
4 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12012

Protecting important sites for biodiversity contributes to meeting global conservation targets


Open Access#22012

Protecting important sites for biodiversity contributes to meeting global conservation targets


Open Access#32012

Protecting important sites for biodiversity contributes to meeting global conservation targets

In: Butchart , S H M , Scharlemann , J P W , Evans , M I , Quader , S , Aricó , S , Arinaitwe , J , Balman , M , Bennun , L A , Bertzky , B , Besancon , C , Boucher , T M , Brooks , T M , Burfield , I J , Burgess , N D , Chan , S , Clay , R P , Crosby , M J , Davidson , N C , De Silva , N , Devenish , C , Dutson , G C L , Fernández , D F D Z , Fishpool , L D C , Fitzgerald , C , Foster , M , Heath , M F , Hockings , M , Hoffmann , M , Knox , D , Larsen , F W , Lamoreux , J F , Loucks , C , May , I , Millett , J , Molloy , D , Morling , P , Parr , M , Ricketts , T H , Seddon , N , Skolnik , B , Stuart , S N , Upgren , A & Woodley , S 2012 , ' Protecting important sites for biodiversity contributes to meeting global conservation targets ' , PLOS ONE , vol. 7 , no. 3 .


Open Access#42012

Protecting important sites for biodiversity contributes to meeting global conservation targets