Research, development and innovation hold a prominent position in national economies and the public sector. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the role of public research in EU countries with focus on selected indicators of research and development (R&D). The area in focus is total R&D expenditures and public R&D expenditures in years 2010 and 2015. The author also strives to analyze other R&D indicators in EU countries, pointing out the similarities and differences in the particular countries. The analysis concentrates on not only the selected indicators of public R&D, but also a comprehensive evaluation and role of public research in EU countries. EU countries are evaluated on the basis of indicators of public R&D by means of factor analysis, cluster analysis and box-plot, divided into four clusters depending on internal similarity in 2015. The most marked differences were observed in indicators of public research (R&D public expenditures as % of total R&D expenditures, researchers in public sector as % of total researchers, number of publications per 1000 researchers in the public sector, number of citable publications per 1000 researchers in the public sector) in the first cluster in comparison to the third cluster. In case of the indicator H-index (per 1000 researchers in the public sector) the most marked differences were observed in most countries of the second cluster in comparison to countries of the fourth cluster.
Creative industries characterized by subsectors of architecture, design, and advertising represent an important segment in implementation of post-Fordist economy principles. Hence, the governments and scholars are devoted to quantitative mapping of creative industries. The results of this mapping provide insight into number, structure and spatial distribution in a given area for subsequent identification of smart specialization of cities and regions. Furthermore, they serve as a basis for strategic planning of regional innovation systems. Finally yet importantly, this mapping is the basis for following qualitative mapping through research methods such as focus groups and the Delphi method among key actors of the particular creative ecosystem. Unique feature of this paper is mainly in the methodology, which is detached from the traditional static view on the quantitative mapping of creative industries dealing with cross-sectional data solely. Therefore, this paper develops their use to spatial mapping of creative industries by the dynamic component concerning new approaches to Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis. This component is based on unbalanced panel dataset by using the differential local Moran's I. The results indicate a dynamic development of design and advertising enterprises at the municipal level in the Czech Republic, with options for internationalization of market, uniqueness of products and continual digitalization. On the contrary, subsector of architecture was identified as stagnant in terms of development, in relation to demand for these services that are affected by limited national real estate market, continual concentration of developers. Furthermore, the results revealed links between their spatial diffusion with process of residential suburbanization and strengthening of existing centres through the agglomeration and urbanization economies. Thus, those specifics underline a call for appropriate smart specialization policies along with policies concerning creative class retention in regional centres and rural areas. ; Креативные отрасли, характеризуемые подсекторами архитектуры, дизайна и рекламы, представляют собой важный сегмент в реализации принципов пост-фордистской экономики. Следовательно, для органов власти и ученых актуальными являются вопросы количественного картографирования креативной индустрии. Результаты этого отображения дают представление о количестве, структуре и пространственном распределении в данной сфере для последующей идентификации смарт-специализации городов и регионов. Кроме того, они служат основой для стратегического планирования региональных инновационных систем. Наконец, важно то, что это отображение является основой для последующего качественного отображения с помощью таких методов исследования как фокус-группы и метод Дельфи. Уникальной особенностью этой статьи является главным образом методология, которая отделена от традиционного статического представления о количественном картографирования креативной индустрии, имеющего дело только с данными поперечного сечения. Таким образом, эта статья развивает их использование для пространственного картографирования креативной индустрии с помощью динамического компонента, касающегося новых подходов к исследовательскому анализу пространственных данных. Этот компонент основан на несбалансированном наборе данных панели с использованием дифференциального локального Морана I. Результаты указывают на динамичное развитие дизайнерских и рекламных предприятий на муниципальном уровне в Чешской Республике с вариантами интернационализации рынка, уникальности продуктов и непрерывной цифровизации. Напротив, подсектор архитектуры был определен как застойный с точки зрения развития, в отношении спроса на эти услуги, на который влияет ограниченный национальный рынок недвижимости, постоянная концентрация застройщиков. Кроме того, результаты выявили связь между их пространственным распространением с процессом пригородной жилой застройки и укреплением существующих центров через экономику агломерации и урбанизации. Таким