Economic potential for biodiversity use in southern Africa: empirical evidence
In: Environment and development economics, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 203-236
ISSN: 1469-4395
8 Ergebnisse
In: Environment and development economics, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 203-236
ISSN: 1469-4395
In: Development Southern Africa, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 327-345
ISSN: 1470-3637
In: World development: the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development, Band 30, Heft 4, S. 667-681
In: Development Southern Africa, Band 19, Heft 1, S. 123-141
ISSN: 1470-3637
In: Development Southern Africa, Band 15, Heft 4, S. 555-572
ISSN: 1470-3637
In: Development Southern Africa: quarterly journal, Band 15, Heft 4, S. 555-572
ISSN: 0376-835X
Im Rahmen eines Projekts zur Erfassung der natürlichen Ressourcen in Namibia sind Zählungen des Viehstocks vorgenommen worden als Maßstab, um die Beziehungen zwischen dem Umfang der Viehhaltung, Niederschlag, Bodendegradation und wirtschaftspolitischen Variablen festzustellen. Ein Teil dieses Projekts bezieht sich auf die Rinderhaltung und deren Produktivität im kommerziellen Farmsektor. Dort stieg die Zahl der Rinder von 1914 bis 1960 kontinuierlich an und ging dann stetig auf nur noch die Hälfte zurück, zum Teil, um durch qualitative Verbesserung die Produktivität und Effizienz der Rinderhaltung zu erhöhen. Effektiv ging die Fleischproduktion auch nicht zurück, die Produktivität aber ist niedriger als der potentielle Standard. Dies dürfte eine Folge der zunehmenden Verbuschung der Weideflächen sein und hat wesentliche Implikationen für ein langfristiges und nachhaltiges Weidemanagement. (DÜI-Hlb)
World Affairs Online
The number and area of wildlife ranches in Zambia increased from 30 and 1,420 km2 in 1997 to 177 and ,6,000 km2 by 2012. Wild ungulate populations on wildlife ranches increased from 21,000 individuals in 1997 to ,91,000 in 2012, while those in state protected areas declined steeply. Wildlife ranching and crocodile farming have a turnover of ,USD15.7 million per annum, compared to USD16 million from the public game management areas which encompass an area 29 times larger. The wildlife ranching industry employs 1,200 people (excluding jobs created in support industries), with a further ,1,000 individuals employed through crocodile farming. Wildlife ranches generate significant quantities of meat (295,000 kg/annum), of which 30,000 kg of meat accrues to local communities and 36,000 kg to staff. Projected economic returns from wildlife ranching ventures are high, with an estimated 20-year economic rate of return of 28%, indicating a strong case for government support for the sector. There is enormous scope for wildlife ranching in Zambia due to the availability of land, high diversity of wildlife and low potential for commercial livestock production. However, the Zambian wildlife ranching industry is small and following completion of field work for this study, there was evidence of a significant proportion of ranchers dropping out. The industry is performing poorly, due to inter alia: rampant commercial bushmeat poaching; failure of government to allocate outright ownership of wildlife to landowners; bureaucratic hurdles; perceived historical lack of support from the Zambia Wildlife Authority and government; a lack of a clear policy on wildlife ranching; and a ban on hunting on unfenced lands including game ranches. For the wildlife ranching industry to develop, these limitations need to be addressed decisively. These findings are likely to apply to other savanna countries with large areas of marginal land potentially suited to wildlife ranching. ; The Wildlife Producers Association of Zambia. ...
Many African protected areas (PAs) are not functioning effectively. We reviewed the performance of Zambia's PA network and provide insights into how their effectiveness might be improved. Zambia's PAs are under-performing in ecological, economic and social terms. Reasons include: a) rapidly expanding human populations, poverty and open-access systems in Game Management Areas (GMAs) resulting in widespread bushmeat poaching and habitat encroachment; b) underfunding of the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) resulting in inadequate law enforcement; c) reliance of ZAWA on extracting revenues from GMAs to cover operational costs which has prevented proper devolution of user-rights over wildlife to communities; d) on-going marginalization of communities from legal benefits from wildlife; e) under-development of the photo-tourism industry with the effect that earnings are limited to a fraction of the PA network; f) unfavourable terms and corruption which discourage good practice and adequate investment by hunting operators in GMAs; g) blurred responsibilities regarding anti-poaching in GMAs resulting in under-investment by all stakeholders. The combined effect of these challenges has been a major reduction in wildlife densities in most PAs and the loss of habitat in GMAs. Wildlife fares better in areas with investment from the private and/or NGO sector and where human settlement is absent. There is a need for: elevated government funding for ZAWA; greater international donor investment in protected area management; a shift in the role of ZAWA such that they focus primarily on national parks while facilitating the development of wildlife-based land uses by other stakeholders elsewhere; and new models for the functioning of GMAs based on joint-ventures between communities and the private and/or NGO sector. Such joint-ventures should provide defined communities with ownership of land, user-rights over wildlife and aim to attract long-term private/donor investment. These recommendations are relevant for many of the ...