Modelling and analysis of the European milk and dairy market – Detail Projection Results
This technical note provides the detailed projection results of the study "Modelling and Analysis of the European Milk and Dairy Market".
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This technical note provides the detailed projection results of the study "Modelling and Analysis of the European Milk and Dairy Market".
This report is based on the outcome of a study carried out by the AGMEMOD Consortium under the management of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI), in cooperation with the European Commission's Joint Research Centre – Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS). The report provides a quantitative assessment of possible implications of a dairy policy reform and other policy adjustments on the milk and dairy market as well as on other agricultural markets in the EU-27, EU-15, EU-12, the individual Member States and their regional groupings using the AGMEMOD model.
This report has been prepared by Areté s.r.l. – Research & Consulting in Economics, Agra CEAS Consulting Ltd | IEG Agribusiness intelligence | Informa and Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (European Commission) ; Marketing standards have been a feature of the CAP since its early days, with a view to taking into account the expectations of consumers and to contributing to the improvement of the economic conditions for the production and marketing of agricultural products, as well as to the improvement of their quality. The evaluation aims at assessing the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value of marketing standards established by Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, by secondary CMO legislation and by the "Breakfast Directives". Recommendations aimed at addressing the most significant issues emerged from the assessment focus on: i) the need to investigate on the implications of improper use of protected dairy terms (e.g. milk, butter) for marketing plant-based substitutes for dairy products; ii) possible updates to specific provisions concerning poultry meat and olive oil; iii) improving consumer awareness about marketing standards; iv) clarifying to national competent authorities the hierarchical relationship between EU marketing standards and EU legislation on food safety and provision of food information to consumers; v) promoting empirical research on the potential implications of EU marketing standards in terms of increased/reduced food losses and waste; vi) investigating the possible benefits of establishing a harmonised EU definition for cider. ; Peer reviewed
This summary report is based on the outcome of a study carried out by the AGMEMOD Partnership under the management of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI, in the Netherlands), in cooperation with the Joint Research Centre – Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS) to generate projections for the main agricultural commodity markets for each year from 2005 until 2015. The report gives a general overview of the modelling approach, the description and implementation of the baseline, further CAP reform and exchange rate change scenarios. It outlines the main results for the aggregates EU-10, EU-15, EU-25 and EU-27, focusing in particular on the features implemented in this study, and addresses issues that need further attention. Detailed documentation on the AGMEMOD modelling approach, along with the outcome of the study, is published in five reports in the JRC-IPTS technical paper series under the heading "Impact analysis of Common Agricultural Policy reform on the main agricultural commodities".
This report is based on the outcome of a study carried out by the AGMEMOD Partnership under the management of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI, the Netherlands), in cooperation with the Joint Research Centre – Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS) to generate yearly projections for the main agricultural commodity markets from 2005 until 2015. This report describes the modelling techniques used by the AGMEMOD Partnership, with emphasis on new commodities modelled and policy modelling approaches. Detailed documentation on the AGMEMOD modelling approach, along with the outcome of the study, is published in five reports in the JRC-IPTS Scientific and Technical Report Series under the heading "Impact analysis of Common Agricultural Policy reform on the main agricultural commodities"
This report is based on a study carried out by the AGMEMOD Partnership under the management of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI, in the Netherlands), in cooperation with the Joint Research Centre – Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS) to generate projections for the main agricultural commodity markets for each year from 2005 until 2015. The report outlines the results of the baseline projections of agricultural commodity markets, further CAP reform scenario impact analyses and exchange rate change sensitivity analyses for each EU-25 Member State (except Malta and Cyprus). For Bulgaria and Romania enlargement and non-enlargement scenarios are analysed. Detailed documentation on the AGMEMOD modelling approach, along with the outcome of the study, is published in five reports in the JRC-IPTS technical paper series under the heading "Impact analysis of Common Agricultural Policy reform on the main agricultural commodities".