образом, эти особенности подчеркивают призыв к надлежащей политике смарт-специализации наряду с политикой, касающейся сохранения креативного класса в региональных центрах и сельской местности. ; Креативні галузі, що характеризуються підсекторами архітектури, дизайну і реклами, являють собою важливий сегмент в реалізації принципів пост-фордистської економіки. Тому для органів влади і науковців актуальними є питання кількісного картографування креативної індустрії. Результати цього відображення дають уявлення про кількість, структуру і просторовий розподіл у даній сфері для подальшої ідентифікації смарт-спеціалізації міст і регіонів. Крім того, вони слугують основою для стратегічного планування регіональних інноваційних систем. Нарешті, важливо те, що це відображення є основою для подальшого якісного відображення за допомогою таких методів дослідження як фокус-групи і метод Дельфі. Унікальною особливістю цієї статті є головним чином методологія, яка відокремлена від традиційного статичного уявлення про кількісне картографування креативної індустрії, що має справу лише з даними поперечного перерізу. Таким чином, ця стаття розвиває їх використання для просторового картографування креативної індустрії за допомогою динамічного компонента, що стосується нових підходів до дослідницького аналізу просторових даних. Цей компонент заснований на незбалансованому наборі даних панелі з використанням диференціального локального Морана I. Результати вказують на динамічний розвиток дизайнерських та рекламних підприємств на муніципальному рівні у Чеській Республіці з варіантами інтернаціоналізації ринку, унікальності продуктів і безперервної цифровізації. Натомість підсектор архітектури був визначений як застійний з точки зору розвитку щодо попиту на ці послуги, на який впливає обмежений національний ринок нерухомості, постійна концентрація забудовників. Крім того, результати виявили зв'язок між їх просторовим поширенням з процесом приміської житлової забудови і зміцненням існуючих центрів через економіку агломерації і урбанізації. Таким чином, ці особливості підкреслюють заклик до належної політики смарт-спеціалізації нарівні з політикою, що стосується збереження креативного класу в регіональних центрах і сільській місцевості.
Despite the fact that extensive research devoted to cultural and creative industries spatial clustering has been conducted, studies dealing with institutionalised clusters as official entities are rare. Thus creative clusters organisations are weakly theorized compared to industrial clusters due to their project-oriented (non-standardized) production. Consequently, the aim of the paper is to gain insight in benefits of institutionalised cultural and creative clusters and determinants as well as barriers of their development based on cluster managers' activities in the Visegrád countries. To achieve the stated aim semi-structured interviews with cluster managers were conducted for data collection. Subsequently grounded theory approach and network maps were employed to draw results. Hence, the key benefits for cluster members are reflected in utilizing access to cluster internationalisation activities, knowledge sharing within local creative milieu, and collaborative projects to increase their competitiveness as well as commercialisation of their products. Furthermore, knowledge of cooperation, level of openness, approach to life-long learning, amount of time for cluster activities, previous experience, communication skills, and involvement in mutual cooperation were identified as predominant determinants of cultural and creative cluster development.
Sustainable development represents one of the leading concepts of modern society. On the local level, sustainable development principles are implemented by Local Agenda 21 (LA 21), the most influential output of the 1992 Earth Summit. Although culture is not explicitly mentioned in its definitions of sustainable development, there are close links between culture, on one side, and the economic, social, and ecological dimensions of sustainable development, on the other. Culture is an important factor of social cohesion and economic development, and culturally led urban and rural regeneration projects may have also positive ecological impacts. Moreover, the efforts to maintain local culture may be the main impetus in accepting the LA 21 principles in culturally rich communities. This article assesses the importance of culture in the LA 21 implementation process, with two municipalities from the Czech Republic as case studies. Findings point to complex links between LA 21 and culture. Uherské Hradiště is a culturally rich city that is progressive in the LA 21 implementation process; however, our findings show that LA 21 and culture live independent lives in planning processes. Zděchov tells a completely different story of the relationship between culture and LA 21: here, local culture has become the leitmotif of the LA 21 implementation process. The goal to maintain and develop local culture has been the prime motivation behind the decision to accept the LA 21 principles. The case studies share several common characteristics. In both cases, LA 21 has stimulated public interest in both municipalities, and ever more local actors are getting involved in the LA 21 implementation process. A combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches has been applied in this process. LA 21 is also perceived as a good brand for project management, and may be an incentive for innovations in strategic planning.
