32 Ergebnisse
Working paper
The power of dialogue: Forced displacement and social integration amid an Islamist insurgency in Mozambique
In: Journal of development economics, Band 174, S. 103457
ISSN: 0304-3878
Neither at the cutting edge nor in a patent-friendly environment: Appropriating the returns from innovation in a less developed economy
In: Research policy: policy, management and economic studies of science, technology and innovation, Band 50, Heft 1, S. 104097
ISSN: 1873-7625
Neither at the cutting edge nor in a patent-friendly environment: Appropriating the returns from innovation in a less developed economy
Despite increased focus on understanding how firms appropriate the returns from innovation, our knowledge regarding firms' behaviour in less developed economies (LDEs) is still scant. This paper provides a nuanced view as to how firms that are not at the technological frontier attempt to capture value when they encounter fragile patenting conditions. I analyse a unique dataset on innovative activities in Brazil. My findings reveal the effects (if any) of a number of factors on the use of a wide range of appropriability mechanisms. These factors include measures of knowledge intensity, novelty of products and processes, firm size, degree of competition, innovation cooperation, government support for innovation, and type of ownership. In addition, my empirical exercise provides evidence of the extent to which firms in an LDE adopt different appropriability mechanisms in pairs. Overall, this paper indicates that even in the absence of an effective patent system, firms do use patents. However, there are other patterns of appropriability in which firms use design (being registered or not registered accordingly), lead-time or trademarks in association with other means of appropriation.
Warm glow voting? An analysis of turnout In Portugal
Modern democracies rely on civic participation, namely through voting. In this work, I use rational choice theory and the paradox of voting to analyse individuals' voting motivations using data of the Portuguese electorate, collected and built by me (1200 observations). As a novel contribution to the discussion, I conduct a randomized controlled trial using two treatments. One tests the importance of the act of voting while the other tests the probability of being pivotal in an election. I find individuals vote because they value the act of voting – warm glow voting. Finally, I find evidence suggesting that providing information about the importance of voting increases turnout while there is no impact of information about the probability of being pivotal.
Just One Foot in the Market: Internal Strategies of Small Horticultural Farmers in Northeast Brazil
In: Bulletin of Latin American research: the journal of the Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS), Band 12, Heft 3, S. 273
ISSN: 1470-9856
"We're going to tie you to the chair": the perception of perpetrators and the risk of violence in old age
In: Sociologia: problemas e práticas, Heft 105
This article analyses the experiences and perceptions of a sample of people over 60 about the most frequent type of violence in old age, the risk factors, the offenders and the reactions to abuse. A mixed study was carried out with the sequential application of 677 questionnaires and 45 interviews. The results show that older people are mainly victims of psychological abuse and financial exploitation; the type of abuse varies according to the type of aggressor; and that machismo, ageism, mental health problems, addictive behaviours and social isolation are risk factors for violence. Health and justice professionals are perceived as those to whom victims should turn and confide.
