Genome sequencing and transcriptome analyses of the Siberian hamster hypothalamus identify mechanisms for seasonal energy balance
We thank the manuscript reviewers for constructive feedback; David G. Hazlerigg, Cristina Saenz de Miera, and Valerie Simonneaux for genome sequence contributions; Nicolas Scrutton and Lindsey Duguid for expert technical assistance; and Michael Jarsulic for technical assistance on the high-performance computing clusters. This project was supported by a project research grant from The British Society for Neuroendocrinology (to T.J.S.); Grants BB/M021629/1 and BB/M001555/1 (to F.J.P.E.) from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, and Grants UL1-TR000430 (to T.J.S. and B.J.P.) and R01-AI067406 (to B.J.P.) from the National Institutes of Health. T.J.S. is funded by The Leverhulme Trust. The Center for Research Informatics was supported by the Biological Sciences Division at the University of Chicago with additional support provided by the Institute for Translational Medicine/Clinical and Translational award (NIH 5UL1TR002389-02) and the University of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center Support Grant (NIH Grant P30CA014599). The bioinformatics analysis was performed on high-performance computing clusters at the Center for Research Informatics, Biological Sciences Division. P.B. was funded by the Scottish Government Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division grant to the Rowett Institute. ; Peer reviewed ; Publisher PDF