23 Ergebnisse
Institutional, economic, and social impacts of globalization and liberalization
"This book offers many perspectives on the institutional, economic and social impacts of globalization and the result of the liberalization processes in the world, specifically evaluating the economic affects on institutions, cultures, social life and national and international politics"--
Greenfield and brownfield investments and economic growth ; Greenfield in brownfield tuje neposredne naložbe in gospodarska rast
Global foreign direct investment flows in terms of greenfield and brownfield investments have increased during the recent three decades resulting from the accelerating globalization. The considerable increases in the flows of foreign direct investment have many eventualities for the national economies. This study investigates the mutual effects among greenfield and brownfield (mergers and acquisitions) investments and economic growth in Central and Eastern European Union countries during the 2003–2015 period employing panel data analysis. The findings revealed that both greenfield and brownfield investments had positive influence on the economic growth, but the influence of greenfield investments was found to be relatively higher. Furthermore, one-way causality was discovered from both greenfield and brownfield investments to the economic growth. ; Tokovi globalnih greenfield in brownfield tujih neposrednih naložb so se v zadnjih treh desetletjih zaradi pospešene globalizacije povečali. Znatna povečanja tokov tujih neposrednih naložb imajo veliko možnih vplivov na narodna gospodarstva. V študiji z uporabo analize panelnih podatkov raziskujemo medsebojne učinke greenfield in brownfield (spojitev in pripojitev) naložb in gospodarske rasti v srednje- in vzhodnoevropskih državah članicah Evropske unije v obdobju 2003–2015. Izsledki kažejo, da imajo tako greenfield kot tudi brownfield tuje neposredne naložbe pozitiven vpliv na gospodarsko rast, pri čemer je vpliv greenfield naložb relativno večji. Nadalje, ugotovljen je bil enosmerni vpliv tako greenfield kot tudi brownfield naložb na gospodarsko rast.
Individual Pension Funds and Capital Market Development in Turkey
In: The review of economic and business studies: REBS, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 95-109
ISSN: 2068-7249
AbstractBeginning with the 1980s, when the sustainability of the public pension systems became endangedered, many countries have developed their individual pension plans and/or occupational pension plans in order to supersede or support their public pension systems,. This study examines the impact of individual pension funds on the development of both debt securities market and stock market in Turkey during the period October 2006-May 2015, using Hatemi (2008) cointegration test and Toda and Yamamoto (1995) causality test with monthly data. We found that, in the long run, the private pension funds had positive impact on both development of debt securities market and stock market. Furthermore, causality appears to exist between the market for private pension funds, the debt securities market and the stock market.
Financial Development and Unemployment in Emerging Market Economies
In: Scientific annals of economics and business, Band 63, Heft 2, S. 237-245
ISSN: 2501-3165
Financial sector has experienced significant expansion together with accelerating financial globalization in recent years and had important positive and negative economic implications for all the economies. This study investigates the interaction among unemployment, financial development and domestic investment in 16 emerging market economies during 2001-2014 period using panel data analysis. We found that there was long relationship among the variables and domestic investment had negative impact on the unemployment, while financial development had no significant impact on the unemployment. Furthermore, there was unidirectional causality from development of financial sector to unemployment.
Financial sustainability of pension systems in the European Union
Increases in life expectancy together with the decreases in fertility rates are predicted to make financing of public pension systems hard in an environment which some Eurozone member countries have had serious problems in their public finance, in the coming 50 years. European Union member countries, which have very different pension systems, have made pension reforms for sustainability of their pension systems such as increasing retirement age gradually, linking retirement age or benefits with changes in life expectancy, increasing the share of occupational and personal pensions in pension systems by taking into account the ageing and the negative effects of global financial crisis and the ongoing Eurozone sovereign debt crisis on public finance. This paper examines the pension systems in the European Union and evaluates the financial sustainability of pension systems in consideration of pension expenditures, ageing and the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis. Findings demonstrated that recent pension reforms by some European Union countries have mitigated the financial burden of pension systems, but further measures should be taken for the financial sustainability of pension systems. ; peer-reviewed
The Misery Index, Corruption and Income Inequality in Latin American Countries: A Panel Cointegration and Causality Analysis
In: Scientific annals of economics and business, Band 66, Heft 3, S. 309-319
ISSN: 2501-3165
The globalization process has led to considerable increases in the flow of goods, services and financial assets, and thus global production and wealth have risen substantially during the past 40 years. However, discussion has now centered around the rising income inequality and poverty in some parts of the world. In this regard, the Latin American region is one of the leading regions in terms of income inequality. This study investigates the interaction among misery index, corruption and income inequality in Latin American countries during the 2002-2014 period, employing the Westerlund and Edgerton (2007) LM bootstrap cointegration test and the Kónya (2006) bootstrap panel Granger causality test. The findings reveal that increases in both the misery index and corruption played a part in the increases in income inequality. Furthermore, the results of the causality test reveal unidirectional causality from the misery index to income inequality and bidirectional causality between corruption and income inequality.
