in Russian, most idioms contain a negative connotation, while their minor share has a neutral one. Chinese and English demonstrate various evaluative potential, yet the negative connotation dominates in the idioms; the neutral and positive connotations are explicated in much fewer idioms.
In: Belgorod State University Scientific bulletin. Series: History. Political science, Band 46, Heft 4, S. 705-712
In the article, the authors analyze the ethno-cultural state of the Kursk province in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the specifics of which were laid from the period of secondary colonization of the region and in the context of active cultural exchange, which continued in the early 20th century. These processes aroused a steady interest and received ambiguous interpretation in the works of domestic and foreign historians, and for this reason it needs in reconsideration. The study is based on the principles of objectivity, historicism and scientificness, allowing to identify the ethnocultural image of the investigated province in the specified period. Ethnographic expeditions of the second half of the 20th century confirmed the preservation of Russian and Ukrainian cultural features. Referring to the materials of the First General Census of the Russian Empire on January 28, 1897, historical and ethnographic sources help to flesh out the ethno-cultural situation in the province on the basis of an analysis of the state of such components of its culture as a language, settlements, economic activity and ethno-religious relations.
In: Ėtnografija: Etnografia, Band 15, Heft 1
In: Scientific bulletins of the Belgorod State University. Series: History. Political science, Band 45, Heft 4, S. 690-696
In: Scientific bulletins of the Belgorod State University Series History Political science, Band 45, Heft 3, S. 461-468
In: Scientific bulletins of the Belgorod State University. Series: History. Political science, Band 45, Heft 1, S. 85-89
In: Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 4. Istorija. Regionovedenie. Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija, Band 21, Heft 5, S. 32-42
In: Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 2, Jazykoznanie = Lingustics, Heft 1, S. 119-123
ISSN: 2409-1979
In: Tractus Aevorum: TA : ėvoljucija sociokul'turnych i političeskich prostranstv : setevoj naučnyj recenziruemyj žurnal = Tractus Aevorum : TA : the evolution of socio-cultural and political spaces : online scholarly peer-reviewed journal, Band 2, Heft 1, S. 88-104
ISSN: 2312-3044
In: Tractus Aevorum: TA : ėvoljucija sociokul'turnych i političeskich prostranstv : setevoj naučnyj recenziruemyj žurnal = Tractus Aevorum : TA : the evolution of socio-cultural and political spaces : online scholarly peer-reviewed journal, Band 1, Heft 1, S. 52-66
ISSN: 2312-3044
In: Voprosy Filosofii, Heft 8, S. 218-221
ISSN: 3034-1833
In: Obščestvo: filosofija, istorija, kulʹtura = Society : philosophy, history, culture, Heft 9, S. 149-153
ISSN: 2223-6449
Prior to Soviet cultural and educational co-operation, Afghanistan had an outdated education system based on a traditional approach to teaching. Interaction with the USSR modernized the programs and methods of prima-ry, secondary and higher education in the country. Cultural and educational long-term contracts were conclud-ed, scientific training programs were launched, and training courses were developed for Afghan youth in the Soviet Union's higher educational institutions. This article attempts to ascertain which areas of education in Afghanistan were most strongly influenced by the Soviet state. It is emphasized that the USSR participation in the transformation of the educational system of Afghanistan consisted not only in the organization of educa-tional institutions of various levels throughout the country, but also in the construction of infrastructure to ensure the educational process in the most problematic areas in this regard, in the creation of adapted curricula, in providing the youth of Afghanistan with the opportunity to undergo professional training in Soviet universities in order to eliminate the personnel deficit in the country; in financial support of studying youth through the pay-ment of scholarships. Both adverse and beneficial results of co-operation between the two countries in the field of education are considered.
In: Tractus Aevorum: TA : ėvoljucija sociokul'turnych i političeskich prostranstv : setevoj naučnyj recenziruemyj žurnal = Tractus Aevorum : TA : the evolution of socio-cultural and political spaces : online scholarly peer-reviewed journal, S. 121-131
ISSN: 2312-3044
In: HUMANITARIAN RESEARCHES, Band 78, Heft 2, S. 54-58
The article considers the literary space as one of the significant segments of the text world. The literary space, represented by proxems, is divided into a personalised literary space and a non-personalised literary space. The article justifies the author's typology of proxemes, consisting of four types of proxem units: 1) words and constructions, the semantics of which marks the literary space, 2) verbs of movement, 3) place names, 4) landscape units. The correlation of the static and dynamic of the literary space and the text proxemes' types is described as follows: 1) two types belong to static proxemes: (a) words and constructions, the semantics of which marks the literary space, (b) place names; dynamic proxemes include one type of proxemes - verbs of movement. Landscape units are a staticdynamic type of proxemes. It is established that the identified types of proxemes in the translation's informative sphere of J. Verne's novel "L'île mystériouse" from French to English "The mysterious island" are transmitted mainly symmetrically. It leads to the English reconstruction of literary space model of J. Verne, created in French.