33 Ergebnisse
Una presa dificil de atrapar: el rendimiento de gobiernos y administraciones publicas
In: Revista española de ciencia política, Heft 22, S. 11-28
ISSN: 1575-6548
This article presents a discussion of the conceptualization of "government performance" in the Political Science literature & the way this construct is translated in four international studies by the World Bank, the Central European Bank, the Dutch government & the World Economic Forum. The analysis of the four studies shows the difficulties in the empirical development of some of the conceptualization lines & the trend to use public opinion data & aggregated societal results in sectors such as economic growth, health or education. The concern to pursue an objective evaluation of comparative government performance, understood as quality of public management, can be addressed, either substituting this concept by the administrations pro-activity to adopt some public reforms or producing better comparative data at the level of OECD on key processes in the production of some public services. Adapted from the source document.
Una agenda imperfecta: amb Maragall i el projecte de canvi
In: Revista española de ciencia política, Heft 20, S. 195-198
ISSN: 1575-6548
A Review of: "Transcending New Public Management: The Transformation of Public Sector Reforms edited by Tom Christensen and Per Laegreid"
In: International public management journal, Band 11, Heft 2, S. 244-246
ISSN: 1559-3169
Política europea de empleo para mujeres inactivas : ¿cómo sabremos si estamos acertando?
El objetivo del análisis y de la evaluación es proporcionar información objetiva a los gestores de los programas y a los representantes políticos sobre los costes y los efectos de los programas. El caso que se presenta a continuación -en el marco de la iniciativa europea Equal- ilustra esta idea. Se trata de un programa europeo en el que la administración responsable gestiona correctamente y obtiene unos resultados aceptables. Sin embargo, una investigación basada en entrevistas en detalle a treinta usuarias seleccionadas aleatoriamente pone de relieve que la evaluación estandarizada no responde a preguntas fundamentales sobre el valor público del programa. Así pues, se cuestiona si la evaluación que se ha ido desarrollando en Europa en los últimos años ha sido capaz de adaptarse a cada proyecto y si puede estar produciendo información útil para la comparación básica entre proyectos pero no para tomar decisiones estratégicas sobre las políticas. ; Azterketaren eta ebaluazioaren helburua du programetako kudeatzaileei eta ordezkari politikoei programen kostu eta ondorioei buruzko informazio objektiboa ematea. Jarraian aurkezten den kasua -Europako Equal ekimenaren esparruan- ideia horren argigarri da. Europa mailako programa honen bidez, administrazio arduradunak kudeaketa-lanak zuzen egin eta onartzeko moduko emaitzak lortzen ditu. Hala eta guztiz ere, hogeita hamar erabiltzaile ausaz aukeratu dira, haiei zehaztasun handiko elkarrizketa egiteko eta elkarrizketon gaineko ikerketak agerian jarri du ebaluazio estandarizatuak ez diela programaren balio publikoari buruzko funtsezko galderei erantzuten. Litekeena da azken urteotan Europan egin den ebaluazioa proiektu bakoitzari egokitzeko gauza ez izatea ere, eta proiektuen arteko oinarrizko konparaketa egiteko informazio baliagarria eman arren, politikei buruzko erabaki estrategikoak hartzeko beharrezko informazioa, berriz, ez ematea. ; The aim of policy analysis and evaluation is to provide objective information to program managers, decisions makers and users on the costs and effects of public programmes. The following case -a program developed under the framework of the European initiative EQUAL- illustrates this idea. It is about a European programme in which the responsible administration manages correctly and achieves acceptable results. However, an investigation based on detailed interviews to thirty randomly selected users shows that the usual standardised evaluation does not respond to fundamental questions about the public value of the programme. It can be questioned therefore that, the evaluations which have developed in Europe during the last years is able to adapt to each project and produce useful information. The evidence they collect may be useful for the basic comparison of projects but not to take strategic decisions.
Spanish Evaluation Practice Versus Program Evaluation Theory: Cases from Five Policy Areas
In: Evaluation: the international journal of theory, research and practice, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 149-170
ISSN: 1461-7153
In this article, a contrast is made between evaluation theory and practice. For this purpose, a typology is constructed that is based on seven authors and nine dimensions, and presents examples of evaluations in various policy areas in Spain. It is anticipated that there will be a mismatch between theory and practice. This can be explained by the difficulties government evaluators have finding the data, time and resources to apply the techniques and conduct the types of evaluation that scholars consider academically excellent. It can also be explained by the fact that government evaluators and decision-makers, in a national context where there is no pressure for experimental methods, choose to produce information on a broader set of measures that gives them insights on both program effectiveness and organizational performance, but does not inform them on whether there is a causal relation between government programs and observed effects. From the five examples of the practice of evaluation in Spain, it is observed that practical evaluation can provide a good 'picture' of the relative effectiveness and efficiency of government programs. It is also observed that evaluation results fit the type of information which program managers and stakeholders expect, increasing the chances of evaluation studies being effectively used. Finally, for these five examples, the evaluators performed very much as controllers would do in the private sector, where there is no concern for the type of causality academics try to find between program features and the consequences of programs.
Gestion publica, análisis y evaluacion de politicas
In: Revista de estudios políticos, Heft 97, S. 223-248
ISSN: 0048-7694
Factores de éxito en la resolución de dilemas sociales (Una aplicación a partir de la teoría de los juegos repetidos)
In: Revista de estudios políticos, Heft 85, S. 181-196
ISSN: 0048-7694
Evaluacion de politicas (Marco conceptual y organizacion institucional)
In: Revista de estudios políticos, Heft 80, S. 199
ISSN: 0048-7694
La evaluación de la actividad y rendimiento de la Policía
In: Documentación administrativa, Heft 224-225
ISSN: 1989-8983
La motivación para el servicio público de los altos funcionarios españoles medida y efectos
In: Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas: ReiS, Heft 154, S. 65-82
ISSN: 1988-5903
Este artículo presenta el concepto de motivación para el servicio público (MSP) en el contexto español y su posible utilidad como instrumento de gestión pública para evaluar si los empleados de los servicios públicos están motivados por valores públicos. En el artículo se analiza la relación entre MSP y dos de las principales actitudes, compromiso organizacional y satisfacción en el trabajo, que la literatura ha considerado consecuencias posibles de tener un elevado nivel de MSP. Los resultados muestran una relación positiva entre MSP y compromiso organizativo pero no entre MSP y satisfacción en el trabajo. Este tipo de investigación tiene un elevado grado de aplicabilidad en gestión de personal
Transformational Leadership, Basic Needs Satisfaction and Public Service Motivation: Evidence from Social Workers in Catalonia
In: International journal of public administration, Band 47, Heft 12, S. 820-830
ISSN: 1532-4265
Measuring performance concerning air and noise pollution: a comparison of Madrid's official data and results from a citizen survey
In: Local government studies, Band 49, Heft 6, S. 1386-1409
ISSN: 1743-9388
Judging unethical behavior: the different effects of external and public service motivation
In: International public management journal, Band 23, Heft 5, S. 631-649
ISSN: 1559-3169
Gaining public control on health policy: the politics of scaling up to universal health coverage in Uruguay
In: Social theory & health, Band 17, Heft 3, S. 348-366
ISSN: 1477-822X