6 Ergebnisse
Fair Representation in the European Parliament
In: Journal of common market studies: JCMS, Band 20, Heft 4, S. 361-373
ISSN: 1468-5965
Parliamentary Representation and the Amalgam Method
In: Canadian journal of political science: CJPS = Revue canadienne de science politique, Band 14, Heft 4, S. 797-812
ISSN: 1744-9324
Cet article explique en termes strictement opératoires la méthode dite de » l'amalgame « prévue par la loi pour répartir entre les provinces les sièges au Parlement canadien.L'histoire politique canadienne et le sens commun suggèrent quelques principes fondamentaux d'équité qui devraient s'appliquer à toute méthode de répartition des sièges an Parlement. Malheureusement, le méthode de l'amalgame ne répond à aucun de ces principes.Il y a une seule méthode qui réponde à tons ces critères: elle est beaucoup plus simple que celle de l'amalgame, et c'est fondamentalement la méthode originellement incorporée à l'Acte de l'Amérique du Nord Britannique de 1867.
Stability, Coalitions and Schisms in Proportional Representation Systems
In: American political science review, Band 72, Heft 3, S. 848-858
ISSN: 1537-5943
Methods to allocate seats in proportional representation systems are investigated in terms of underlying common-sense properties. Important among these are concepts of stability, coalition encouragement and schism encouragement. In addition, a new concept of uniformity is introduced which seems inherent in the very idea of the word "method, " and it is shown that this concept is essentially equivalent to a previously investigated property called consistency. These and other criteria are shown to uniquely determine certain methods. In particular, the Jefferson method (incorrectly credited to d'Hondt) and the Quota method are given characterizations which commend them as the principal candidates for use in PR systems.
A New Method for Congressional Apportionment
The problem of Congressional apportionment is explained together with a brief history of the methods used or considered for its solution. Reasons are given for rejecting the presently used method of equal proportions and for accepting a new method, the quota method, which is the unique method satisfying three essential axioms.
In: American political science review, Band 73, Heft 2, S. 552-553
ISSN: 1537-5943