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59 Ergebnisse
In: Global networks: a journal of transnational affairs, Band 23, Heft 1, S. 160-173
ISSN: 1471-0374
AbstractThis paper reflects on four decades of research (via ethnographic returning) to explore the social transformations in travel and communication technologies that have impacted the lived experiences, and consequently the theoretical conceptualization, of migrant visits. A comparison of migration waves between Italy and Australia reveals both continuities in visiting experience as deeply relational practices that facilitate a mutuality of being, but also transformations brought about by the technological turn. Visits take on different meanings depending on individual/ family life stage, generation, and community and national histories. The capacity for both physical and virtual copresence must be understood as coconstitutive, requiring a temporal perspective. The experiences of immobile migrants in residential care suggest that, in the context of rich histories of copresence over time, digital kinning can provide the capacity to share a mutuality of being that safeguards the socio‐relational ties of individual and collective identities and belonging that make us human.
In: Global networks: a journal of transnational affairs, Band 16, Heft 2, S. 145-163
ISSN: 1471-0374
In: Emotion, space and society, Band 16, S. 81-89
ISSN: 1755-4586
In: Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques: RS&A, Band 41, Heft 1, S. 15-37
ISSN: 2033-7485
In: Enfances, familles, générations: EFG, Heft 6
ISSN: 1708-6310
Pour la plupart, les relations d'aide intergénérationnelle transnationale ont été centrées sur la prise en nourrice et la garde d'enfants. En revanche, le présent article s'intéresse à l'échange d'aide transnationale entre des immigrés établis en Australie et leurs parents vieillissants « restés au pays », ce qui est en contradiction avec l'idée que l'aide ne peut s'opérer que dans un contexte de proximité physique. Le modèle d'aide transnationale de Baldassar, Baldock et Wilding (2007) est appliqué à deux groupes de familles récemment immigrées en Australie: des immigrés italiens qualifiés et des réfugiés humanitaires afghans, dont plusieurs sont aussi des cols blancs. Bien que les deux groupes d'immigrés soient arrivés en Australie depuis 1980, munis de diplômes professionnels, leurs familles diffèrent sensiblement pour ce qui est de leur capacité, leur obligation et leurs engagements à échanger de l'aide à distance. Dans ce contexte, le moment de l'arrivée et les qualifications professionnelles sont moins pertinents que les autres facteurs qui nuisent aux pratiques et procédés d'aide transnationale. Parmi les facteurs particulièrement importants, notons les conditions économiques et sociales des familles dans le pays d'origine; les trajectoires d'établissement et d'intégration des immigrés dans leur pays d'accueil ainsi que la disponibilité des services de bien-être et des infrastructures de communications dans chaque pays.
In: Journal of ethnic and migration studies: JEMS, Band 33, Heft 2, S. 275-297
ISSN: 1469-9451
In: Journal of ethnic and migration studies: JEMS, Band 33, Heft 2, S. 275-298
ISSN: 1369-183X
In: Identities: global studies in culture and power, Band 14, Heft 4, S. 385-410
ISSN: 1070-289X
In: Identities: global studies in culture and power, Band 14, Heft 4, S. 385-409
ISSN: 1547-3384
In: Journal of ethnic and migration studies: JEMS, Band 33, Heft 2
ISSN: 1369-183X
In: Journal of sociology: the journal of the Australian Sociological Association, Band 35, Heft 1, S. 1-22
ISSN: 1741-2978
Using an ethnographic account of weddings and network activities among Italo-Australian youth in Perth, and, in particular, a symbolic analysis of garters and bouquets, this paper explores the intersections of ethnicity, gender and sexuality, and reviews social scientific theories of ethnic identity and cultural transmission. By investigating the double standard-where men are free to be sexually active and women are not-it confronts some of the stereotypes about 'second generation Australians' and 'culture clash', female oppression and the control of sexuality. Of particular concern is the way that some Italo-Australian women perceive sexual freedom in Australian society. The paper argues that the moral community represented by the youth network and, in particular, the challenges posed by it to the traditional model of female honour, allow for significant generational changes in the construction of ethnic identity. By analysing how identities are constructed and articulated across difference, and how 'this kind of relativising' is 'embodied in the habitus [cf. Bourdieu 1977] of the second generation' (Bottomley 1992a: 132), the paper explodes homogeneous conceptions of what is Italian, and ltalo-Australian culture.
In: Australian and New Zealand journal of sociology, Band 33, Heft 2, S. 242-244
ISSN: 1839-2555
In: Routledge research in transnationalism 29
Part A. Conceptualising care circulation -- Part B. Care circulation : theoretical and empirical considerations -- Part C. Gendered care circuits : exploring absence beyond mother-child dyads -- Part D. The mobilities of care as a resource withing and beyond transnational families.