This edited volume presents a compendium of emerging and innovative studies on the proliferation of new working spaces (NeWSps), both formal and informal (such as coworking spaces, maker spaces, fab labs, public libraries, and coffee shops), and their role during and following the COVID-19 pandemic in urban and regional development and planning.
This book presents an original, interdisciplinary approach to NeWSps through three features: (i) situating the debate in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has transformed NeWSp business models and the everyday work life of their owners and users; (ii) repositioning and rethinking the debate on NeWSps in the context of socioeconomics and planning and comparing conditions between before and during the COVID-19 pandemic; and (iii) providing new directions for urban and regional development and resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic, considering new ways of working and living.
The 17 chapters are co-authored by both leading international scholars who have studied the proliferation of NeWSps in the last decade and young, talented researchers, resulting in a total of 55 co-authors from different disciplines (48 of whom are currently involved in the COST Action CA18214 'The Geography of New Working Spaces and Impact on the Periphery' 2019–2023:
Selected comparative studies among several European countries (Western and Eastern Europe) and from the US and Lebanon are presented. The book contributes to the understanding of multi-disciplinary theoretical and practical implications of NeWSps for our society, economy, and urban/regional planning in conditions following the COVID-19 pandemic.
This book presents the results of research conducted on clusters and their internationalisation, highlighting the importance of international collaboration. It shows the possibilities and benefits of internationalisation activities of cluster organisations in increasing the competitiveness of affiliated members. In addition, it offers a detailed evaluation of this type of cluster activities in relation to a range of relevant variables. The research presented here constitutes a valuable contribution to debates concerning cluster internationalisation issues, drawing attention to current trends and presenting a comparison with foreign studies. A particular advantage of the book is that, by focusing on a specific region, namely the Czech Republic, and offering a profound analysis of cluster internationalisation, its findings and recommendations shed new light on internationalisation issues and can further enrich development of such activities among clusters and cluster policies support in other countries. The book will serve as a guide for practitioners, policy makers and academics, and offers insights into the internationalisation of clusters
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Since the accession of the Visegrad Group of countries (V4) to the European Union, the importance of clusters has increased. With growing global competitiveness and EU 12 trends, a gradual awareness of creative industries is observed in V4 countries. Therefore, this article analyses creative clusters and factors conditioning their establishment and development. On the basis of a literature review and a questionnaire survey, a mapping of creative clusters was conducted. In addition, catalysts, main motives and key factors in the process of their establishment were identified, as were the activities and factors hampering their development. The scheme of cluster development is presented as the outcome of the qualitative analysis, along with a comparison to findings of other studies. Research findings show that trust building and administrative obstacles are among the main barriers, especially for design clusters and cultural clusters.
Since the accession of the Visegrad Group of countries (V4) to the European Union, the importance of clusters has increased. With growing global competitiveness and EU 12 trends, a gradual awareness of creative industries is observed in V4 countries. Therefore, this article analyses creative clusters and factors conditioning their establishment and development. On the basis of a literature review and a questionnaire survey, a mapping of creative clusters was conducted. In addition, catalysts, main motives and key factors in the process of their establishment were identified, as were the activities and factors hampering their development. The scheme of cluster development is presented as the outcome of the qualitative analysis, along with a comparison to findings of other studies. Research findings show that trust building and administrative obstacles are among the main barriers, especially for design clusters and cultural clusters.
Since the accession of the Visegrad Group of countries (V4) to the European Union, the importance of clusters has increased. With growing global competitiveness and EU 12 trends, a gradual awareness of creative industries is observed in V4 countries. Therefore, this article analyses creative clusters and factors conditioning their establishment and development. On the basis of a literature review and a questionnaire survey, a mapping of creative clusters was conducted. In addition, catalysts, main motives and key factors in the process of their establishment were identified, as were the activities and factors hampering their development. The scheme of cluster development is presented as the outcome of the qualitative analysis, along with a comparison to findings of other studies. Research findings show that trust building and administrative obstacles are among the main barriers, especially for design clusters and cultural clusters. (C) 2016 Nicolaus Copernicus University. All rights reserved.