4 Ergebnisse
Records of Disaster: Media Infrastructures and Climate Change
In: Future Ecologies
Records of Disasters: Media Infrastructures and Climate Change explores how environmental disasters manifest and inscribe themselves in infrastructures. By turning to infrastructures, their logic and functioning, collapse and malfunction, the volume reveals their potential as fragile material witnesses to and of disasters. As climate change is unequally distributed across continuous dynamics and events, time scales and spatial registers, infrastructures can be understood as proxies or seismographs mediating different spatio-temporal layers that make these dynamics tangible. Disaster is made operational by negotiating what is defined as such, and under which geopolitical conditions. What connects melting glaciers and the knowledge from ice cores to the mapping of the ocean floor and the extraction of resources in the deep-sea? How can infrastructures be thought in time and "critical proximity", and how do they bear witness to colonial pasts and presents? The volume proposes an analytical perspective on infrastructures as multi-layered witnesses to climate change, bringing together scientific and artistic approaches, students and scholars from different disciplines.
QUEERULIEREN: Störmomente in Kunst, Medien und Wissenschaft
Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Table of Contents -- Klaassen: Queerulierende Widerstandsstrategien in der Schriftsprache -- Klaassen unter Mitarbeit von Seier: Multidimensionales, produktives Stören‽ -- Auftakt -- Klaassen in Kollaboration mit Beckmann / Braidt / Brandes & -- Hentschel / Engel / Frankenberg / Huber / Köppert / Lücke / Mühr / Nastold / von Oldenburg / Paul / Sadzinski / Sina: MEHR(WERT) QUEERULIEREN -- Queerulieren in Theorie & -- Praxis -- Henschel: Queer(end)e Logiken in der Kunstvermittlung -- Puffert / Bartsch: Der eigenen Perspektive (hörend) auf die Schliche kommen? -- Hoffmann / Pritsch: "Queer as …" Heteronormativitätskritik in transnationalen und transdisziplinären Perspektiven -- Bildliche & -- textuelle Störmomente -- Kutinka / Schlechter: Herfotzragend vulvastisch Que(e)rulieren -- Fischer: Statuen im Zweifel der Zweigeschlechtlichkeit - Sky Full of Drag -- Sexon: Boris Gay's Guide to Queerreling (T)Art History -- FIFTITU%: QUEERULIERTE UTOPIEN (Zine) -- Reiche / Sick: Verkehrtes Queer in politisch-karnevalesken Räumen -- (Re-)Lektüren (audio-)visueller Störmomente -- Bergermann / Seier: Public Rage -- Claus / Richter: Queerulierendes Duett zu einem Werk aus der Serie Aus einem ethnographischen Museum (1929) von Hannah Höch -- Tietz: Two-Spirit - LSBT*I*/Q+ im indigenen Nordamerika -- Lüth / Trunk: Queerulierendes Duett zu Cindy Shermans Untitled #475 aus der Serie Society Portraits (2008) -- Vogt: Queering Objects -- Ausklänge -- von Oldenburg / Reiche: CALL FOR PARTICIPATION -- Klaassen: QUEERULIEREN PER EXCELLENCE … auch in angespannten Zeiten! -- Gemeinsam statt einsam (Danksagung) -- Autor_Innenverzeichnis -- Abbildungsverzeichnis -- Colophon -- Backcover.
Accidental Archivism: Shaping Cinema's Futures with Remnants of the Past
In: Configurations of Film
In the digital media ecology, archives are changing. Artists, curators, critics and scholars assume the role of accidental archivists. They shape cinema's futures by salvaging precarious repositories and making them matter in new ways. In the process, the cinema's public, a democratic body seemingly scattered about platforms and niches in a post-pandemic world, re-emerges as a political force. Accidental Archivism brings together programmatic statements and proposals to explore an artistic space between archiving and activism, a space where remnants of the past become the building blocks of new ways of making, showing, teaching and thinking cinema.