FDI inflows, human development and export upgrading: evidence from EU transition economies
In: Eastern journal of European studies: EJES, Band 13, Heft 2, S. 5-23
ISSN: 2068-6633
Effects of labor market and business regulations on unemployment: evidence from EU transition economies
In: Labor history, Band 61, Heft 5-6, S. 608-620
ISSN: 1469-9702
Foreign direct investment inflows and financial development in Central and Eastern European Union countries: A panel cointegration and causality
Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows have increased considerably in the globalized world as of the mid-1980s. The main objective of this research is to analyze interactions between FDI inflows and financial sector development in Central and Eastern European Union countries between 1996 and 2015 with panel data analysis. Our findings reveal that there is no cointegrating relationship among FDI inflows, investments of foreign portfolio, and the development of financial sectors, but there is a one-way causality from development of financial sectors to FDI inflows over the short run.
Trade Openness, Inequality and Poverty in Latin American Countries
Globalization has quickened, especially during the past three decades, due to technological, institutional, legal and political developments in the world. During this process, many countries reduced or removed the barriers on the cross-country flows of goods, services and capital, and the global trade volume increased substantially. Therefore, openness-oriented policies have led many social and economic implications for the national economies. In this regard, this study investigates the interaction among trade openness, poverty alleviation and inequality in 11 Latin American countries by employing a panel data analysis. We revealed that trade openness and financial development affected inequality and poverty negatively in the long term, while inequality affected poverty positively.
Intellectual property rights, R&D expenditures, and high-tech exports in the EU transition economies
In: Journal of international studies, Band 13, Heft 1, S. 143-154
ISSN: 2306-3483
Impact of mobile phones and internet use on financial inclusion: empirical evidence from the EU post-communist countries
Poverty alleviation has become one of the biggest challenges for many countries and access to financial services is considered to be a key driver of development and economic growth. Finding solutions that can break down barriers that poor people are facing to access formal financial services has become a major concern for researchers, governments, financial institutions. Financial services must reinvent themselves and the adoption of new technology is a crucial key to overhaul their operations and to find innovative solutions to manage customer expectations. The escalation in access and penetration level of mobile phones and the Internet can improve financial inclusion by facilitating easy access to financial services, by providing secure transaction platforms, by reducing transaction costs, by providing a competitive business framework. There has been relatively limited research on the impact of Internet and mobile phones use on financial inclusion, therefore our main purpose was to investigate this linkage in a sample of 11 post-communist countries of the European Union from 1996–2017 using panel cointegration and causality analyses. Firstly, we investigated whether mobile cellular phone subscriptions and the rate of Internet usage affect financial institutions' access; secondly, we analysed the impact of these variables on financial market access. Results indicate that mobile cellular phone subscriptions positively affect both financial institution access in countries like Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Slovenia and financial market access in Bulgaria, Croatia, and Hungary. Also, a negative relationship between mobile cellular phone subscriptions and financial institution access was noticed in the Czech Republic and regarding financial market access in the Czech Republic and Poland. Our findings also indicate both positive and negative relationships between Internet usage rates and financial institutions and financial markets access. By increasing Internet usage we can improve access to financial institutions in Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland and we can increase financial markets access in Latvia and Slovenia. First published online 13 April 2021
The interaction between ICT penetration and sustainable development: empirical evidence from African countries
In: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Band 11, Heft 1
ISSN: 2662-9992