Inovação em mercados emergentes
In: Administração: Ensino e Pesquisa, Band 22, Heft 2
ISSN: 2358-0917
Depressive Symptoms and Involvement in Physical Fighting among Portuguese Adolescents
In: Health & social work: a journal of the National Association of Social Workers, Band 42, Heft 2, S. e77-e85
ISSN: 1545-6854
Power and the Ruling Classes in Northeast Brazil: Juazeiro and Petrolina in Transition
In: Bulletin of Latin American research: the journal of the Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS), Band 11, Heft 1, S. 120
ISSN: 1470-9856
Prevalence of self-reported cardiovascular risk factors in Portuguese women: a survey after delivery
In: International journal of public health, Band 57, Heft 5, S. 837-847
ISSN: 1661-8564
Efficacy of Nutrition and WASH/Malaria Educational Community-Based Interventions in Reducing Anemia in Preschool Children From Bengo, Angola: Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial
Angola reports one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world, and anemia represents one of its important causes. Recent studies, in under-five children from the Bengo province of Angola, described high prevalence's, suggesting malaria, undernutrition and urogenital schistosomiasis as important contributors for the occurrence and spatial variations of anemia. Educational community-based interventions, either in Nutrition and Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Malaria are recommended to correct anemia. Herein, we designed a cluster-randomized controlled trial to study the efficacy of two educational-plus-therapeutic interventions in the reduction of anemia: one in nutrition and the other in WASH/Malaria. Socioeconomic, nutritional, anthropometric, parasitological and biochemical data will be collected from all willing-to-participate children, aging under four and resident in the Health Research Center of Angola study area. Considering the multifactorial causes of this condition, determining the efficacy of both interventions might help documenting weaknesses and opportunities for planning integrated strategies to reduce anemia. ; The promoters of CISA providing financial support for this study are as follows: Camões, Institute of Cooperation and Language, Portugal; Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal; Government of Bengo Province; Angolan Ministry of Health. Additionally, this investigation also receives financial support from TDR, The Special Programmed for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, co-sponsored by UNICEF, UNDP, the World Bank and WHO (for molecular analyses) and from Bank Foment of Angola (for determining the serum micronutrient levels). Representing the Angolan Ministry of Health, the National Malaria Control Program and the National Neglected Tropical Diseases Control Program agreed to provide rapid malaria diagnostic tests, mosquito bed nets, antimalarial drugs and also drugs for intestinal parasites and schistosomiasis for this study. At the local level, the General Hospital of Bengo will provide the facilities for biochemical analysis and facilities for consultations, and will also receive and manage the pediatric emergency cases referred by the study's field nurses. Furthermore, the David Bernardino Paediatric Hospital agreed to provide the Molecular Biology Laboratory for the molecular analyses. ; info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Impact of macro-socioeconomic determinants on sustainable perinatal health care in Portugal: a qualitative study on the opinion of healthcare professionals and experts
BACKGROUND: The WHO identified the importance of macro-socioeconomic determinants and political context as interlinked key factors affecting healthcare quality and health equity. As a response to the recent economic and financial crisis, Portugal approved in 2011 the Economic Adjustment Programme (EAP) to obtain financial assistance from the Troika in order to reduce public debt. This study aims to analyse the impact of the economic crisis and the EAP on perinatal healthcare quality for very preterm (VPT) and/or very low birth weight (VLBW) infants, as perceived by healthcare professionals and experts, within the health administrative regions of the two major metropolitan areas in Portugal. METHODS: A qualitative approach was applied to receive an in-depth understanding and accomplish perspective variability. A purposive sampling technique was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twenty-one healthcare professionals and experts between October 2018–July 2019. Inductive thematic analysis was performed which encompassed a five-step categorization procedure. Data analysis was undertaken by utilizing Nvivo2011 software. Evolved themes were then associated with WHO's Quality Standards on Maternal and New-born Care. A framework on the impact of macro-socioeconomic determinants on perinatal health care quality was developed. RESULTS: Although participants did not perceive the quality of perinatal care had deteriorated, the analysis of their accounts on work experience revealed that it was indeed adversely modified in all WHO Quality Standards. Health care provision was perceived as detrimental in five main areas: 1) Availability of human resources; 2) Functional referral systems; 3) Competent and motivated human resources; 4) Emotional support; and 5) Essential physical resources available. Policy reforms by the EAP resulted in reduced timeliness of care, increased waiting times, cuts in sequence and duration of consultations, and deficiencies in follow-up care for VPT/VLBW infants and their mothers. The ...
O marketing e o monstro: um estudo sobre o marketing de Cloverfield
In:, Band 43, S. 170-192
ISSN: 1646-3153
To compete with major productions, low-budget Hollywood studios seek to invest in different strategies to promote their productions and engage with their target audience. Within this proposal, Cloverfield franchise producers developed in 2008 a viral marketing-based strategy. By the Collective Subject Speech, the researchers sought out to understand how this strategy was developed, how it was implemented, and whether the film's success was due to the implemented campaign. The results obtained through qualitative analysis show that the good results achieved by the film are due to the efficiency of said campaign, especially in the correct understanding of its target audience (Youtube generation) and the adoption of different types of marketing actions (widgets and ARG) which generated the necessary engagement for the film to get a good box office and serve as a starting point for the development of a franchise.